@ -8,52 +8,10 @@
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "CoreServices.h"
#import "Shared.h"
#import <mach-o/getsect.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import <mach/mach.h>
#import <mach-o/loader.h>
#import <mach-o/nlist.h>
#import <mach-o/reloc.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld_images.h>
#import <mach-o/fat.h>
#import <sys/utsname.h>
#import <SpringBoardServices/SpringBoardServices.h>
#ifdef __LP64__
#define segment_command_universal segment_command_64
#define mach_header_universal mach_header_64
#define segment_command_universal segment_command
#define mach_header_universal mach_header
#define SWAP32(x) ((((x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((x) & 0xff0000) >> 8) | (((x) & 0xff00) << 8) | (((x) & 0xff) << 24))
uint32_t s32(uint32_t toSwap, BOOL shouldSwap)
return shouldSwap ? SWAP32(toSwap) : toSwap;
#define CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64E_NEW_ABI 0x80000002
struct CSSuperBlob {
uint32_t magic;
uint32_t length;
uint32_t count;
struct CSBlob {
uint32_t type;
uint32_t offset;
#import <Security/Security.h>
extern mach_msg_return_t SBReloadIconForIdentifier(mach_port_t machport, const char* identifier);
@ -65,6 +23,27 @@ extern NSString* BKSOpenApplicationOptionKeyActivateForEvent;
extern void BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription(NSString *bundleID, int reasonID, bool report, NSString *description);
typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, SecCSFlags) {
kSecCSDefaultFlags = 0
#define kSecCSRequirementInformation 1 << 2
#define kSecCSSigningInformation 1 << 1
typedef struct __SecCode const *SecStaticCodeRef;
extern CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoEntitlementsDict;
extern CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoCertificates;
extern CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneApplicationSigning;
extern CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneProfileApplicationSigning;
extern CFStringRef kSecPolicyLeafMarkerOid;
OSStatus SecStaticCodeCreateWithPathAndAttributes(CFURLRef path, SecCSFlags flags, CFDictionaryRef attributes, SecStaticCodeRef *staticCode);
OSStatus SecCodeCopySigningInformation(SecStaticCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags, CFDictionaryRef *information);
CFDataRef SecCertificateCopyExtensionValue(SecCertificateRef certificate, CFTypeRef extensionOID, bool *isCritical);
void SecPolicySetOptionsValue(SecPolicyRef policy, CFStringRef key, CFTypeRef value);
#define kCFPreferencesNoContainer CFSTR("kCFPreferencesNoContainer")
typedef CFPropertyListRef (*_CFPreferencesCopyValueWithContainerType)(CFStringRef key, CFStringRef applicationID, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, CFStringRef containerPath);
@ -221,117 +200,219 @@ int runLdid(NSArray* args, NSString** output, NSString** errorOutput)
return WEXITSTATUS(status);
NSDictionary* dumpEntitlements(NSString* binaryPath)
SecStaticCodeRef getStaticCodeRef(NSString *binaryPath)
char* entitlementsData = NULL;
uint32_t entitlementsLength = 0;
FILE* machoFile = fopen(binaryPath.UTF8String, "rb");
struct mach_header_universal header;
if(header.magic == FAT_MAGIC || header.magic == FAT_CIGAM)
if(binaryPath == nil)
struct fat_header fatHeader;
BOOL swpFat = fatHeader.magic == FAT_CIGAM;
for(int i = 0; i < s32(fatHeader.nfat_arch, swpFat); i++)
struct fat_arch fatArch;
fseek(machoFile,sizeof(fatHeader) + sizeof(fatArch) * i,SEEK_SET);
if(s32(fatArch.cputype, swpFat) != CPU_TYPE_ARM64)
fseek(machoFile,s32(fatArch.offset, swpFat),SEEK_SET);
struct mach_header_universal header;
BOOL swp = header.magic == MH_CIGAM_UNIVERSAL;
// This code is cursed, don't stare at it too long or it will stare back at you
uint32_t offset = s32(fatArch.offset, swpFat) + sizeof(header);
for(int c = 0; c < s32(header.ncmds, swp); c++)
struct load_command cmd;
uint32_t normalizedCmd = s32(cmd.cmd,swp);
if(normalizedCmd == LC_CODE_SIGNATURE)
struct linkedit_data_command codeSignCommand;
uint32_t codeSignCmdOffset = s32(fatArch.offset, swpFat) + s32(codeSignCommand.dataoff, swp);
fseek(machoFile, codeSignCmdOffset, SEEK_SET);
struct CSSuperBlob superBlob;
fread(&superBlob, sizeof(superBlob), 1, machoFile);
if(SWAP32(superBlob.magic) == CS_MAGIC_EMBEDDED_SIGNATURE)
uint32_t itemCount = SWAP32(superBlob.count);
for(int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
fseek(machoFile, codeSignCmdOffset + sizeof(superBlob) + i * sizeof(struct CSBlob),SEEK_SET);
struct CSBlob blob;
fread(&blob, sizeof(struct CSBlob), 1, machoFile);
fseek(machoFile, codeSignCmdOffset + SWAP32(blob.offset),SEEK_SET);
