2020-06-27 14:19:43 +08:00
const Table = require('cli-table3')
const dayjs = require('dayjs')
const axios = require('@viegg/axios')
const HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent')
const { db } = require('../db')
const { gen_count_body, validate_fid, real_copy } = require('./gd')
const { AUTH, DEFAULT_TARGET } = require('../config')
const { tg_token } = AUTH
if (!tg_token) throw new Error('请先在auth.js里设置tg_token')
const { https_proxy } = process.env
const axins = axios.create(https_proxy ? { httpsAgent: new HttpsProxyAgent(https_proxy) } : {})
module.exports = { send_count, send_help, sm, extract_fid, reply_cb_query, send_choice, send_task_info, send_all_tasks, tg_copy }
function send_help (chat_id) {
const text = `<pre>[使用帮助]
命令 | 说明
/help | 返回本条使用说明
/count shareID | 返回sourceID的文件统计信息, sourceID可以是google drive分享网址本身,也可以是分享ID
/copy sourceID targetID | 将sourceID的文件复制到targetID里(会新建一个文件夹),若不填targetID,则会复制到默认位置(在config.js里设置)。返回拷贝任务的taskID
/task taskID | 返回对应任务的进度信息,若不填则返回所有正在运行的任务进度,若填 all 则返回所有任务列表
return sm({ chat_id, text, parse_mode: 'HTML' })
function send_choice ({ fid, chat_id }) {
return sm({
text: `识别出分享ID ${fid},请选择动作`,
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
{ text: '文件统计', callback_data: `count ${fid}` },
{ text: '开始复制', callback_data: `copy ${fid}` }
async function send_all_tasks (chat_id) {
let records = db.prepare('select id, status, ctime from task').all()
if (!records.length) return sm({ chat_id, text: '数据库中没有任务记录' })
const tb = new Table({ style: { head: [], border: [] } })
const headers = ['ID', 'status', 'ctime']
records = records.map(v => {
const { id, status, ctime } = v
2020-06-27 14:25:50 +08:00
return [id, status, dayjs(ctime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')]
2020-06-27 14:19:43 +08:00
tb.push(headers, ...records)
const text = tb.toString().replace(/─/g, '—')
const url = `https://api.telegram.org/bot${tg_token}/sendMessage`
return axins.post(url, {
parse_mode: 'HTML',
text: `所有拷贝任务:\n<pre>${text}</pre>`
}).catch(async err => {
const description = err.response && err.response.data && err.response.data.description
if (description && description.includes('message is too long')) {
const text = [headers].concat(records).map(v => v.join('\t')).join('\n')
return sm({ chat_id, parse_mode: 'HTML', text: `所有拷贝任务:\n<pre>${text}</pre>` })
async function send_task_info ({ task_id, chat_id }) {
const record = db.prepare('select * from task where id=?').get(task_id)
if (!record) return sm({ chat_id, text: '数据库不存在此任务ID:' + task_id })
const gen_link = fid => `<a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/${fid}">${fid}</a>`
const { source, target, status, copied, mapping, ctime, ftime } = record
const { summary } = db.prepare('select summary from gd where fid=?').get(source) || {}
const { file_count, folder_count, total_size } = summary ? JSON.parse(summary) : {}
const copied_files = copied ? copied.trim().split('\n').length : 0
const copied_folders = mapping ? (mapping.trim().split('\n').length - 1) : 0
let text = '任务编号:' + task_id + '\n'
text += '源ID:' + gen_link(source) + '\n'
text += '目的ID:' + gen_link(target) + '\n'
text += '任务状态:' + status + '\n'
2020-06-27 14:25:50 +08:00
text += '创建时间:' + dayjs(ctime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') + '\n'
text += '完成时间:' + (ftime ? dayjs(ftime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : '未完成') + '\n'
2020-06-27 14:19:43 +08:00
text += '目录进度:' + copied_folders + '/' + (folder_count === undefined ? '未知数量' : folder_count) + '\n'
text += '文件进度:' + copied_files + '/' + (file_count === undefined ? '未知数量' : file_count) + '\n'
text += '总大小:' + (total_size || '未知大小')
return sm({ chat_id, text, parse_mode: 'HTML' })
async function tg_copy ({ fid, target, chat_id }) { // return task_id
target = target || DEFAULT_TARGET
if (!target) {
sm({ chat_id, text: '请输入目的地ID或先在config.js里设置默认复制目的地ID(DEFAULT_TARGET)' })
let record = db.prepare('select id, status from task where source=? and target=?').get(fid, target)
if (record) {
if (record.status === 'copying') {
sm({ chat_id, text: '已有相同源ID和目的ID的任务正在进行,查询进度可输入 /task ' + record.id })
} else if (record.status === 'finished') {
sm({ chat_id, text: '有相同源ID和目的ID的任务已复制完成,如需重新复制请更换目的地' })
real_copy({ source: fid, target, not_teamdrive: true, service_account: true, is_server: true })
.then(folder => {
if (!record) record = {} // 防止无限循环
if (!folder) return
const link = 'https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/' + folder.id
sm({ chat_id, text: `${fid} 复制完成,新文件夹链接:${link}` })
.catch(err => {
if (!record) record = {}
console.error('复制失败', fid, '-->', target)
sm({ chat_id, text: '复制失败,失败消息:' + err.message })
while (!record) {
record = db.prepare('select id from task where source=? and target=?').get(fid, target)
await sleep(1000)
return record.id
function sleep (ms) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
function reply_cb_query ({ id, data }) {
const url = `https://api.telegram.org/bot${tg_token}/answerCallbackQuery`
return axins.post(url, {
callback_query_id: id,
text: '开始执行 ' + data
async function send_count ({ fid, chat_id }) {
const table = await gen_count_body({ fid, type: 'tg', service_account: true })
const url = `https://api.telegram.org/bot${tg_token}/sendMessage`
const gd_link = `https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/${fid}`
return axins.post(url, {
parse_mode: 'HTML',
text: `<pre>${gd_link}
}).catch(async err => {
const description = err.response && err.response.data && err.response.data.description
if (description && description.includes('message is too long')) {
const smy = await gen_count_body({ fid, type: 'json', service_account: true })
const { file_count, folder_count, total_size } = JSON.parse(smy)
return sm({
parse_mode: 'HTML',
text: `文件统计:<a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/${fid}">${fid}</a>\n<pre>
throw err
function sm (data) {
const url = `https://api.telegram.org/bot${tg_token}/sendMessage`
return axins.post(url, data).catch(err => {
console.error('fail to post', url, data)
function extract_fid (text) {
text = text.replace(/^\/count/, '').replace(/^\/copy/, '').trim()
const [source, target] = text.split(' ').map(v => v.trim())
if (validate_fid(source)) return source
try {
if (!text.startsWith('http')) text = 'https://' + text
const u = new URL(text)
if (u.pathname.includes('/folders/')) {
const reg = /\/folders\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{10,100})/
const match = u.pathname.match(reg)
return match && match[1]
return u.searchParams.get('id')
} catch (e) {
return ''