.\" -*- nroff -*-
.\" tinyproxy.1
.\" Copyright (c) 1999, Robert James Kaes, Steven Young.
.\" This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
.\" License. See COPYING for additional information.
.TH tinyproxy 1 "December 23, 1999" "tinyproxy" "tinyproxy Manual"
tinyproxy \- a small HTTP proxy server
tinyproxy [options]
.B tinyproxy
is an HTTP proxy server designed to consume a minimum of system resources.
It listens on a given TCP port and handles HTTP proxy requests.
.TP 5
.BI "\-a headername"
Allow the header
.I headername
through to the server (anon mode only).  It is highly recommended that you
specify -a Host: and -a Authorization:, otherwise HTTP/1.1 virtual domains
and basic authentication will fail. If anon mode is compiled into the
program, but you do not provide a
.I headername
tinyproxy will run as if anon mode was not compiled in.
.TP 5
.BI "\-d" 
Don't daemonize; stay in the foreground.
.TP 5
.BI "\-f filterfile"
Block any sites/URL which are specified in the
.I filterfile
The domains/URLs are specified in a flat text file with one filter per line.
.TP 5
.BI "\-h"
Display a short help screen of command line arguments and exit.
.TP 5
.BI "\-i ip_address"
Only listen to the specific address. Useful for systems with more than one
network connection.
.I ip_address
needs to be in the dotted-decimal form (e.g.
.TP 5
.BI "\-l logfile"
Log to the file
.I logfile
instead of the default
.B /var/log/tinyproxy.
The default can be changed at compile time using the
.B "\-\-with\-log\-file"
.TP 5
.BI "\-n ip_address"
Allow access from only those hosts in the subnet.
.I ip_address
should be of a form xxx.xxx.xxx. like 192.168.0.
.TP 5
.BI "\-p port"
Listen to
.I port
instead of the default
.B 8888.
The default can be changed at compile time by using the
.B "\-with\-port"
.TP 5
.BI "\-r"
Restrict the log file to only logging error conditions. The hosts connecting
and the locations being accessed are not logged.
.TP 5
.BI "\-s stathost"
Set the status host to
.I stathost
.TP 5
.BI "\-S"
Log to the syslog daemon
.TP 5
.BI "\-t domain:port"
If you would like to use an upstream proxy along with tinyproxy then set
this option. The
.I domain
is the address of the proxy, and the
.I port
is the
decimal port number. The address can be either alphanumeric, or dotted-decimal.
.TP 5
.BI "\-u username"
Begin running as
.I username
after the port has been bound and the logfile has been opened.  Only
works if tinyproxy is being run as root.  "" to disable.
.TP 5
.BI "\-v"
Display version information and exit.
.TP 5
.BI "\-w loadaverage"
Stop handling requests when the load is
.I loadaverage
or higher.  Specifying a
.I loadaverage
of 0.00 will disable this feature.
(disabled by default)
.TP 5
.BI "\-x domain"
Add a
.B XTinyproxy
header with the peer's IP address.
.I domain
tells tinyproxy which domains to include the
.B XTinyproxy
header on. Basically, set this if you want to include the header only on
your sites. Else, set to "" to have it sent on all connections.
In addition to these command line options, there are also several signals
that can be sent to tinyproxy while it is running to generate debugging
information and to force certain events.
.TP 5
Dump a summary of all current connections to the logfile.
.TP 5
.B tinyproxy
to do a garbage collection on the current connections linked list.  This
is usually done automatically after a certain number of connections have
been handled.
.SM /var/log/tinyproxy.log
Steven Young (sdyoung@well.com)
Robert James Kaes (rjkaes@flarenet.com)
For some reason, when sent SIGTERM,
.B tinyproxy 
occasionally waits for the
next incoming connection before exiting.  We believe this bug has 
been corrected, but please e-mail the authors if you see this 
behaviour occurring.
.B tinyproxy
is distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL).  For more information
on the GPL, please see the file COPYING which should have been included in
the archive with tinyproxy.  Failing that, http://www.fsf.org/ will
doubtless have a copy up for you to peruse.  Please don't use this
software if you don't agree to the terms specified therein.
The latest version of
.B tinyproxy
can be acquired from: