Tinyproxy wouldn't be possible in its current form without the help of
the following people.  Thanks a lot, guys (sorted in no particular
order).  Note that in the case of entries listed under 'numerous others',
only the first person to report it is listed.

  Steven Young			- Wrote version 1.0 - 1.1
  Robert James Kaes		- Wrote versions from 1.2 to 1.3 and
  				  autoconf enabled the source tree and
  				  well just look at the ChangeLog for all
  				  the rest. :)
  Albert Ragnarsson		- Made an RPM out of the 1.0d .tar.gz archive.
  Alan W Black			- Misc. bug reports and fixes.
  Ed Boraas			- Various suggestions, helped beta test 1.0d.
  Abhijit Menon-Sen		- Beta tested 1.1, numerous bugs fixed
				  and features improved. Also helped
				  establish world peace and eliminate
				  hunger and poverty. Generally
				  credited with the singlehanded
				  abolition of all crime and dishonesty.
  Jay Kominek			- Made the 1.1 DEB.
  Eran Tromer			- Provided webspace at attacca.com.
  Bruno Viaris			- Found and provided initial fix for
				  bug in the clientreq() routine when
				  dealing with broken requests from clients.
  Alexander Loehr		- Found and provided fix for a bug in
				  the listen_sock routine.
  Bob Grabau			- Added additional logging of URLs to
  				  incoming connections.
  Mitsuru Yoshida		- Made the FreeBSD port
  Ian Holsman			- Suggested the selective listening option
  Peter Meerwald		- Portability suggests and improvements
  Shaun Johnson			- Fixed a problem with compiling with
 				  syslog enabled on a SunOS box. Should
 				  help other systems too.
  Timothy E. Newsome		- SOCKS firewall enabled tinyproxy
  George Talusan		- Bug testing
  Chris Lightfoot		- Provided patches to give tinyproxy adns 
  Michael Pearson		- Reported connptr bug with patch.
  Raja Subramanian		- Reported fd leak bug, with patch.
  J.D. Bronson			- Helped make version 1.4.0 release ready
  numerous others               - Reported null requests bug.