const Table = require('cli-table3') const dayjs = require('dayjs') const axios = require('@viegg/axios') const HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent') const { db } = require('../db') const { gen_count_body, validate_fid, real_copy, get_name_by_id } = require('./gd') const { AUTH, DEFAULT_TARGET, USE_PERSONAL_AUTH } = require('../config') const { tg_token } = AUTH const gen_link = (fid, text) => `${text || fid}` if (!tg_token) throw new Error('請先在config.js中設定tg_token') const { https_proxy } = process.env const axins = axios.create(https_proxy ? { httpsAgent: new HttpsProxyAgent(https_proxy) } : {}) const FID_TO_NAME = {} async function get_folder_name (fid) { let name = FID_TO_NAME[fid] if (name) return name name = await get_name_by_id(fid) return FID_TO_NAME[fid] = name } function send_help (chat_id) { const text = `
[使用說明] ***不支持單檔分享*** 命令 | 說明 ===================== /help | 返回本使用說明 ===================== /count sourceID [-u] | 返回sourceID的文件統計資訊 sourceID可以是共享網址本身,也可以是共享ID。如果命令最后加上 -u,則無視快取記錄強制從線上獲取,適合一段時候後才更新完畢的分享連結。 ===================== /copy sourceID targetID(選填) [-u] | 將sourceID的文件複製到targetID裡(會新建一個資料夾) 若無targetID,則會複製到預設位置(config.js中的DEFAULT_TARGET)。 如果設定了bookmark,那麼targetID也可以是bookmark的標籤名。 如果命令最後加上 -u,則無視快取記錄強制從線上獲取源資料夾資訊。返回拷貝任務的taskID ===================== /task taskID(選填) | 返回對應任務的進度信息,若不填taskID則返回所有正在運行的任務進度 若填 all 則返回所有任務列表(歷史紀錄) ===================== /bm [action] [alias] [target] | bookmark,添加常用目的資料夾ID 會在輸入共享連結後返回的「文件統計」「開始複製」這兩個按鈕的下方出現,方便複製到常用位置。 範例: /bm | 返回所有設定的資料夾 /bm set movie folder-id | 將folder-id加入到收藏夾,標籤名設為movie /bm unset movie | 刪除此收藏夾` return sm({ chat_id, text, parse_mode: 'HTML' }) } function send_bm_help (chat_id) { const text = `
/bm [action] [alias] [target] | bookmark,添加常用目的資料夾ID 會在輸入共享連結後返回的「文件統計」「開始複製」這兩個按鈕的下方出現,方便複製到常用位置。 範例: /bm | 返回所有設定的資料夾 /bm set movie folder-id | 將folder-id加入到收藏夾,標籤名設為movie /bm unset movie | 刪除此收藏夾` return sm({ chat_id, text, parse_mode: 'HTML' }) } function send_all_bookmarks (chat_id) { let records = db.prepare('select alias, target from bookmark').all() if (!records.length) return sm({ chat_id, text: '資料庫中沒有收藏紀錄' }) const tb = new Table({ style: { head: [], border: [] } }) const headers = ['標籤名', 'dstID'] records = => [v.alias,]) tb.push(headers, ...records) const text = tb.toString().replace(/─/g, '—') return sm({ chat_id, text: `
${text}`, parse_mode: 'HTML' }) } function set_bookmark ({ chat_id, alias, target }) { const record = db.prepare('select alias from bookmark where alias=?').get(alias) if (record) return sm({ chat_id, text: '資料庫中已有同名的收藏' }) db.prepare('INSERT INTO bookmark (alias, target) VALUES (?, ?)').run(alias, target) return sm({ chat_id, text: `成功設定收藏${alias} | ${target}` }) } function unset_bookmark ({ chat_id, alias }) { const record = db.prepare('select alias from bookmark where alias=?').get(alias) if (!record) return sm({ chat_id, text: '未找到此標籤名的收藏' }) db.prepare('delete from bookmark where alias=?').run(alias) return sm({ chat_id, text: '成功刪除收藏 ' + alias }) } function get_target_by_alias (alias) { const record = db.prepare('select target from bookmark where alias=?').get(alias) return record && } function send_choice ({ fid, chat_id }) { if(BUTTON_LEVEL == 1){ return sm({ chat_id, text: `辨識到分享ID ${fid},請選擇動作`, reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: '文件統計', callback_data: `count ${fid}` } ], [ { text: '開始複製', callback_data: `copy ${fid}` } ] ].concat(gen_bookmark_choices(fid)) } }) }else{ return sm({ chat_id, text: `辨識到分享ID ${fid},請選擇動作`, reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: '文件統計', callback_data: `count ${fid}` }, { text: '開始複製', callback_data: `copy ${fid}` } ] ].concat(gen_bookmark_choices(fid)) } }) } } // console.log(gen_bookmark_choices()) function gen_bookmark_choices (fid) { let level = 1 if (BUTTON_LEVEL > 2){ level = 2 }else{ level = BUTTON_LEVEL } const gen_choice = v => ({text: `複製到 ${v.alias}`, callback_data: `copy ${fid} ${v.alias}`}) const records = db.prepare('select * from bookmark').all() const result = [] for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { const line = [gen_choice(records[i])] for(let j = 0; j < level-1; j ++){ if (records[i+1]) line.push(gen_choice(records[i+1])) i++ } result.push(line) } return result } async function send_all_tasks (chat_id) { let records = db.prepare('select id, status, ctime from task').all() if (!records.length) return sm({ chat_id, text: '資料庫中沒有任務記錄' }) const tb = new Table({ style: { head: [], border: [] } }) const headers = ['ID', 'status', 'ctime'] records = => { const { id, status, ctime } = v return [id, status, dayjs(ctime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')] }) tb.push(headers, ...records) const text = tb.toString().replace(/─/g, '—') const url = `${tg_token}/sendMessage` return, { chat_id, parse_mode: 'HTML', text: `所有拷貝任務:\n
${text}` }).catch(err => { // const description = err.response && && // if (description && description.includes('message is too long')) { if (true) { const text = [headers].concat(records).map(v => v.join('\t')).join('\n') return sm({ chat_id, parse_mode: 'HTML', text: `所有拷貝任務:\n
${text}` }) } console.error(err) }) } async function get_task_info (task_id) { const record = db.prepare('select * from task where id=?').get(task_id) if (!record) return {} const { source, target, status, copied, mapping, ctime, ftime } = record const folder_mapping = mapping && mapping.trim().split('\n') const new_folder = folder_mapping && folder_mapping[0].split(' ')[1] const { summary } = db.prepare('select summary from gd where fid=?').get(source) || {} const { file_count, folder_count, total_size } = summary ? JSON.parse(summary) : {} const copied_files = copied ? copied.trim().split('\n').length : 0 const copied_folders = folder_mapping ? (folder_mapping.length - 1) : 0 let text = '任務ID:' + task_id + '\n' const folder_name = await get_folder_name(source) text += '源資料夾:' + gen_link(source, folder_name) + '\n' text += '目的位置:' + gen_link(target) + '\n' text += '新資料夾:' + (new_folder ? gen_link(new_folder) : '尚未創建') + '\n' text += '任務狀態:' + status + '\n' text += '創建時間:' + dayjs(ctime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') + '\n' text += '完成時間:' + (ftime ? dayjs(ftime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : '未完成') + '\n' var pct = copied_folders/(folder_count === undefined ? '未知數量' : folder_count)*100 pct = pct.toFixed(2); text += '目錄進度:' + copied_folders + '/' + (folder_count === undefined ? '未知數量' : folder_count) + ' - ' + pct + '%\n' pct = copied_files/(file_count === undefined ? '未知數量' : file_count)*100 pct = pct.toFixed(2); text += '文件進度:' + copied_files + '/' + (file_count === undefined ? '未知數量' : file_count) + ' - ' + pct + '%\n' text += '合計大小:' + (total_size || '未知大小') const total_count = (folder_count || 0) + (file_count || 0) return { text, status, total_count } } async function send_task_info ({ task_id, chat_id }) { const { text, status, folder_count } = await get_task_info(task_id) if (!text) return sm({ chat_id, text: '資料庫查無此任務ID:' + task_id }) const url = `${tg_token}/sendMessage` let message_id try { const { data } = await, { chat_id, text, parse_mode: 'HTML' }) message_id = data && data.result && data.result.message_id } catch (e) { console.log('fail to send message to tg', e.message) } // get_task_info 在task目录数超大时比较吃cpu,如果超1万就不每10秒更新了,以后如果把mapping 也另存一张表可以取消此限制 if (!message_id || status !== 'copying' || folder_count > 10000) return const loop = setInterval(async () => { const url = `${tg_token}/editMessageText` const { text, status } = await get_task_info(task_id) if (status !