<p>Precaution 1: 3proxy was not initially developed for high load and is positioned as a SOHO product, the main reason is "one connection - one thread" model 3proxy uses. 3proxy is known to work with above 200,000 connections under proper configuration, but use it in production environment under high loads at your own risk and do not expect too much.
<p>Precaution 2: This documentation is incomplete and is not sufficient. High loads may require very specific system tuning including, but not limited to specific or cusomized kernels, builds, settings, sysctls, options, etc. All this is not covered by this documentation.
<h4>Configuring 'maxconn'</h4>
A number of simulatineous connections per service is limited by 'maxconn' option.
Default maxconn value since 3proxy 0.8 is 500. You may want to set 'maxconn'
to higher value. Under this configuration:
maxconn 1000
proxy -p3129
proxy -p3128
maxconn for every service is 1000, and there are 3 services running
(2 proxy and 1 socks), so, for all services there can be up to 3000
simulatineous connections to 3proxy.
<p>Avoid setting 'maxconn' to arbitrary high value, it should be carefully
choosen to protect system and proxy from resources exhaution. Setting maxconn
above resources available can lead to denial of service conditions.
<h4>Understanding resources requirements</h4>
Each running service require:
<li>1*thread (process)
<li>1*socket (file descriptor)
<li>1 stack memory segment + some heap memory, ~64K-128K depending on the system
Each connected client require:
<li>1*thread (process)
<li>2*socket (file descriptor). For FTP 4 sockets are required.
<br>1 additional socket (file descriptor) during name resolution for non-cached names
<br>1 additional socket during authentication or logging for RADIUS authentication or logging.
<li>1*ephemeral port (3*ephemeral ports for FTP connection).
<li>1 stack memory segment of ~32K-128K depending on the system + at least 16K and up to few MB (for 'proxy' and 'ftppr') of heap memory. If you are short of memory, prefer 'socks' to 'proxy' and 'ftppr'.
Also, additional resources like system buffers are required for network activity.
<h4>Setting ulimits</h4>
Hard and soft ulimits must be set above calculated requirements. Validate
ulimits match your expectation, especially if you run 3proxy under dedicated account
by adding e.g.
system "ulimit -Ha >>/tmp/3proxy.ulim.hard"
system "ulimit -Sa >>/tmp/3proxy.ulim.soft"
in the beginning (before first service started) and the end of config file.
Make both hard restart (that is kill and start 3proxy process) and soft restart
by sending SIGUSR1 to 3proxy process, check ulimits recorded to files match your
<h4>Extending system limitation</h4>
Check manuals / documentation for your system limitations. You may need to change
Behavior for SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPOR is different between different system,
even between different kernel versions and can lead to unexpected results.
Specifics is described <ahref="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14388706/socket-options-so-reuseaddr-and-so-reuseport-how-do-they-differ-do-they-mean-t">here</a>.
Use this options only if actually required and if you fully understand possible
consiquences. E.g. SO_REUSEPORT can help to establish more connections than the
number of the client port available, but it can also lead to situation connections
are randomely fail due to ip+port pairs collision if remote or local system