mirror of https://github.com/opa334/TrollStore.git synced 2025-02-18 19:45:40 +08:00

Fix intendation

This commit is contained in:
opa334 2022-09-06 01:04:45 +02:00
parent 4d2bfbf667
commit 7d0f525f51

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ extern NSString* BKSOpenApplicationOptionKeyActivateForEvent;
extern void BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription(NSString *bundleID, int reasonID, bool report, NSString *description);
typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, SecCSFlags) {
kSecCSDefaultFlags = 0
kSecCSDefaultFlags = 0
@ -202,213 +202,213 @@ int runLdid(NSArray* args, NSString** output, NSString** errorOutput)
SecStaticCodeRef getStaticCodeRef(NSString *binaryPath)
if(binaryPath == nil)
return NULL;
CFURLRef binaryURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef)binaryPath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
if(binaryURL == NULL)
NSLog(@"[getStaticCodeRef] failed to get URL to binary %@", binaryPath);
return NULL;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = NULL;
OSStatus result;
result = SecStaticCodeCreateWithPathAndAttributes(binaryURL, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, &codeRef);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[getStaticCodeRef] failed to create static code for binary %@", binaryPath);
return NULL;
return codeRef;
if(binaryPath == nil)
return NULL;
CFURLRef binaryURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef)binaryPath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
if(binaryURL == NULL)
NSLog(@"[getStaticCodeRef] failed to get URL to binary %@", binaryPath);
return NULL;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = NULL;
OSStatus result;
result = SecStaticCodeCreateWithPathAndAttributes(binaryURL, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, &codeRef);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[getStaticCodeRef] failed to create static code for binary %@", binaryPath);
return NULL;
return codeRef;
NSDictionary* dumpEntitlements(SecStaticCodeRef codeRef)
if(codeRef == NULL)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] attempting to dump entitlements without a StaticCodeRef");
return nil;
CFDictionaryRef signingInfo = NULL;
OSStatus result;
result = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(codeRef, kSecCSRequirementInformation, &signingInfo);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] failed to copy signing info from static code");
return nil;
NSDictionary *entitlementsNSDict = nil;
CFDictionaryRef entitlements = CFDictionaryGetValue(signingInfo, kSecCodeInfoEntitlementsDict);
if(entitlements == NULL)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] no entitlements specified");
else if(CFGetTypeID(entitlements) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] invalid entitlements");
entitlementsNSDict = (__bridge NSDictionary *)(entitlements);
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] dumped %@", entitlementsNSDict);
return entitlementsNSDict;
if(codeRef == NULL)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] attempting to dump entitlements without a StaticCodeRef");
return nil;
CFDictionaryRef signingInfo = NULL;
OSStatus result;
result = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(codeRef, kSecCSRequirementInformation, &signingInfo);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] failed to copy signing info from static code");
return nil;
NSDictionary *entitlementsNSDict = nil;
CFDictionaryRef entitlements = CFDictionaryGetValue(signingInfo, kSecCodeInfoEntitlementsDict);
if(entitlements == NULL)
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] no entitlements specified");
else if(CFGetTypeID(entitlements) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] invalid entitlements");
entitlementsNSDict = (__bridge NSDictionary *)(entitlements);
NSLog(@"[dumpEntitlements] dumped %@", entitlementsNSDict);
return entitlementsNSDict;
NSDictionary* dumpEntitlementsFromBinaryAtPath(NSString *binaryPath)
// This function is intended for one-shot checks. Main-event functions should retain/release their own SecStaticCodeRefs
if(binaryPath == nil)
return nil;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = getStaticCodeRef(binaryPath);
if(codeRef == NULL)
return nil;
NSDictionary *entitlements = dumpEntitlements(codeRef);
return entitlements;
// This function is intended for one-shot checks. Main-event functions should retain/release their own SecStaticCodeRefs
if(binaryPath == nil)
return nil;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = getStaticCodeRef(binaryPath);
if(codeRef == NULL)
return nil;
NSDictionary *entitlements = dumpEntitlements(codeRef);
return entitlements;
BOOL certificateHasDataForExtensionOID(SecCertificateRef certificate, CFStringRef oidString)
if(certificate == NULL || oidString == NULL)
NSLog(@"[certificateHasDataForExtensionOID] attempted to check null certificate or OID");
return NO;
CFDataRef extensionData = SecCertificateCopyExtensionValue(certificate, oidString, NULL);
if(extensionData != NULL)
return YES;
return NO;
if(certificate == NULL || oidString == NULL)
NSLog(@"[certificateHasDataForExtensionOID] attempted to check null certificate or OID");
return NO;
CFDataRef extensionData = SecCertificateCopyExtensionValue(certificate, oidString, NULL);
if(extensionData != NULL)
return YES;
return NO;
BOOL codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions(SecStaticCodeRef codeRef)
if(codeRef == NULL)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] attempted to check cert chain of null static code object");
return NO;
CFDictionaryRef signingInfo = NULL;
OSStatus result;
if(codeRef == NULL)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] attempted to check cert chain of null static code object");
return NO;
CFDictionaryRef signingInfo = NULL;
OSStatus result;
result = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(codeRef, kSecCSSigningInformation, &signingInfo);
result = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(codeRef, kSecCSSigningInformation, &signingInfo);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] failed to copy signing info from static code");
return NO;
CFArrayRef certificates = CFDictionaryGetValue(signingInfo, kSecCodeInfoCertificates);
if(result != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] failed to copy signing info from static code");
return NO;
CFArrayRef certificates = CFDictionaryGetValue(signingInfo, kSecCodeInfoCertificates);
if(certificates == NULL || CFArrayGetCount(certificates) == 0)
return NO;
// If we match the standard Apple policy, we are signed properly, but we haven't been deliberately signed with a custom root
SecPolicyRef appleAppStorePolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneApplicationSigning, NULL);
// If we match the standard Apple policy, we are signed properly, but we haven't been deliberately signed with a custom root
SecPolicyRef appleAppStorePolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneApplicationSigning, NULL);
SecTrustRef trust = NULL;
SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificates, appleAppStorePolicy, &trust);
SecTrustRef trust = NULL;
SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificates, appleAppStorePolicy, &trust);
if(SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil))
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] found certificate extension, but was issued by Apple (App Store)");
return NO;
if(SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil))
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] found certificate extension, but was issued by Apple (App Store)");
return NO;
// We haven't matched Apple, so keep going. Is the app profile signed?
SecPolicyRef appleProfileSignedPolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneProfileApplicationSigning, NULL);
if(SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, appleProfileSignedPolicy) != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] error replacing trust policy to check for profile-signed app");
return NO;
if(SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil))
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] found certificate extension, but was issued by Apple (profile-signed)");
return NO;
// Still haven't matched Apple. Are we using a custom root that would take the App Store fastpath?
// Cert chain should be of length 3
if(CFArrayGetCount(certificates) != 3)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] certificate chain length != 3");
return NO;
// AppleCodeSigning only checks for the codeSigning EKU by default
SecPolicyRef customRootPolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleCodeSigning, NULL);
SecPolicySetOptionsValue(customRootPolicy, CFSTR("LeafMarkerOid"), CFSTR("1.2.840.113635."));
if(SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, customRootPolicy) != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] error replacing trust policy to check for custom root");
return NO;
// We haven't matched Apple, so keep going. Is the app profile signed?
SecPolicyRef appleProfileSignedPolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneProfileApplicationSigning, NULL);
if(SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, appleProfileSignedPolicy) != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] error replacing trust policy to check for profile-signed app");
return NO;
if(SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil))
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] found certificate extension, but was issued by Apple (profile-signed)");
return NO;
// Still haven't matched Apple. Are we using a custom root that would take the App Store fastpath?
// Cert chain should be of length 3
if(CFArrayGetCount(certificates) != 3)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] certificate chain length != 3");
return NO;
// AppleCodeSigning only checks for the codeSigning EKU by default
SecPolicyRef customRootPolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleCodeSigning, NULL);
SecPolicySetOptionsValue(customRootPolicy, CFSTR("LeafMarkerOid"), CFSTR("1.2.840.113635."));
if(SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, customRootPolicy) != errSecSuccess)
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] error replacing trust policy to check for custom root");
return NO;
// Need to add our certificate chain to the anchor as it is expected to be a self-signed root
SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust, certificates);
BOOL evaluatesToCustomAnchor = SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil);
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] app signed with non-Apple certificate %@ using valid custom certificates", evaluatesToCustomAnchor ? @"IS" : @"is NOT");
return evaluatesToCustomAnchor;
// Need to add our certificate chain to the anchor as it is expected to be a self-signed root
SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust, certificates);
BOOL evaluatesToCustomAnchor = SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil);
NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] app signed with non-Apple certificate %@ using valid custom certificates", evaluatesToCustomAnchor ? @"IS" : @"is NOT");
return evaluatesToCustomAnchor;
BOOL signApp(NSString* appPath, NSError** error)
@ -420,33 +420,33 @@ BOOL signApp(NSString* appPath, NSError** error)
NSString* executablePath = [appPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:executable];
if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:executablePath]) return NO;
NSObject *tsBundleIsPreSigned = appInfoDict[@"TSBundlePreSigned"];
if([tsBundleIsPreSigned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
// if TSBundlePreSigned = YES, this bundle has been externally signed so we can skip over signing it now
NSNumber *tsBundleIsPreSignedNum = (NSNumber *)tsBundleIsPreSigned;
if([tsBundleIsPreSignedNum boolValue] == YES)
NSLog(@"[signApp] taking fast path for app which declares it has already been signed (%@)", executablePath);
return YES;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = getStaticCodeRef(executablePath);
if(codeRef != NULL)
NSObject *tsBundleIsPreSigned = appInfoDict[@"TSBundlePreSigned"];
if([tsBundleIsPreSigned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
// if TSBundlePreSigned = YES, this bundle has been externally signed so we can skip over signing it now
NSNumber *tsBundleIsPreSignedNum = (NSNumber *)tsBundleIsPreSigned;
if([tsBundleIsPreSignedNum boolValue] == YES)
NSLog(@"[signApp] taking fast path for app which declares it has already been signed (%@)", executablePath);
return YES;
SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = getStaticCodeRef(executablePath);
if(codeRef != NULL)
NSLog(@"[signApp] taking fast path for app signed using a custom root certificate (%@)", executablePath);
return YES;
NSLog(@"[signApp] failed to get static code, can't derive entitlements from %@, continuing anways...", executablePath);
NSLog(@"[signApp] failed to get static code, can't derive entitlements from %@, continuing anways...", executablePath);
if(!isLdidInstalled()) return NO;
@ -456,9 +456,9 @@ BOOL signApp(NSString* appPath, NSError** error)
NSString* errorOutput;
int ldidRet;
NSDictionary* entitlements = dumpEntitlements(codeRef);
NSDictionary* entitlements = dumpEntitlements(codeRef);
NSLog(@"app main binary has no entitlements, signing app with fallback entitlements...");