
121 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Description: This is a script to make the process of updating vscode versions easier
# Run it with `yarn update:vscode` and it will do the following:
# 1. Check that you have a remote called `vscode`
# 2. Ask you which version you want to upgrade to
# 3. Grab the exact version from the package.json i.e. 1.53.2
# 4. Fetch the vscode remote branches to run the subtree update
# 5. Run the subtree update and pull in the vscode update
# 6. Commit the changes (including merge conflicts)
# 7. Open a draft PR
set -euo pipefail
# This function expects two arguments
# 1. the vscode version we're updating to
# 2. the list of merge conflict files
make_pr_body() {
local BODY="This PR updates vscode to $1
- [ ] test editor locally
- [ ] test terminal locally
- [ ] make notes about any significant changes in docs/
## Files with conflicts (fix these)
echo "$BODY"
main() {
cd "$(dirname "$0")/../.."
# Check if the remote exists
# if it doesn't, we add it
if ! git config remote.vscode.url > /dev/null; then
echo "Could not find 'vscode' as a remote"
echo "Adding with: git remote add vscode"
git remote add vscode
# Ask which version we should update to
# In the future, we'll automate this and grab the latest version automatically
read -r -p "What version of VSCode would you like to update to? (i.e. 1.52) " VSCODE_VERSION_TO_UPDATE
# Check that this version exists
if [[ -z $(git ls-remote --heads vscode release/"$VSCODE_VERSION_TO_UPDATE") ]]; then
echo "Oops, that doesn't look like a valid version."
echo "You entered: $VSCODE_VERSION_TO_UPDATE"
echo "Verify that this branches exists here:$VSCODE_VERSION_TO_UPDATE"
exit 1
# Check that they have jq installed
if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then
echo "jq could not be found."
echo "We use this when looking up the exact version to update to in the package.json in VS Code."
echo -e "See docs here:"
# Grab the exact version from package.json
VSCODE_EXACT_VERSION=$(curl -s "$VSCODE_VERSION_TO_UPDATE/package.json" | jq -r ".version")
echo -e "Great! We'll prep a PR for updating to $VSCODE_EXACT_VERSION\n"
# For some reason the subtree update doesn't work
# unless we fetch all the branches
echo -e "Fetching vscode branches..."
echo -e "Note: this might take a while"
git fetch vscode
# Check if GitHub CLI is installed
if ! command -v gh &> /dev/null; then
echo "GitHub CLI could not be found."
echo "If you install it before you run this script next time, we'll open a draft PR for you!"
echo -e "See docs here:\n"
# Push branch to remote if not already pushed
# If we don't do this, the opening a draft PR step won't work
# because it will stop and ask where you want to push the branch
CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git branch --show-current)
if [[ -z $(git ls-remote --heads origin "$CURRENT_BRANCH") ]]; then
echo "Doesn't look like you've pushed this branch to remote"
echo -e "Pushing now using: git push origin $CURRENT_BRANCH\n"
# Note: we need to set upstream as well or the gh pr create step will fail
# See:
git push -u origin "$CURRENT_BRANCH"
echo "Going to try to update vscode for you..."
echo -e "Running: git subtree pull --prefix lib/vscode vscode release/${VSCODE_VERSION_TO_UPDATE} --squash\n"
# Try to run subtree update command
# Note: we add `|| true` because we want the script to keep running even if the squash fails
# We know the squash fails everytime because there will always be merge conflicts
git subtree pull --prefix lib/vscode vscode release/"${VSCODE_VERSION_TO_UPDATE}" --squash || true
# Get the files with conflicts before we commit them
# so we can list them in the PR body
CONFLICTS=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U | while read -r line; do echo "- $line"; done)
echo -e "\nForcing a commit with conflicts"
echo "Note: this is intentional"
echo "If we don't do this, code review is impossible."
echo -e "For more info, see docs: docs/\n"
# We need --no-verify to skip the husky pre-commit hook
# which fails because of the merge conflicts
git add . && git commit -am "chore(vscode): update to $VSCODE_EXACT_VERSION" --no-verify
# Note: we can't open a draft PR unless their are changes.
# Hence why we do this after the subtree update.
echo "Opening a draft PR on GitHub"
# To read about these flags, visit the docs:
gh pr create --base master --title "feat(vscode): update to version $VSCODE_EXACT_VERSION" --body "$PR_BODY" --reviewer @cdr/code-server-reviewers --repo cdr/code-server --draft
main "$@"