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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# To the extent possible under law, Yawning Angel has waived all copyright
# and related or neighboring rights to chacha20, using the Creative
# Commons "CC0" public domain dedication. See LICENSE or
# <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/> for full details.
# cgo sucks. Plan 9 assembly sucks. Real languages have SIMD intrinsics.
# The least terrible/retarded option is to use a Python code generator, so
# that's what I did.
# Code based on Ted Krovetz's vec128 C implementation, with corrections
# to use a 64 bit counter instead of 32 bit, and to allow unaligned input and
# output pointers.
# Dependencies: https://github.com/Maratyszcza/PeachPy
# python3 -m peachpy.x86_64 -mabi=goasm -S -o chacha20_amd64.s chacha20_amd64.py
from peachpy import *
from peachpy.x86_64 import *
x = Argument(ptr(uint32_t))
inp = Argument(ptr(const_uint8_t))
outp = Argument(ptr(uint8_t))
nrBlocks = Argument(ptr(size_t))
# SSE2 helper functions. A temporary register is explicitly passed in because
# the main fast loop uses every single register (and even spills) so manual
# control is needed.
# This used to also have a DQROUNDS helper that did 2 rounds of ChaCha like
# in the C code, but the C code has the luxury of an optimizer reordering
# everything, while this does not.
def ROTW16_sse2(tmp, d):
MOVDQA(tmp, d)
PSLLD(tmp, 16)
PSRLD(d, 16)
PXOR(d, tmp)
def ROTW12_sse2(tmp, b):
MOVDQA(tmp, b)
PSLLD(tmp, 12)
PSRLD(b, 20)
PXOR(b, tmp)
def ROTW8_sse2(tmp, d):
MOVDQA(tmp, d)
PSLLD(tmp, 8)
PSRLD(d, 24)
PXOR(d, tmp)
def ROTW7_sse2(tmp, b):
MOVDQA(tmp, b)
PSLLD(tmp, 7)
PSRLD(b, 25)
PXOR(b, tmp)
def WriteXor_sse2(tmp, inp, outp, d, v0, v1, v2, v3):
MOVDQU(tmp, [inp+d])
PXOR(tmp, v0)
MOVDQU([outp+d], tmp)
MOVDQU(tmp, [inp+d+16])
PXOR(tmp, v1)
MOVDQU([outp+d+16], tmp)
MOVDQU(tmp, [inp+d+32])
PXOR(tmp, v2)
MOVDQU([outp+d+32], tmp)
MOVDQU(tmp, [inp+d+48])
PXOR(tmp, v3)
MOVDQU([outp+d+48], tmp)
# SSE2 ChaCha20 (aka vec128). Does not handle partial blocks, and will
# process 4/2/1 blocks at a time.
with Function("blocksAmd64SSE2", (x, inp, outp, nrBlocks)):
reg_x = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
reg_inp = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
reg_outp = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
reg_blocks = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
reg_sp_save = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
LOAD.ARGUMENT(reg_inp, inp)
LOAD.ARGUMENT(reg_outp, outp)
LOAD.ARGUMENT(reg_blocks, nrBlocks)
# Align the stack to a 32 byte boundary.
MOV(reg_sp_save, registers.rsp)
AND(registers.rsp, 0xffffffffffffffe0)
SUB(registers.rsp, 0x20)
# Build the counter increment vector on the stack, and allocate the scratch
# space
xmm_v0 = XMMRegister()
PXOR(xmm_v0, xmm_v0)
SUB(registers.rsp, 16+16)
MOVDQA([registers.rsp], xmm_v0)
reg_tmp = GeneralPurposeRegister32()
MOV(reg_tmp, 0x00000001)
MOV([registers.rsp], reg_tmp)
mem_one = [registers.rsp] # (Stack) Counter increment vector
mem_tmp0 = [registers.rsp+16] # (Stack) Scratch space.