uint32_t blobMagic;
fread(&blobMagic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, machoFile);
uint32_t entitlementsLengthTmp;
fread(&entitlementsLengthTmp, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, machoFile);
entitlementsLength = SWAP32(entitlementsLengthTmp);
entitlementsData = malloc(entitlementsLength - 8);
fread(&entitlementsData[0], entitlementsLength - 8, 1, machoFile);
offset += cmd.cmdsize;
return NULL;
NSData* entitlementsNSData = nil;
CFURLRef binaryURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef)binaryPath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
if(binaryURL == NULL)
entitlementsNSData = [NSData dataWithBytes:entitlementsData length:entitlementsLength];
NSLog(@"[getStaticCodeRef] failed to get URL to binary %@", binaryPath);
return NULL;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = NULL;
OSStatus result;
result = SecStaticCodeCreateWithPathAndAttributes(binaryURL, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, &codeRef);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSDictionary* plist = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:entitlementsNSData options:NSPropertyListImmutable format:nil error:nil];
NSLog(@"%@ dumped entitlements %@", binaryPath, plist);
return plist;
NSLog(@"[getStaticCodeRef] failed to create static code for binary %@", binaryPath);
return NULL;
return codeRef;
NSDictionary* dumpEntitlements(SecStaticCodeRef codeRef)
if(codeRef == NULL)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] attempting to dump entitlements without a StaticCodeRef");
return nil;
CFDictionaryRef signingInfo = NULL;
OSStatus result;
result = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(codeRef, kSecCSRequirementInformation, &signingInfo);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] failed to copy signing info from static code");
return nil;
NSDictionary *entitlementsNSDict = nil;
CFDictionaryRef entitlements = CFDictionaryGetValue(signingInfo, kSecCodeInfoEntitlementsDict);
if(entitlements == NULL)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] no entitlements specified");
else if(CFGetTypeID(entitlements) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] invalid entitlements");
NSLog(@"Failed to dump entitlements of %@... This is bad", binaryPath);
entitlementsNSDict = (__bridge NSDictionary *)(entitlements);
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] dumped %@", entitlementsNSDict);
return nil;
return entitlementsNSDict;
NSDictionary* dumpEntitlementsFromBinaryAtPath(NSString *binaryPath)
// This function is intended for one-shot checks. Main-event functions should retain/release their own SecStaticCodeRefs
if(binaryPath == nil)
return nil;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = getStaticCodeRef(binaryPath);
if(codeRef == NULL)
return nil;
NSDictionary *entitlements = dumpEntitlements(codeRef);
return entitlements;
BOOL certificateHasDataForExtensionOID(SecCertificateRef certificate, CFStringRef oidString)
if(certificate == NULL || oidString == NULL)
NSLog(@"[certificateHasDataForExtensionOID] attempted to check null certificate or OID");
return NO;
CFDataRef extensionData = SecCertificateCopyExtensionValue(certificate, oidString, NULL);
if(extensionData != NULL)
return YES;
return NO;
BOOL codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions(SecStaticCodeRef codeRef)
if(codeRef == NULL)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] attempted to check cert chain of null static code object");
return NO;
CFDictionaryRef signingInfo = NULL;
OSStatus result;
result = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(codeRef, kSecCSSigningInformation, &signingInfo);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] failed to copy signing info from static code");
return NO;
CFArrayRef certificates = CFDictionaryGetValue(signingInfo, kSecCodeInfoCertificates);
if(certificates == NULL || CFArrayGetCount(certificates) == 0)
return NO;
// If we match the standard Apple policy, we are signed properly, but we haven't been deliberately signed with a custom root
SecPolicyRef appleAppStorePolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneApplicationSigning, NULL);
SecTrustRef trust = NULL;
SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificates, appleAppStorePolicy, &trust);
if(SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil))
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] found certificate extension, but was issued by Apple (App Store)");
return NO;
// We haven't matched Apple, so keep going. Is the app profile signed?
