/* tinyproxy - A fast light-weight HTTP proxy * Copyright (C) 1998 Steven Young * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Robert James Kaes * Copyright (C) 2000 Chris Lightfoot * Copyright (C) 2002 Petr Lampa * Copyright (C) 2009 Michael Adam * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * Routines for handling the list of upstream proxies. */ #include "upstream.h" #include "heap.h" #include "log.h" #include "base64.h" #include "basicauth.h" #ifdef UPSTREAM_SUPPORT const char * proxy_type_name(proxy_type type) { switch(type) { case PT_NONE: return "none"; case PT_HTTP: return "http"; case PT_SOCKS4: return "socks4"; case PT_SOCKS5: return "socks5"; default: return "unknown"; } } /** * Construct an upstream struct from input data. */ static struct upstream *upstream_build (const char *host, int port, const char *domain, const char *user, const char *pass, proxy_type type) { char *ptr; struct upstream *up; up = (struct upstream *) safemalloc (sizeof (struct upstream)); if (!up) { log_message (LOG_ERR, "Unable to allocate memory in upstream_build()"); return NULL; } up->type = type; up->host = up->domain = up->ua.user = up->pass = NULL; up->ip = up->mask = 0; if (user) { if (type == PT_HTTP) { char b[BASE64ENC_BYTES((256+2)-1) + 1]; ssize_t ret; ret = basicauth_string(user, pass, b, sizeof b); if (ret == 0) { log_message (LOG_ERR, "User / pass in upstream config too long"); return NULL; } up->ua.authstr = safestrdup (b); } else { up->ua.user = safestrdup (user); up->pass = safestrdup (pass); } } if (domain == NULL) { if (!host || host[0] == '\0' || port < 1) { log_message (LOG_WARNING, "Nonsense upstream rule: invalid host or port"); goto fail; } up->host = safestrdup (host); up->port = port; log_message (LOG_INFO, "Added upstream %s %s:%d for [default]", proxy_type_name(type), host, port); } else if (host == NULL || type == PT_NONE) { if (!domain || domain[0] == '\0') { log_message (LOG_WARNING, "Nonsense no-upstream rule: empty domain"); goto fail; } ptr = strchr (domain, '/'); if (ptr) { struct in_addr addrstruct; *ptr = '\0'; if (inet_aton (domain, &addrstruct) != 0) { up->ip = ntohl (addrstruct.s_addr); *ptr++ = '/'; if (strchr (ptr, '.')) { if (inet_aton (ptr, &addrstruct) != 0) up->mask = ntohl (addrstruct.s_addr); } else { up->mask = ~((1 << (32 - atoi (ptr))) - 1); } } } else { up->domain = safestrdup (domain); } log_message (LOG_INFO, "Added no-upstream for %s", domain); } else { if (!host || host[0] == '\0' || port < 1 || !domain || domain == '\0') { log_message (LOG_WARNING, "Nonsense upstream rule: invalid parameters"); goto fail; } up->host = safestrdup (host); up->port = port; up->domain = safestrdup (domain); log_message (LOG_INFO, "Added upstream %s %s:%d for %s", proxy_type_name(type), host, port, domain); } return up; fail: safefree (up->ua.user); safefree (up->pass); safefree (up->host); safefree (up->domain); safefree (up); return NULL; } /* * Add an entry to the upstream list */ void upstream_add (const char *host, int port, const char *domain, const char *user, const char *pass, proxy_type type, struct upstream **upstream_list) { struct upstream *up; up = upstream_build (host, port, domain, user, pass, type); if (up == NULL) { return; } if (!up->domain && !up->ip) { /* always add default to end */ struct upstream *tmp = *upstream_list; while (tmp) { if (!tmp->domain && !tmp->ip) { log_message (LOG_WARNING, "Duplicate default upstream"); goto upstream_cleanup; } if (!tmp->next) { up->next = NULL; tmp->next = up; return; } tmp = tmp->next; } } up->next = *upstream_list; *upstream_list = up; return; upstream_cleanup: safefree (up->host); safefree (up->domain); safefree (up); return; } /* * Check if a host is in the upstream list */ struct upstream *upstream_get (char *host, struct upstream *up) { in_addr_t my_ip = INADDR_NONE; while (up) { if (up->domain) { if (strcasecmp (host, up->domain) == 0) break; /* exact match */ if (up->domain[0] == '.') { char *dot = strchr (host, '.'); if (!dot && !up->domain[1]) break; /* local host matches "." */ while (dot && strcasecmp (dot, up->domain)) dot = strchr (dot + 1, '.'); if (dot) break; /* subdomain match */ } } else if (up->ip) { if (my_ip == INADDR_NONE) my_ip = ntohl (inet_addr (host)); if ((my_ip & up->mask) == up->ip) break; } else { break; /* No domain or IP, default upstream */ } up = up->next; } if (up && (!up->host || !up->port)) up = NULL; if (up) log_message (LOG_INFO, "Found upstream proxy %s %s:%d for %s", proxy_type_name(up->type), up->host, up->port, host); else log_message (LOG_INFO, "No upstream proxy for %s", host); return up; } void free_upstream_list (struct upstream *up) { while (up) { struct upstream *tmp = up; up = up->next; safefree (tmp->domain); safefree (tmp->host); safefree (tmp); } } #endif