# glider glider is a forward proxy with several protocols support. ## Install go get -u github.com/nadoo/glider ## Usage ```bash glider v0.1 usage: -checksite string proxy check address (default "www.apple.com:443") -duration int proxy check duration(seconds) (default 30) -f value forward url, format: SCHEMA://[USER|METHOD:PASSWORD@][HOST]:PORT[,SCHEMA://[USER|METHOD:PASSWORD@][HOST]:PORT] -l value listen url, format: SCHEMA://[USER|METHOD:PASSWORD@][HOST]:PORT -s string forward strategy, default: rr (default "rr") -v verbose mode Available Schemas: mixed: serve as a http/socks5 proxy on the same port. (default) ss: ss proxy socks5: socks5 proxy http: http proxy redir: redirect proxy. (used on linux as a transparent proxy with iptables redirect rules) tcptun: a simple tcp tunnel dnstun: listen on udp port and forward all dns requests to remote dns server via forwarders(tcp) Available schemas for different modes: listen: mixed ss socks5 http redir tcptun dnstun forward: ss socks5 http Available methods for ss: AEAD_AES_128_GCM AEAD_AES_192_GCM AEAD_AES_256_GCM AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305 AES-128-CFB AES-128-CTR AES-192-CFB AES-192-CTR AES-256-CFB AES-256-CTR CHACHA20-IETF XCHACHA20 Available forward strategies: rr: Round Robin mode ha: High Availability mode Examples: glider -l :8443 -v -listen on :8443, serve as http/socks5 proxy on the same port. glider -l ss://AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305:pass@:8443 -listen on as a ss server. glider -l socks5://:1080 -v -listen on :1080 as a socks5 proxy server, in verbose mode. glider -l http://:8080 -f socks5:// -v -listen on :8080 as a http proxy server, forward all requests via socks5 server. glider -l redir://:1081 -f ss://method:pass@ -listen on :1081 as a transparent redirect server, forward all requests via remote ss server. glider -l tcptun://:80= -f ss://method:pass@ -listen on :80 and forward all requests to via remote ss server. glider -l socks5://:1080 -l http://:8080 -f ss://method:pass@ -listen on :1080 as socks5 server, :8080 as http proxy server, forward all requests via remote ss server. glider -l redir://:1081 -l dnstun://:53= -f ss://method:pass@server1:port1,ss://method:pass@server2:port2 -listen on :1081 as transparent redirect server, :53 as dns server, use forward chain: server1 -> server2. glider -l socks5://:1080 -f ss://method:pass@server1:port1 -f ss://method:pass@server2:port2 -s rr -listen on :1080 as socks5 server, forward requests via server1 and server2 in roundrbin mode. ``` ## Service ```bash cd /etc/systemd/system/ vim glider.service ``` ```bash [Unit] Description=glider After=network.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /run/glider ExecStartPre=/bin/chown nobody:nobody /run/glider ExecStart=/opt/glider/glider -l redir://:7070 -l dnstun://:5353= -f ss://method:pass@yourhost:8443 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID ExecStop=/bin/kill -INT $MAINPID Restart=always User=nobody Group=nobody UMask=0027 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` ```bash systemctl enable glider.service systemctl start glider.service ``` ## Thanks - [go-ss2](https://github.com/shadowsocks/go-shadowsocks2): the core ss protocol support - [gost](https://github.com/ginuerzh/gost): ideas and inspirations