SecPolicyRef appleProfileSignedPolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneProfileApplicationSigning, NULL);
if(SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, appleProfileSignedPolicy) != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] error replacing trust policy to check for profile-signed app");
return NO;
if(SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil))
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] found certificate extension, but was issued by Apple (profile-signed)");
return NO;
// Still haven't matched Apple. Are we using a custom root that would take the App Store fastpath?
// Cert chain should be of length 3
if(CFArrayGetCount(certificates) != 3)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] certificate chain length != 3");
return NO;
// AppleCodeSigning only checks for the codeSigning EKU by default
SecPolicyRef customRootPolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleCodeSigning, NULL);
SecPolicySetOptionsValue(customRootPolicy, CFSTR("LeafMarkerOid"), CFSTR("1.2.840.113635."));
if(SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, customRootPolicy) != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] error replacing trust policy to check for custom root");
return NO;
// Need to add our certificate chain to the anchor as it is expected to be a self-signed root
SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust, certificates);
BOOL evaluatesToCustomAnchor = SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil);
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] app signed with non-Apple certificate %@ using valid custom certificates", evaluatesToCustomAnchor ? @"IS" : @"is NOT");
return evaluatesToCustomAnchor;
BOOL signApp(NSString* appPath, NSError** error)
if(!isLdidInstalled()) return NO;
NSDictionary* appInfoDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[appPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Info.plist"]];
if(!appInfoDict) return NO;
@ -339,13 +420,45 @@ BOOL signApp(NSString* appPath, NSError** error)
NSString* executablePath = [appPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:executable];
if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:executablePath]) return NO;
NSObject *tsBundleIsPreSigned = appInfoDict[@"TSBundlePreSigned"];
if([tsBundleIsPreSigned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
// if TSBundlePreSigned = YES, this bundle has been externally signed so we can skip over signing it now
NSNumber *tsBundleIsPreSignedNum = (NSNumber *)tsBundleIsPreSigned;
if([tsBundleIsPreSignedNum boolValue] == YES)
NSLog(@"[signApp] taking fast path for app which declares it has already been signed (%@)", executablePath);
return YES;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = getStaticCodeRef(executablePath);
if(codeRef != NULL)
NSLog(@"[signApp] taking fast path for app signed using a custom root certificate (%@)", executablePath);
return YES;
NSLog(@"[signApp] failed to get static code, can't derive entitlements from %@, continuing anways...", executablePath);
if(!isLdidInstalled()) return NO;
NSString* certPath = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"cert.p12"];
NSString* certArg = [@"-K" stringByAppendingPathComponent:certPath];
NSString* errorOutput;
int ldidRet;
NSDictionary* entitlements = dumpEntitlements(executablePath);
NSDictionary* entitlements = dumpEntitlements(codeRef);
NSLog(@"app main binary has no entitlements, signing app with fallback entitlements...");
@ -371,9 +484,23 @@ BOOL signApp(NSString* appPath, NSError** error)
return ldidRet == 0;
void applyPatchesToInfoDictionary(NSString* appPath)
NSURL* appURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath];
NSURL* infoPlistURL = [appURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Info.plist"];
NSMutableDictionary* infoDictM = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:infoPlistURL error:nil] mutableCopy];
if(!infoDictM) return;
// enable notifications
infoDictM[@"SBAppUsesLocalNotifications"] = @1;
[infoDictM writeToURL:infoPlistURL error:nil];
// 170: failed to create container for app bundle
// 171: a non trollstore app with the same identifier is already installled
// 172: no info.plist found in app
// 173: app is not signed and cannot be signed because ldid not installed or didn't work
int installApp(NSString* appPath, BOOL sign, BOOL force, NSError** error)
NSLog(@"[installApp force = %d]", force);
@ -381,10 +508,11 @@ int installApp(NSString* appPath, BOOL sign, BOOL force, NSError** error)
NSString* appId = appIdForAppPath(appPath);
if(!appId) return 172;
// if it fails to sign, we don't care
signApp(appPath, error);
if(!signApp(appPath, error)) return 173;
BOOL existed;
@ -420,13 +548,25 @@ int installApp(NSString* appPath, BOOL sign, BOOL force, NSError** error)
// Mark app as TrollStore app