== 'copying') clearInterval(loop), { chat_id, message_id, text, parse_mode: 'HTML' }).catch(e => console.error(e.message)) }, 10 * 1000) } async function tg_copy ({ fid, target, chat_id, update }) { // return task_id target = target || DEFAULT_TARGET if (!target) { sm({ chat_id, text: '請輸入目的地ID或先在config.js中設定預設複製的目的地ID(DEFAULT_TARGET)' }) return } let record = db.prepare('select id, status from task where source=? and target=?').get(fid, target) if (record) { if (record.status === 'copying') { sm({ chat_id, text: '已有相同來源ID和目的ID的任務正在進行,查詢進度可輸入 /task ' + }) return } else if (record.status === 'finished') { sm({ chat_id, text: `檢測到已存在的任務 ${},開始繼續拷貝` }) } } real_copy({ source: fid, update, target, service_account: !USE_PERSONAL_AUTH, is_server: true }) .then(async info => { if (!record) record = {} // 防止无限循环 if (!info) return const { task_id } = info const { text } = await get_task_info(task_id) sm({ chat_id, text, parse_mode: 'HTML' }) }) .catch(err => { const task_id = record && if (task_id){ db.prepare('update task set status=? where id=?').run('error', task_id) } if (!record) record = {} console.error('複製失敗', fid, '-->', target) console.error(err) sm({ chat_id, text: '複製失敗,失敗訊息:' + err.message }) }) while (!record) { record = db.prepare('select id from task where source=? and target=?').get(fid, target) await sleep(1000) } return } function sleep (ms) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms) }) } function reply_cb_query ({ id, data }) { const url = `${tg_token}/answerCallbackQuery` return, { callback_query_id: id, text: '開始執行 ' + data }) } async function send_count ({ fid, chat_id, update }) { sm({ chat_id, text: `開始獲取 ${fid} 所有檔案資訊,請稍後,建議統計完成前先不要開始複製,因为複製也需要先獲取來源資料夾資訊` }) const table = await gen_count_body({ fid, update, type: 'tg', service_account: !USE_PERSONAL_AUTH }) if (!table) return sm({ chat_id, parse_mode: 'HTML', text: gen_link(fid) + ' 資訊獲取失敗' }) const url = `${tg_token}/sendMessage` const gd_link = `${fid}` const name = await get_folder_name(fid) return, { chat_id, parse_mode: 'HTML', text: `
源資料夾名稱:${name} 源連結:${gd_link} ${table}` }).catch(async err => { // const description = err.response && && // const too_long_msgs = ['request entity too large', 'message is too long'] // if (description && too_long_msgs.some(v => description.toLowerCase().includes(v))) { if (true) { const smy = await gen_count_body({ fid, type: 'json', service_account: !USE_PERSONAL_AUTH }) const { file_count, folder_count, total_size } = JSON.parse(smy) return sm({ chat_id, parse_mode: 'HTML', text: `連結:${fid}\n
表格太長超出telegram訊息限制,僅顯示概要: 目錄名稱:${name} 文件總數:${file_count} 目錄總數:${folder_count} 合計大小:${total_size}` }) } throw err }) } function sm (data) { const url = `${tg_token}/sendMessage` return, data).catch(err => { // console.error('fail to post', url, data) console.error('fail to send message to tg:', err.message) }) } function extract_fid (text) { text = text.replace(/^\/count/, '').replace(/^\/copy/, '').replace(/\\/g, '').trim() const [source, target] = text.split(' ').map(v => v.trim()) if (validate_fid(source)) return source try { if (!text.startsWith('http')) text = 'https://' + text const u = new URL(text) if (u.pathname.includes('/folders/')) { const reg = /[^/?]+$/ const match = u.pathname.match(reg) return match && match[0] } return u.searchParams.get('id') } catch (e) { return '' } } function extract_from_text (text) { const reg = /https?:\/\/\/[^\s]+/g const m = text.match(reg) return m && extract_fid(m[0]) } module.exports = { send_count, send_help, sm, extract_fid, reply_cb_query, send_choice, send_task_info, send_all_tasks, tg_copy, extract_from_text, get_target_by_alias, send_bm_help, send_all_bookmarks, set_bookmark, unset_bookmark }