
66 lines
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import { chromium, Page, Browser, BrowserContext } from "playwright"
describe("login", () => {
let browser: Browser
let page: Page
let context: BrowserContext
beforeAll(async () => {
browser = await chromium.launch()
context = await browser.newContext()
afterAll(async () => {
await browser.close()
await context.close()
beforeEach(async () => {
page = await context.newPage()
afterEach(async () => {
await page.close()
// Remove password from local storage
await context.clearCookies()
it("should see a 'Go Home' button in the Application Menu that goes to", async () => {
const GO_HOME_URL = `${process.env.CODE_SERVER_ADDRESS}/healthz`
let requestedGoHomeUrl = false
page.on("request", (request) => {
// This ensures that we did make a request to the GO_HOME_URL
// Most reliable way to test button
// because we don't care if the request has a response
// only that it was made
if (request.url() === GO_HOME_URL) {
requestedGoHomeUrl = true
// waitUntil: "networkidle"
// In case the page takes a long time to load
await page.goto(process.env.CODE_SERVER_ADDRESS || "http://localhost:8080", { waitUntil: "networkidle" })
// Type in password
await page.fill(".password", process.env.PASSWORD || "password")
// Click the submit button and login
// Click the Application menu
await".menubar-menu-button[title='Application Menu']")
// See the Go Home button
const goHomeButton = "a.action-menu-item span[aria-label='Go Home']"
expect(await page.isVisible(goHomeButton))
// Click it and navigate to
// NOTE: ran into issues of it failing intermittently
// without having button: "middle"
await, { button: "middle" })
// If there are unsaved changes it will show a dialog
// asking if you're sure you want to leave
page.on("dialog", (dialog) => dialog.accept())
// We make sure to wait on a request to the GO_HOME_URL
await page.waitForRequest(GO_HOME_URL)