mem_s0 = [reg_x] # (Memory) Cipher state [0..3]
mem_s1 = [reg_x+16] # (Memory) Cipher state [4..7]
mem_s2 = [reg_x+32] # (Memory) Cipher state [8..11]
mem_s3 = [reg_x+48] # (Memory) Cipher state [12..15]
# xmm_v0 allocated above...
xmm_v1 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v2 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v3 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v4 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v5 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v6 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v7 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v8 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v9 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v10 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v11 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v12 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v13 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v14 = XMMRegister()
xmm_v15 = XMMRegister()
xmm_tmp = xmm_v12
# 4 blocks at a time.
reg_rounds = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
vector_loop4 = Loop()
SUB(reg_blocks, 4)
with vector_loop4:
MOVDQU(xmm_v0, mem_s0)
MOVDQU(xmm_v1, mem_s1)
MOVDQU(xmm_v2, mem_s2)
MOVDQU(xmm_v3, mem_s3)
MOVDQA(xmm_v4, xmm_v0)
MOVDQA(xmm_v5, xmm_v1)
MOVDQA(xmm_v6, xmm_v2)
MOVDQA(xmm_v7, xmm_v3)
PADDQ(xmm_v7, mem_one)
MOVDQA(xmm_v8, xmm_v0)
MOVDQA(xmm_v9, xmm_v1)
MOVDQA(xmm_v10, xmm_v2)
MOVDQA(xmm_v11, xmm_v7)
PADDQ(xmm_v11, mem_one)
MOVDQA(xmm_v12, xmm_v0)
MOVDQA(xmm_v13, xmm_v1)
MOVDQA(xmm_v14, xmm_v2)
MOVDQA(xmm_v15, xmm_v11)
PADDQ(xmm_v15, mem_one)
MOV(reg_rounds, 20)
rounds_loop4 = Loop()
with rounds_loop4:
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_v5)
PADDD(xmm_v8, xmm_v9)
PADDD(xmm_v12, xmm_v13)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
PXOR(xmm_v7, xmm_v4)
PXOR(xmm_v11, xmm_v8)
PXOR(xmm_v15, xmm_v12)
MOVDQA(mem_tmp0, xmm_tmp) # Save
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v7)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v11)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v15)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PADDD(xmm_v10, xmm_v11)
PADDD(xmm_v14, xmm_v15)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
PXOR(xmm_v5, xmm_v6)
PXOR(xmm_v9, xmm_v10)
PXOR(xmm_v13, xmm_v14)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v5)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v9)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v13)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
MOVDQA(xmm_tmp, mem_tmp0) # Restore
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_v5)
PADDD(xmm_v8, xmm_v9)
PADDD(xmm_v12, xmm_v13)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
PXOR(xmm_v7, xmm_v4)
PXOR(xmm_v11, xmm_v8)
PXOR(xmm_v15, xmm_v12)
MOVDQA(mem_tmp0, xmm_tmp) # Save
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v7)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v11)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v15)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PADDD(xmm_v10, xmm_v11)
PADDD(xmm_v14, xmm_v15)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
PXOR(xmm_v5, xmm_v6)
PXOR(xmm_v9, xmm_v10)
PXOR(xmm_v13, xmm_v14)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v5)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v9)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v13)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
PSHUFD(xmm_v1, xmm_v1, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v5, xmm_v5, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v9, xmm_v9, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v13, xmm_v13, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v2, xmm_v2, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v6, xmm_v6, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v10, xmm_v10, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v14, xmm_v14, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v3, xmm_v3, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v7, xmm_v7, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v11, xmm_v11, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v15, xmm_v15, 0x93)
MOVDQA(xmm_tmp, mem_tmp0) # Restore
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_v5)
PADDD(xmm_v8, xmm_v9)
PADDD(xmm_v12, xmm_v13)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
PXOR(xmm_v7, xmm_v4)
PXOR(xmm_v11, xmm_v8)
PXOR(xmm_v15, xmm_v12)
MOVDQA(mem_tmp0, xmm_tmp) # Save
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v7)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v11)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v15)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PADDD(xmm_v10, xmm_v11)
PADDD(xmm_v14, xmm_v15)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
PXOR(xmm_v5, xmm_v6)
PXOR(xmm_v9, xmm_v10)
PXOR(xmm_v13, xmm_v14)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v5)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v9)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v13)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
MOVDQA(xmm_tmp, mem_tmp0) # Restore
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_v5)
PADDD(xmm_v8, xmm_v9)
PADDD(xmm_v12, xmm_v13)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
PXOR(xmm_v7, xmm_v4)
PXOR(xmm_v11, xmm_v8)
PXOR(xmm_v15, xmm_v12)
MOVDQA(mem_tmp0, xmm_tmp) # Save
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v7)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v11)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v15)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PADDD(xmm_v10, xmm_v11)
PADDD(xmm_v14, xmm_v15)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
PXOR(xmm_v5, xmm_v6)
PXOR(xmm_v9, xmm_v10)
PXOR(xmm_v13, xmm_v14)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v5)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v9)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v13)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
PSHUFD(xmm_v1, xmm_v1, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v5, xmm_v5, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v9, xmm_v9, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v13, xmm_v13, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v2, xmm_v2, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v6, xmm_v6, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v10, xmm_v10, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v14, xmm_v14, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v3, xmm_v3, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v7, xmm_v7, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v11, xmm_v11, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v15, xmm_v15, 0x39)
MOVDQA(xmm_tmp, mem_tmp0) # Restore
SUB(reg_rounds, 2)
MOVDQA(mem_tmp0, xmm_tmp)
PADDD(xmm_v0, mem_s0)
PADDD(xmm_v1, mem_s1)
PADDD(xmm_v2, mem_s2)
PADDD(xmm_v3, mem_s3)
WriteXor_sse2(xmm_tmp, reg_inp, reg_outp, 0, xmm_v0, xmm_v1, xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
MOVDQU(xmm_v3, mem_s3)
PADDQ(xmm_v3, mem_one)
PADDD(xmm_v4, mem_s0)
PADDD(xmm_v5, mem_s1)
PADDD(xmm_v6, mem_s2)
PADDD(xmm_v7, xmm_v3)
WriteXor_sse2(xmm_tmp, reg_inp, reg_outp, 64, xmm_v4, xmm_v5, xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PADDQ(xmm_v3, mem_one)
PADDD(xmm_v8, mem_s0)
PADDD(xmm_v9, mem_s1)
PADDD(xmm_v10, mem_s2)
PADDD(xmm_v11, xmm_v3)
WriteXor_sse2(xmm_tmp, reg_inp, reg_outp, 128, xmm_v8, xmm_v9, xmm_v10, xmm_v11)
PADDQ(xmm_v3, mem_one)
MOVDQA(xmm_tmp, mem_tmp0)
PADDD(xmm_v12, mem_s0)
PADDD(xmm_v13, mem_s1)
PADDD(xmm_v14, mem_s2)
PADDD(xmm_v15, xmm_v3)
WriteXor_sse2(xmm_v0, reg_inp, reg_outp, 192, xmm_v12, xmm_v13, xmm_v14, xmm_v15)
PADDQ(xmm_v3, mem_one)
MOVDQU(mem_s3, xmm_v3)
ADD(reg_inp, 4 * 64)
ADD(reg_outp, 4 * 64)
SUB(reg_blocks, 4)
ADD(reg_blocks, 4)
out = Label()
# Past this point, we no longer need to use every single register to hold
# the in progress state.
xmm_s0 = xmm_v8
xmm_s1 = xmm_v9
xmm_s2 = xmm_v10
xmm_s3 = xmm_v11
xmm_one = xmm_v13
MOVDQU(xmm_s0, mem_s0)
MOVDQU(xmm_s1, mem_s1)
MOVDQU(xmm_s2, mem_s2)
MOVDQU(xmm_s3, mem_s3)
MOVDQA(xmm_one, mem_one)
# 2 blocks at a time.
process_1_block = Label()
SUB(reg_blocks, 2)
JB(process_1_block) # < 2 blocks remaining.
MOVDQA(xmm_v0, xmm_s0)
MOVDQA(xmm_v1, xmm_s1)
MOVDQA(xmm_v2, xmm_s2)
MOVDQA(xmm_v3, xmm_s3)
MOVDQA(xmm_v4, xmm_v0)
MOVDQA(xmm_v5, xmm_v1)
MOVDQA(xmm_v6, xmm_v2)
MOVDQA(xmm_v7, xmm_v3)
PADDQ(xmm_v7, xmm_one)
MOV(reg_rounds, 20)
rounds_loop2 = Loop()
with rounds_loop2:
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_v5)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
PXOR(xmm_v7, xmm_v4)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v7)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
PXOR(xmm_v5, xmm_v6)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v5)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_v5)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
PXOR(xmm_v7, xmm_v4)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v7)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
PXOR(xmm_v5, xmm_v6)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v5)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
PSHUFD(xmm_v1, xmm_v1, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v5, xmm_v5, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v2, xmm_v2, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v6, xmm_v6, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v3, xmm_v3, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v7, xmm_v7, 0x93)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_v5)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
PXOR(xmm_v7, xmm_v4)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v7)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
PXOR(xmm_v5, xmm_v6)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v5)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_v5)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
PXOR(xmm_v7, xmm_v4)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v7)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
PXOR(xmm_v5, xmm_v6)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v5)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
PSHUFD(xmm_v1, xmm_v1, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v5, xmm_v5, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v2, xmm_v2, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v6, xmm_v6, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v3, xmm_v3, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v7, xmm_v7, 0x39)
SUB(reg_rounds, 2)
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_s0)
PADDD(xmm_v1, xmm_s1)
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_s2)
PADDD(xmm_v3, xmm_s3)
WriteXor_sse2(xmm_tmp, reg_inp, reg_outp, 0, xmm_v0, xmm_v1, xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDQ(xmm_s3, xmm_one)
PADDD(xmm_v4, xmm_s0)
PADDD(xmm_v5, xmm_s1)
PADDD(xmm_v6, xmm_s2)
PADDD(xmm_v7, xmm_s3)
WriteXor_sse2(xmm_tmp, reg_inp, reg_outp, 64, xmm_v4, xmm_v5, xmm_v6, xmm_v7)
PADDQ(xmm_s3, xmm_one)
ADD(reg_inp, 2 * 64)
ADD(reg_outp, 2 * 64)
SUB(reg_blocks, 2)
ADD(reg_blocks, 2)
out_serial = Label()
# 1 block at a time. Only executed once, because if there was > 1,
# the parallel code would have processed it already.
MOVDQA(xmm_v0, xmm_s0)
MOVDQA(xmm_v1, xmm_s1)
MOVDQA(xmm_v2, xmm_s2)
MOVDQA(xmm_v3, xmm_s3)
MOV(reg_rounds, 20)
rounds_loop1 = Loop()
with rounds_loop1:
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
PSHUFD(xmm_v1, xmm_v1, 0x39)
PSHUFD(xmm_v2, xmm_v2, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v3, xmm_v3, 0x93)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
ROTW16_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
ROTW12_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_v1)
PXOR(xmm_v3, xmm_v0)
ROTW8_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v3)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PXOR(xmm_v1, xmm_v2)
ROTW7_sse2(xmm_tmp, xmm_v1)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
PSHUFD(xmm_v1, xmm_v1, 0x93)
PSHUFD(xmm_v2, xmm_v2, 0x4e)
PSHUFD(xmm_v3, xmm_v3, 0x39)
SUB(reg_rounds, 2)
PADDD(xmm_v0, xmm_s0)
PADDD(xmm_v1, xmm_s1)
PADDD(xmm_v2, xmm_s2)
PADDD(xmm_v3, xmm_s3)
WriteXor_sse2(xmm_tmp, reg_inp, reg_outp, 0, xmm_v0, xmm_v1, xmm_v2, xmm_v3)
PADDQ(xmm_s3, xmm_one)
# Write back the updated counter. Stoping at 2^70 bytes is the user's
# problem, not mine. (Skipped if there's exactly a multiple of 4 blocks
# because the counter is incremented in memory while looping.)
MOVDQU(mem_s3, xmm_s3)
# Paranoia, cleanse the scratch space.
PXOR(xmm_v0, xmm_v0)
MOVDQA(mem_tmp0, xmm_v0)
# Remove our stack allocation.
MOV(registers.rsp, reg_sp_save)
