/* ==================================================================== * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 * * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written permission. For written * permission, please contact apache@apache.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of the Apache Software Foundation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * . */ /* * whittled down version of apr/file_info/{unix,win32}/filestat.c * to fillin sigar_fileattrs_t */ #include "sigar_fileinfo.h" #include "sigar_private.h" #include "sigar_util.h" #include "sigar_os.h" static const char* types[] = { "none", "regular", "directory", "character device", "block device", "pipe", "symbolic link", "socket", "unknown" }; SIGAR_DECLARE(const char *) sigar_file_attrs_type_string_get(sigar_file_type_e type) { if ((type < SIGAR_FILETYPE_NOFILE) || (type > SIGAR_FILETYPE_UNKFILE)) { type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_UNKFILE; } return types[type]; } static const sigar_uint64_t perm_modes[] = { SIGAR_UREAD, SIGAR_UWRITE, SIGAR_UEXECUTE, SIGAR_GREAD, SIGAR_GWRITE, SIGAR_GEXECUTE, SIGAR_WREAD, SIGAR_WWRITE, SIGAR_WEXECUTE }; static const char perm_chars[] = "rwx"; SIGAR_DECLARE(char *) sigar_file_attrs_permissions_string_get(sigar_uint64_t permissions, char *str) { char *ptr = str; int i=0, j=0; for (i=0; i<9; i+=3) { for (j=0; j<3; j++) { if (permissions & perm_modes[i+j]) { *ptr = perm_chars[j]; } else { *ptr = '-'; } ptr++; } } *ptr = '\0'; return str; } static const int perm_int[] = { 400, 200, 100, 40, 20, 10, 4, 2, 1 }; SIGAR_DECLARE(int)sigar_file_attrs_mode_get(sigar_uint64_t permissions) { int i=0; int perms = 0; /* no doubt there is some fancy bitshifting * to convert, but this works fine. */ for (i=0; i<9; i++) { if (permissions & perm_modes[i]) { perms += perm_int[i]; } } return perms; } #define IS_DOTDIR(dir) \ ((dir[0] == '.') && (!dir[1] || ((dir[1] == '.') && !dir[2]))) #ifdef WIN32 static void fillin_fileattrs(sigar_file_attrs_t *finfo, WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA *wininfo, int linkinfo) { DWORD *sizes = &wininfo->nFileSizeHigh; finfo->atime = FileTimeToTime(&wininfo->ftLastAccessTime); finfo->ctime = FileTimeToTime(&wininfo->ftCreationTime); finfo->mtime = FileTimeToTime(&wininfo->ftLastWriteTime); finfo->size = (sigar_uint64_t)sizes[1]; if (finfo->size < 0 || sizes[0]) { finfo->size = 0x7fffffff; } if (linkinfo && (wininfo->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)) { finfo->type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_LNK; } else if (wininfo->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { finfo->type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_DIR; } else { finfo->type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_REG; } } static int fileattrs_get(sigar_t *sigar, const char *file, sigar_file_attrs_t *fileattrs, int linkinfo) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrs; SIGAR_ZERO(fileattrs); if (!GetFileAttributesExA(file, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs)) { return GetLastError(); } fillin_fileattrs(fileattrs, &attrs, linkinfo); return SIGAR_OK; } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_file_attrs_get(sigar_t *sigar, const char *file, sigar_file_attrs_t *fileattrs) { return fileattrs_get(sigar, file, fileattrs, 0); } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_link_attrs_get(sigar_t *sigar, const char *file, sigar_file_attrs_t *fileattrs) { return fileattrs_get(sigar, file, fileattrs, 1); } static __inline int file_type(char *file) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrs; if (!GetFileAttributesExA(file, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs)) { return -1; } if (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) { return SIGAR_FILETYPE_LNK; } else if (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { return SIGAR_FILETYPE_DIR; } else { return SIGAR_FILETYPE_REG; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_dir_stat_get(sigar_t *sigar, const char *dir, sigar_dir_stat_t *dirstats) { char name[SIGAR_PATH_MAX+1]; int len = strlen(dir); int max = sizeof(name)-len-1; char *ptr = name; WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE handle; DWORD error; char delim; SIGAR_ZERO(dirstats); if (file_type((char *)dir) != SIGAR_FILETYPE_DIR) { return ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES; } strncpy(name, dir, sizeof(name)); ptr += len; if (strchr(dir, '/')) { delim = '/'; } else { delim = '\\'; } if (name[len] != delim) { *ptr++ = delim; len++; max--; } /* e.g. "C:\sigar\*" */ name[len] = '*'; name[len+1] = '\0'; handle = FindFirstFile(name, &data); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return GetLastError(); } do { /* skip '.' and '..' */ if (IS_DOTDIR(data.cFileName)) { continue; } /* e.g. "C:\sigar\lib" */ strncpy(ptr, data.cFileName, max); ptr[max] = '\0'; switch (file_type(name)) { case -1: break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_REG: ++dirstats->files; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_DIR: ++dirstats->subdirs; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_LNK: ++dirstats->symlinks; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_CHR: ++dirstats->chrdevs; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_BLK: ++dirstats->blkdevs; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_SOCK: ++dirstats->sockets; break; default: ++dirstats->total; } } while (FindNextFile(handle, &data)); error = GetLastError(); FindClose(handle); if (error != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { return error; } dirstats->total += dirstats->files + dirstats->subdirs + dirstats->symlinks + dirstats->chrdevs + dirstats->blkdevs + dirstats->sockets; return SIGAR_OK; } #else #include #include #include #include static sigar_file_type_e filetype_from_mode(mode_t mode) { sigar_file_type_e type; switch (mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFREG: type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_REG; break; case S_IFDIR: type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_DIR; break; case S_IFLNK: type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_LNK; break; case S_IFCHR: type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_CHR; break; case S_IFBLK: type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_BLK; break; #if defined(S_IFFIFO) case S_IFFIFO: type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_PIPE; break; #endif #if !defined(BEOS) && defined(S_IFSOCK) case S_IFSOCK: type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_SOCK; break; #endif default: /* Work around missing S_IFxxx values above * for Linux et al. */ #if !defined(S_IFFIFO) && defined(S_ISFIFO) if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) { type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_PIPE; } else #endif #if !defined(BEOS) && !defined(S_IFSOCK) && defined(S_ISSOCK) if (S_ISSOCK(mode)) { type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_SOCK; } else #endif type = SIGAR_FILETYPE_UNKFILE; } return type; } static sigar_uint64_t sigar_unix_mode2perms(mode_t mode) { sigar_uint64_t perms = 0; if (mode & S_IRUSR) perms |= SIGAR_UREAD; if (mode & S_IWUSR) perms |= SIGAR_UWRITE; if (mode & S_IXUSR) perms |= SIGAR_UEXECUTE; if (mode & S_IRGRP) perms |= SIGAR_GREAD; if (mode & S_IWGRP) perms |= SIGAR_GWRITE; if (mode & S_IXGRP) perms |= SIGAR_GEXECUTE; if (mode & S_IROTH) perms |= SIGAR_WREAD; if (mode & S_IWOTH) perms |= SIGAR_WWRITE; if (mode & S_IXOTH) perms |= SIGAR_WEXECUTE; return perms; } static SIGAR_INLINE void copy_stat_info(sigar_file_attrs_t *fileattrs, struct stat *info) { fileattrs->permissions = sigar_unix_mode2perms(info->st_mode); fileattrs->type = filetype_from_mode(info->st_mode); fileattrs->uid = info->st_uid; fileattrs->gid = info->st_gid; fileattrs->size = info->st_size; fileattrs->inode = info->st_ino; fileattrs->device = info->st_dev; fileattrs->nlink = info->st_nlink; fileattrs->atime = info->st_atime; fileattrs->mtime = info->st_mtime; fileattrs->ctime = info->st_ctime; fileattrs->atime *= 1000; fileattrs->mtime *= 1000; fileattrs->ctime *= 1000; } int sigar_file_attrs_get(sigar_t *sigar, const char *file, sigar_file_attrs_t *fileattrs) { struct stat info; if (stat(file, &info) == 0) { copy_stat_info(fileattrs, &info); return SIGAR_OK; } else { return errno; } } int sigar_link_attrs_get(sigar_t *sigar, const char *file, sigar_file_attrs_t *fileattrs) { struct stat info; if (lstat(file, &info) == 0) { copy_stat_info(fileattrs, &info); return SIGAR_OK; } else { return errno; } } int sigar_dir_stat_get(sigar_t *sigar, const char *dir, sigar_dir_stat_t *dirstats) { char name[SIGAR_PATH_MAX+1]; int len = strlen(dir); int max = sizeof(name)-len-1; char *ptr = name; DIR *dirp = opendir(dir); struct dirent *ent; struct stat info; #ifdef HAVE_READDIR_R struct dirent dbuf; #endif if (!dirp) { return errno; } SIGAR_ZERO(dirstats); strncpy(name, dir, sizeof(name)); ptr += len; if (name[len] != '/') { *ptr++ = '/'; len++; max--; } #ifdef HAVE_READDIR_R while (readdir_r(dirp, &dbuf, &ent) == 0) { if (ent == NULL) { break; } #else while ((ent = readdir(dirp))) { #endif /* skip '.' and '..' */ if (IS_DOTDIR(ent->d_name)) { continue; } strncpy(ptr, ent->d_name, max); ptr[max] = '\0'; if (lstat(name, &info) != 0) { continue; } switch (filetype_from_mode(info.st_mode)) { case SIGAR_FILETYPE_REG: ++dirstats->files; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_DIR: ++dirstats->subdirs; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_LNK: ++dirstats->symlinks; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_CHR: ++dirstats->chrdevs; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_BLK: ++dirstats->blkdevs; break; case SIGAR_FILETYPE_SOCK: ++dirstats->sockets; break; default: ++dirstats->total; } } dirstats->total += dirstats->files + dirstats->subdirs + dirstats->symlinks + dirstats->chrdevs + dirstats->blkdevs + dirstats->sockets; closedir(dirp); return SIGAR_OK; } #endif