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:trollStoreMarkURL.path contents:[NSData data] attributes:nil];
// Apply correct permissions
NSDirectoryEnumerator *enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath] includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:0 errorHandler:nil];
// Apply correct permissions (First run, set everything to 644, owner 33)
NSDirectoryEnumerator *enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath] includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:0 errorHandler:nil];
while(fileURL = [enumerator nextObject])
NSString* filePath = fileURL.path;
chown(filePath.UTF8String, 33, 33);
chmod(filePath.UTF8String, 0644);
// Apply correct permissions (Second run, set executables and directories to 0755)
enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath] includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:0 errorHandler:nil];
while(fileURL = [enumerator nextObject])
NSString* filePath = fileURL.path;
BOOL isDir;
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:fileURL.path isDirectory:&isDir];
if([filePath.lastPathComponent isEqualToString:@"Info.plist"])
NSDictionary* infoDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
@ -437,10 +577,15 @@ int installApp(NSString* appPath, BOOL sign, BOOL force, NSError** error)
chmod(executablePath.UTF8String, 0755);
else if([filePath.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"dylib"])
else if(!isDir && [filePath.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"dylib"])
chmod(filePath.UTF8String, 0755);
else if(isDir)
// apparently all dirs are writable by default
chmod(filePath.UTF8String, 0755);
// chown 0 all root binaries
@ -502,17 +647,10 @@ int installApp(NSString* appPath, BOOL sign, BOOL force, NSError** error)
int uninstallApp(NSString* appId, NSError** error)
int uninstallApp(NSString* appPath, NSString* appId, NSError** error)
NSString* appPath = appPathForAppId(appId, error);
if(!appPath) return 1;
LSApplicationProxy* appProxy = [LSApplicationProxy applicationProxyForIdentifier:appId];
NSLog(@"appProxy: %@", appProxy);
MCMContainer *appContainer = [objc_getClass("MCMAppDataContainer") containerWithIdentifier:appId createIfNecessary:NO existed:nil error:nil];
NSString *containerPath = [appContainer url].path;
@ -524,8 +662,8 @@ int uninstallApp(NSString* appId, NSError** error)
// delete group container paths
[[appProxy groupContainerURLs] enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString* groupID, NSURL* groupURL, BOOL* stop)
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:groupURL error:nil];
NSLog(@"deleting %@", groupURL);
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:groupURL error:nil];
// delete app plugin paths
@ -534,15 +672,15 @@ int uninstallApp(NSString* appId, NSError** error)
NSURL* pluginURL = pluginProxy.dataContainerURL;
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:pluginURL.path error:error];
NSLog(@"deleting %@", pluginURL.path);
NSLog(@"deleting %@", pluginURL);
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:pluginURL error:error];
// unregister app
registerPath((char*)appPath.UTF8String, 1);
NSLog(@"deleting %@", [appPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]);
NSLog(@"deleting %@", [appPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]);
// delete app
BOOL deleteSuc = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[appPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] error:error];
@ -555,6 +693,22 @@ int uninstallApp(NSString* appId, NSError** error)
int uninstallAppByPath(NSString* appPath, NSError** error)
if(!appPath) return 1;
NSString* appId = appIdForAppPath(appPath);
if(!appId) return 1;
return uninstallApp(appPath, appId, error);
int uninstallAppById(NSString* appId, NSError** error)
if(!appId) return 1;
NSString* appPath = appPathForAppId(appId, error);
if(!appPath) return 1;
return uninstallApp(appPath, appId, error);
// 166: IPA does not exist or is not accessible
// 167: IPA does not appear to contain an app
@ -597,7 +751,7 @@ void uninstallAllApps(void)
for(NSString* appPath in trollStoreInstalledAppBundlePaths())
uninstallApp(appIdForAppPath(appPath), nil);
uninstallAppById(appIdForAppPath(appPath), nil);
@ -811,8 +965,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) {
if(argc <= 2) return -3;
NSString* appId = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[2]];
ret = uninstallApp(appId, &error);
} else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"install-trollstore"])
ret = uninstallAppById(appId, &error);
} else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"uninstall-path"])
if(argc <= 2) return -3;
NSString* appPath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[2]];
ret = uninstallAppByPath(appPath, &error);
}else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"install-trollstore"])
if(argc <= 2) return -3;
NSString* tsTar = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[2]];