# AVX2 helpers. Like the SSE2 equivalents, the scratch register is explicit,
# and more helpers are used to increase readability for destructive operations.
# XXX/Performance: ROTW16_avx2/ROTW8_avx2 both can use VPSHUFFB.
def ADD_avx2(dst, src):
VPADDD(dst, dst, src)
def XOR_avx2(dst, src):
VPXOR(dst, dst, src)
def ROTW16_avx2(tmp, d):
VPSLLD(tmp, d, 16)
VPSRLD(d, d, 16)
XOR_avx2(d, tmp)
def ROTW12_avx2(tmp, b):
VPSLLD(tmp, b, 12)
VPSRLD(b, b, 20)
XOR_avx2(b, tmp)
def ROTW8_avx2(tmp, d):
VPSLLD(tmp, d, 8)
VPSRLD(d, d, 24)
XOR_avx2(d, tmp)
def ROTW7_avx2(tmp, b):
VPSLLD(tmp, b, 7)
VPSRLD(b, b, 25)
XOR_avx2(b, tmp)
def WriteXor_avx2(tmp, inp, outp, d, v0, v1, v2, v3):
# XOR_WRITE(out+ 0, in+ 0, _mm256_permute2x128_si256(v0,v1,0x20));
VPERM2I128(tmp, v0, v1, 0x20)
VPXOR(tmp, tmp, [inp+d])
VMOVDQU([outp+d], tmp)
# XOR_WRITE(out+32, in+32, _mm256_permute2x128_si256(v2,v3,0x20));
VPERM2I128(tmp, v2, v3, 0x20)
VPXOR(tmp, tmp, [inp+d+32])
VMOVDQU([outp+d+32], tmp)
# XOR_WRITE(out+64, in+64, _mm256_permute2x128_si256(v0,v1,0x31));
VPERM2I128(tmp, v0, v1, 0x31)
VPXOR(tmp, tmp, [inp+d+64])
VMOVDQU([outp+d+64], tmp)
# XOR_WRITE(out+96, in+96, _mm256_permute2x128_si256(v2,v3,0x31));
VPERM2I128(tmp, v2, v3, 0x31)
VPXOR(tmp, tmp, [inp+d+96])
VMOVDQU([outp+d+96], tmp)
# AVX2 ChaCha20 (aka avx2). Does not handle partial blocks, will process
# 8/4/2 blocks at a time.
with Function("blocksAmd64AVX2", (x, inp, outp, nrBlocks), target=uarch.broadwell):
reg_x = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
reg_inp = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
reg_outp = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
reg_blocks = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
reg_sp_save = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
LOAD.ARGUMENT(reg_inp, inp)
LOAD.ARGUMENT(reg_outp, outp)
LOAD.ARGUMENT(reg_blocks, nrBlocks)
# Align the stack to a 32 byte boundary.
MOV(reg_sp_save, registers.rsp)
AND(registers.rsp, 0xffffffffffffffe0)
SUB(registers.rsp, 0x20)
x_s0 = [reg_x] # (Memory) Cipher state [0..3]
x_s1 = [reg_x+16] # (Memory) Cipher state [4..7]
x_s2 = [reg_x+32] # (Memory) Cipher state [8..11]
x_s3 = [reg_x+48] # (Memory) Cipher state [12..15]
ymm_v0 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v1 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v2 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v3 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v4 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v5 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v6 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v7 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v8 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v9 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v10 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v11 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v12 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v13 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v14 = YMMRegister()
ymm_v15 = YMMRegister()
ymm_tmp0 = ymm_v12
# Allocate the neccecary stack space for the counter vector and two ymm
# registers that we will spill.
SUB(registers.rsp, 96)
mem_tmp0 = [registers.rsp+64] # (Stack) Scratch space.
mem_s3 = [registers.rsp+32] # (Stack) Working copy of s3. (8x)
mem_inc = [registers.rsp] # (Stack) Counter increment vector.
# Increment the counter for one side of the state vector.
VPXOR(ymm_tmp0, ymm_tmp0, ymm_tmp0)
VMOVDQU(mem_inc, ymm_tmp0)
reg_tmp = GeneralPurposeRegister32()
MOV(reg_tmp, 0x00000001)
MOV([registers.rsp+16], reg_tmp)
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_v3, x_s3)
VPADDQ(ymm_v3, ymm_v3, [registers.rsp])
VMOVDQA(mem_s3, ymm_v3)
# As we process 2xN blocks at a time, so the counter increment for both
# sides of the state vector is 2.
MOV(reg_tmp, 0x00000002)
MOV([registers.rsp], reg_tmp)
MOV([registers.rsp+16], reg_tmp)
out_write_even = Label()
out_write_odd = Label()
# 8 blocks at a time. Ted Krovetz's avx2 code does not do this, but it's
# a decent gain despite all the pain...
reg_rounds = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
vector_loop8 = Loop()
SUB(reg_blocks, 8)
with vector_loop8:
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_v0, x_s0)
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_v1, x_s1)
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_v2, x_s2)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v3, mem_s3)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v4, ymm_v0)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v5, ymm_v1)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v6, ymm_v2)
VPADDQ(ymm_v7, ymm_v3, mem_inc)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v8, ymm_v0)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v9, ymm_v1)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v10, ymm_v2)
VPADDQ(ymm_v11, ymm_v7, mem_inc)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v12, ymm_v0)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v13, ymm_v1)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v14, ymm_v2)
VPADDQ(ymm_v15, ymm_v11, mem_inc)
MOV(reg_rounds, 20)
rounds_loop8 = Loop()
with rounds_loop8:
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_v5)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v8, ymm_v9)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v12, ymm_v13)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v4)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v11, ymm_v8)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v15, ymm_v12)
VMOVDQA(mem_tmp0, ymm_tmp0) # Save
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v7)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v11)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v15)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v10, ymm_v11)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v14, ymm_v15)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_v6)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v9, ymm_v10)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v13, ymm_v14)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v5)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v9)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v13)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
VMOVDQA(ymm_tmp0, mem_tmp0) # Restore
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_v5)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v8, ymm_v9)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v12, ymm_v13)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v4)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v11, ymm_v8)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v15, ymm_v12)
VMOVDQA(mem_tmp0, ymm_tmp0) # Save
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v7)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v11)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v15)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v10, ymm_v11)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v14, ymm_v15)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_v6)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v9, ymm_v10)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v13, ymm_v14)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v5)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v9)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v13)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
VPSHUFD(ymm_v1, ymm_v1, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v5, ymm_v5, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v9, ymm_v9, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v13, ymm_v13, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v2, ymm_v2, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v6, ymm_v6, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v10, ymm_v10, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v14, ymm_v14, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v3, ymm_v3, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v7, ymm_v7, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v11, ymm_v11, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v15, ymm_v15, 0x93)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
VMOVDQA(ymm_tmp0, mem_tmp0) # Restore
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_v5)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v8, ymm_v9)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v12, ymm_v13)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v4)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v11, ymm_v8)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v15, ymm_v12)
VMOVDQA(mem_tmp0, ymm_tmp0) # Save
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v7)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v11)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v15)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v10, ymm_v11)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v14, ymm_v15)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_v6)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v9, ymm_v10)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v13, ymm_v14)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v5)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v9)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v13)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
VMOVDQA(ymm_tmp0, mem_tmp0) # Restore
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_v5)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v8, ymm_v9)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v12, ymm_v13)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v4)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v11, ymm_v8)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v15, ymm_v12)
VMOVDQA(mem_tmp0, ymm_tmp0) # Save
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v7)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v11)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v15)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v10, ymm_v11)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v14, ymm_v15)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_v6)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v9, ymm_v10)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v13, ymm_v14)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v5)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v9)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v13)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
VPSHUFD(ymm_v1, ymm_v1, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v5, ymm_v5, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v9, ymm_v9, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v13, ymm_v13, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v2, ymm_v2, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v6, ymm_v6, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v10, ymm_v10, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v14, ymm_v14, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v3, ymm_v3, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v7, ymm_v7, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v11, ymm_v11, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v15, ymm_v15, 0x39)
VMOVDQA(ymm_tmp0, mem_tmp0) # Restore
SUB(reg_rounds, 2)
# ymm_v12 is in mem_tmp0 and is current....
# XXX: I assume VBROADCASTI128 is about as fast as VMOVDQA....
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_tmp0, x_s0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v8, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_tmp0, mem_tmp0)
VMOVDQA(mem_tmp0, ymm_tmp0)
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_tmp0, x_s1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v9, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v13, ymm_tmp0)
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_tmp0, x_s2)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v10, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v14, ymm_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v3, mem_s3)
WriteXor_avx2(ymm_tmp0, reg_inp, reg_outp, 0, ymm_v0, ymm_v1, ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v3, mem_s3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v3, mem_inc)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v3)
WriteXor_avx2(ymm_tmp0, reg_inp, reg_outp, 128, ymm_v4, ymm_v5, ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v3, mem_inc)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v11, ymm_v3)
WriteXor_avx2(ymm_tmp0, reg_inp, reg_outp, 256, ymm_v8, ymm_v9, ymm_v10, ymm_v11)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v3, mem_inc)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v12, mem_tmp0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v15, ymm_v3)
WriteXor_avx2(ymm_v0, reg_inp, reg_outp, 384, ymm_v12, ymm_v13, ymm_v14, ymm_v15)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v3, mem_inc)
VMOVDQA(mem_s3, ymm_v3)
ADD(reg_inp, 8 * 64)
ADD(reg_outp, 8 * 64)
SUB(reg_blocks, 8)
# ymm_v3 contains a current copy of mem_s3 either from when it was built,
# or because the loop updates it. Copy this before we mess with the block
# counter in case we need to write it back and return.
ymm_s3 = ymm_v11
VMOVDQA(ymm_s3, ymm_v3)
ADD(reg_blocks, 8)
# We now actually can do everything in registers.
ymm_s0 = ymm_v8
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_s0, x_s0)
ymm_s1 = ymm_v9
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_s1, x_s1)
ymm_s2 = ymm_v10
VBROADCASTI128(ymm_s2, x_s2)
ymm_inc = ymm_v14
VMOVDQA(ymm_inc, mem_inc)
# 4 blocks at a time.
process_2_blocks = Label()
SUB(reg_blocks, 4)
JB(process_2_blocks) # < 4 blocks remaining.
VMOVDQA(ymm_v0, ymm_s0)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v1, ymm_s1)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v2, ymm_s2)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v3, ymm_s3)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v4, ymm_v0)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v5, ymm_v1)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v6, ymm_v2)
VPADDQ(ymm_v7, ymm_v3, ymm_inc)
MOV(reg_rounds, 20)
rounds_loop4 = Loop()
with rounds_loop4:
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_v5)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v4)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v7)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_v6)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v5)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_v5)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v4)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v7)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_v6)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v5)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
VPSHUFD(ymm_v1, ymm_v1, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v5, ymm_v5, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v2, ymm_v2, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v6, ymm_v6, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v3, ymm_v3, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v7, ymm_v7, 0x93)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_v5)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v4)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v7)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_v6)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v5)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_v5)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_v4)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v7)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_v6)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v5)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
VPSHUFD(ymm_v1, ymm_v1, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v5, ymm_v5, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v2, ymm_v2, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v6, ymm_v6, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v3, ymm_v3, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v7, ymm_v7, 0x39)
SUB(reg_rounds, 2)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_s0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_s1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_s2)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_s3)
WriteXor_avx2(ymm_tmp0, reg_inp, reg_outp, 0, ymm_v0, ymm_v1, ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
ADD_avx2(ymm_s3, ymm_inc)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v4, ymm_s0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v5, ymm_s1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v6, ymm_s2)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v7, ymm_s3)
WriteXor_avx2(ymm_tmp0, reg_inp, reg_outp, 128, ymm_v4, ymm_v5, ymm_v6, ymm_v7)
ADD_avx2(ymm_s3, ymm_inc)
ADD(reg_inp, 4 * 64)
ADD(reg_outp, 4 * 64)
SUB(reg_blocks, 4)
ADD(reg_blocks, 4)
JZ(out_write_even) # 0 blocks left.
# 2/1 blocks at a time. The two codepaths are unified because
# with AVX2 we do 2 blocks at a time anyway, and this only gets called
# if 3/2/1 blocks are remaining, so the extra branches don't hurt that
# much.
vector_loop2 = Loop()
with vector_loop2:
VMOVDQA(ymm_v0, ymm_s0)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v1, ymm_s1)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v2, ymm_s2)
VMOVDQA(ymm_v3, ymm_s3)
MOV(reg_rounds, 20)
rounds_loop2 = Loop()
with rounds_loop2:
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
VPSHUFD(ymm_v1, ymm_v1, 0x39)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v2, ymm_v2, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v3, ymm_v3, 0x93)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
ROTW16_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
ROTW12_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
# a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_v1)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_v0)
ROTW8_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v3)
# c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_v3)
XOR_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_v2)
ROTW7_avx2(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v1)
# b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV3(d);
VPSHUFD(ymm_v1, ymm_v1, 0x93)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v2, ymm_v2, 0x4e)
VPSHUFD(ymm_v3, ymm_v3, 0x39)
SUB(reg_rounds, 2)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v0, ymm_s0)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v1, ymm_s1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v2, ymm_s2)
ADD_avx2(ymm_v3, ymm_s3)
# XOR_WRITE(out+ 0, in+ 0, _mm256_permute2x128_si256(v0,v1,0x20));
VPERM2I128(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v0, ymm_v1, 0x20)
VPXOR(ymm_tmp0, ymm_tmp0, [reg_inp])
VMOVDQU([reg_outp], ymm_tmp0)
# XOR_WRITE(out+32, in+32, _mm256_permute2x128_si256(v2,v3,0x20));
VPERM2I128(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v2, ymm_v3, 0x20)
VPXOR(ymm_tmp0, ymm_tmp0, [reg_inp+32])
VMOVDQU([reg_outp+32], ymm_tmp0)
SUB(reg_blocks, 1)
ADD_avx2(ymm_s3, ymm_inc)
# XOR_WRITE(out+64, in+64, _mm256_permute2x128_si256(v0,v1,0x31));
VPERM2I128(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v0, ymm_v1, 0x31)
VPXOR(ymm_tmp0, ymm_tmp0, [reg_inp+64])
VMOVDQU([reg_outp+64], ymm_tmp0)
# XOR_WRITE(out+96, in+96, _mm256_permute2x128_si256(v2,v3,0x31));
VPERM2I128(ymm_tmp0, ymm_v2, ymm_v3, 0x31)
VPXOR(ymm_tmp0, ymm_tmp0, [reg_inp+96])
VMOVDQU([reg_outp+96], ymm_tmp0)
SUB(reg_blocks, 1)
ADD(reg_inp, 2 * 64)
ADD(reg_outp, 2 * 64)
VPERM2I128(ymm_s3, ymm_s3, ymm_s3, 0x01) # Odd number of blocks.
VMOVDQU(x_s3, ymm_s3.as_xmm) # Write back ymm_s3 to x_v3
# Paranoia, cleanse the scratch space.
VPXOR(ymm_v0, ymm_v0, ymm_v0)
VMOVDQA(mem_tmp0, ymm_v0)
VMOVDQA(mem_s3, ymm_v0)
# Clear all YMM (and XMM) registers.
# Remove our stack allocation.
MOV(registers.rsp, reg_sp_save)
cpuidParams = Argument(ptr(uint32_t))
with Function("cpuidAmd64", (cpuidParams,)):
reg_params = registers.r15
LOAD.ARGUMENT(reg_params, cpuidParams)
MOV(registers.eax, [reg_params])
MOV(registers.ecx, [reg_params+8])
MOV([reg_params], registers.eax)
MOV([reg_params+4], registers.ebx)
MOV([reg_params+8], registers.ecx)
MOV([reg_params+12], registers.edx)
# XGETBV (ECX = 0)
xcrVec = Argument(ptr(uint32_t))
with Function("xgetbv0Amd64", (xcrVec,)):
reg_vec = GeneralPurposeRegister64()
LOAD.ARGUMENT(reg_vec, xcrVec)
XOR(registers.ecx, registers.ecx)
MOV([reg_vec], registers.eax)
MOV([reg_vec+4], registers.edx)