sigar - System Info Gather And Reporter

The Sigar API provides a portable interface for gathering system
information such as:

- system memory, swap, cpu, load average, uptime

- per-process memory, cpu, credential info, state, arguments, environment,
  open files

- file system detection and metrics

- network interface configuration info and metrics

The core API is implemented in pure C with bindings currently
implemented for Java, Perl and C#.

The following platforms are currently supported:

- Linux [x86] (2.2, 2.4, 2.6 kernels)

- Linux [amd64] (2.6 kernel)

- Win32 [x86] (NT 4.0 sp6, 2000 Pro/Server, 2003 Server, XP)

- Solaris [sparc] (2.6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

- Solaris [x86] (8, 9, 10)

- HP/UX [PA-RISC] (11)

- AIX [PowerPC] (4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)

- FreeBSD [x86] (4.x, 5.x, 6.x)

- Mac OS X [PowerPC] (10.4)

- Mac OS X [x86] (10.4)

To test drive run the following command:

% java -jar sigar-bin/lib/sigar.jar
sigar> help

The shell and commands are implemented in Java, the source code is
located in examples/java.

Javadocs are located in docs/javadoc.

Perl and C# interfaces are still a work in progress.

To try the Perl examples:
% cd bindings/perl
% perl Makefile.PL && make
% perl -Mblib ../../examples/perl/

Support questions should be posted to the support forum: