import { Level, logger } from "@coder/logger" import { promises as fs } from "fs" import * as net from "net" import * as os from "os" import * as path from "path" import { UserProvidedArgs, bindAddrFromArgs, defaultConfigFile, parse, readSocketPath, setDefaults, shouldOpenInExistingInstance, splitOnFirstEquals, toVsCodeArgs, } from "../../../src/node/cli" import { shouldSpawnCliProcess } from "../../../src/node/main" import { generatePassword, paths } from "../../../src/node/util" import { clean, useEnv, tmpdir } from "../../utils/helpers" // The parser should not set any defaults so the caller can determine what // values the user actually set. These are only set after explicitly calling // `setDefaults`. const defaults = { auth: "password", host: "localhost", port: 8080, "proxy-domain": [], usingEnvPassword: false, usingEnvHashedPassword: false, "extensions-dir": path.join(, "extensions"), "user-data-dir":, _: [], } describe("parser", () => { beforeEach(() => { delete process.env.LOG_LEVEL delete process.env.PASSWORD console.log = jest.fn() }) it("should parse nothing", async () => { expect(parse([])).toStrictEqual({}) }) it("should parse all available options", async () => { expect( parse( [ ["--enable", "feature1"], ["--enable", "feature2"], "--bind-addr=", ["--auth", "none"], ["--extensions-dir", "path/to/ext/dir"], ["--builtin-extensions-dir", "path/to/builtin/ext/dir"], "1", "--verbose", "2", ["--locale", "ja"], ["--log", "error"], "--help", "--open", "--socket=mumble", "--socket-mode=777", "3", ["--user-data-dir", "path/to/user/dir"], ["--cert=path/to/cert", "--cert-key", "path/to/cert/key"], "--version", "--json", "--port=8081", ["--host", ""], "4", "--", "--5", ].flat(), ), ).toEqual({ _: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "--5"], auth: "none", "builtin-extensions-dir": path.resolve("path/to/builtin/ext/dir"), "extensions-dir": path.resolve("path/to/ext/dir"), "user-data-dir": path.resolve("path/to/user/dir"), "cert-key": path.resolve("path/to/cert/key"), cert: { value: path.resolve("path/to/cert"), }, enable: ["feature1", "feature2"], help: true, host: "", json: true, locale: "ja", log: "error", open: true, port: 8081, socket: path.resolve("mumble"), "socket-mode": "777", verbose: true, version: true, "bind-addr": "", }) }) it("should work with short options", async () => { expect(parse(["-vvv", "-v"])).toEqual({ verbose: true, version: true, }) }) it("should use log level env var", async () => { const args = parse([]) expect(args).toEqual({}) process.env.LOG_LEVEL = "debug" const defaults = await setDefaults(args) expect(defaults).toStrictEqual({ ...defaults, log: "debug", verbose: false, }) expect(process.env.LOG_LEVEL).toEqual("debug") expect(logger.level).toEqual(Level.Debug) process.env.LOG_LEVEL = "trace" const updated = await setDefaults(args) expect(updated).toStrictEqual({ ...updated, log: "trace", verbose: true, }) expect(process.env.LOG_LEVEL).toEqual("trace") expect(logger.level).toEqual(Level.Trace) }) it("should prefer --log to env var and --verbose to --log", async () => { let args = parse(["--log", "info"]) expect(args).toEqual({ log: "info", }) process.env.LOG_LEVEL = "debug" const defaults = await setDefaults(args) expect(defaults).toEqual({ ...defaults, log: "info", verbose: false, }) expect(process.env.LOG_LEVEL).toEqual("info") expect(logger.level).toEqual(Level.Info) process.env.LOG_LEVEL = "trace" const updated = await setDefaults(args) expect(updated).toEqual({ ...defaults, log: "info", verbose: false, }) expect(process.env.LOG_LEVEL).toEqual("info") expect(logger.level).toEqual(Level.Info) args = parse(["--log", "info", "--verbose"]) expect(args).toEqual({ log: "info", verbose: true, }) process.env.LOG_LEVEL = "warn" const updatedAgain = await setDefaults(args) expect(updatedAgain).toEqual({ ...defaults, log: "trace", verbose: true, }) expect(process.env.LOG_LEVEL).toEqual("trace") expect(logger.level).toEqual(Level.Trace) }) it("should ignore invalid log level env var", async () => { process.env.LOG_LEVEL = "bogus" const defaults = await setDefaults(parse([])) expect(defaults).toEqual({ ...defaults, }) }) it("should error if value isn't provided", () => { expect(() => parse(["--auth"])).toThrowError(/--auth requires a value/) expect(() => parse(["--auth=", "--log=debug"])).toThrowError(/--auth requires a value/) expect(() => parse(["--auth", "--log"])).toThrowError(/--auth requires a value/) expect(() => parse(["--auth", "--invalid"])).toThrowError(/--auth requires a value/) expect(() => parse(["--bind-addr"])).toThrowError(/--bind-addr requires a value/) }) it("should error if value is invalid", () => { expect(() => parse(["--port", "foo"])).toThrowError(/--port must be a number/) expect(() => parse(["--auth", "invalid"])).toThrowError(/--auth valid values: \[password, none\]/) expect(() => parse(["--log", "invalid"])).toThrowError(/--log valid values: \[trace, debug, info, warn, error\]/) }) it("should error if the option doesn't exist", () => { expect(() => parse(["--foo"])).toThrowError(/Unknown option --foo/) }) it("should not error if the value is optional", async () => { expect(parse(["--cert"])).toEqual({ cert: { value: undefined, }, }) }) it("should not allow option-like values", () => { expect(() => parse(["--socket", "--socket-path-value"])).toThrowError(/--socket requires a value/) // If you actually had a path like this you would do this instead: expect(parse(["--socket", "./--socket-path-value"])).toEqual({ socket: path.resolve("--socket-path-value"), }) expect(() => parse(["--cert", "--socket-path-value"])).toThrowError(/Unknown option --socket-path-value/) }) it("should allow positional arguments before options", async () => { expect(parse(["test", "--auth", "none"])).toEqual({ _: ["test"], auth: "none", }) }) it("should support repeatable flags", async () => { expect(parse(["--proxy-domain", "*"])).toEqual({ "proxy-domain": ["*"], }) expect(parse(["--proxy-domain", "*", "--proxy-domain", ""])).toEqual({ "proxy-domain": ["*", ""], }) }) it("should enforce cert-key with cert value or otherwise generate one", async () => { const args = parse(["--cert"]) expect(args).toEqual({ cert: { value: undefined, }, }) expect(() => parse(["--cert", "test"])).toThrowError(/--cert-key is missing/) const defaultArgs = await setDefaults(args) expect(defaultArgs).toEqual({ ...defaults, cert: { value: path.join(, "localhost.crt"), }, "cert-key": path.join(, "localhost.key"), }) }) it("should override with --link", async () => { const args = parse( "--cert test --cert-key test --socket test --socket-mode 777 --host --port 8888 --link test".split(" "), ) const defaultArgs = await setDefaults(args) expect(defaultArgs).toEqual({ ...defaults, auth: "none", host: "localhost", link: { value: "test", }, port: 0, cert: undefined, "cert-key": path.resolve("test"), socket: undefined, "socket-mode": undefined, }) }) it("should use env var password", async () => { process.env.PASSWORD = "test" const args = parse([]) expect(args).toEqual({}) const defaultArgs = await setDefaults(args) expect(defaultArgs).toEqual({ ...defaults, password: "test", usingEnvPassword: true, }) }) it("should use env var hashed password", async () => { process.env.HASHED_PASSWORD = "$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$0qR/o+0t00hsbJFQCKSfdQ$oFcM4rL6o+B7oxpuA4qlXubypbBPsf+8L531U7P9HYY" // test const args = parse([]) expect(args).toEqual({}) const defaultArgs = await setDefaults(args) expect(defaultArgs).toEqual({ ...defaults, "hashed-password": "$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$0qR/o+0t00hsbJFQCKSfdQ$oFcM4rL6o+B7oxpuA4qlXubypbBPsf+8L531U7P9HYY", usingEnvHashedPassword: true, }) }) it("should use env var github token", async () => { process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN = "ga-foo" const args = parse([]) expect(args).toEqual({}) const defaultArgs = await setDefaults(args) expect(defaultArgs).toEqual({ ...defaults, "github-auth": "ga-foo", }) expect(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN).toBe(undefined) }) it("should error if password passed in", () => { expect(() => parse(["--password", "supersecret123"])).toThrowError( "--password can only be set in the config file or passed in via $PASSWORD", ) }) it("should error if hashed-password passed in", () => { expect(() => parse(["--hashed-password", "fdas423fs8a"])).toThrowError( "--hashed-password can only be set in the config file or passed in via $HASHED_PASSWORD", ) }) it("should error if github-auth passed in", () => { expect(() => parse(["--github-auth", "fdas423fs8a"])).toThrowError( "--github-auth can only be set in the config file or passed in via $GITHUB_TOKEN", ) }) it("should filter proxy domains", async () => { const args = parse(["--proxy-domain", "*", "--proxy-domain", "", "--proxy-domain", ""]) expect(args).toEqual({ "proxy-domain": ["*", "", ""], }) const defaultArgs = await setDefaults(args) expect(defaultArgs).toEqual({ ...defaults, "proxy-domain": ["", ""], }) }) it("should allow '=,$/' in strings", async () => { const args = parse([ "--disable-update-check", "$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$0qr/o+0t00hsbjfqcksfdq$ofcm4rl6o+b7oxpua4qlxubypbbpsf+8l531u7p9hyy", ]) expect(args).toEqual({ "disable-update-check": true, _: ["$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$0qr/o+0t00hsbjfqcksfdq$ofcm4rl6o+b7oxpua4qlxubypbbpsf+8l531u7p9hyy"], }) }) it("should parse options with double-dash and multiple equal signs ", async () => { const args = parse( [ "--hashed-password=$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$0qr/o+0t00hsbjfqcksfdq$ofcm4rl6o+b7oxpua4qlxubypbbpsf+8l531u7p9hyy", ], { configFile: "/pathtoconfig", }, ) expect(args).toEqual({ "hashed-password": "$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$0qr/o+0t00hsbjfqcksfdq$ofcm4rl6o+b7oxpua4qlxubypbbpsf+8l531u7p9hyy", }) }) it("should throw an error for invalid config values", async () => { const fakePath = "/fake-config-path" const expectedErrMsg = `error reading ${fakePath}: ` expect(() => parse(["--foo"], { configFile: fakePath, }), ).toThrowError(expectedErrMsg) }) it("should ignore optional strings set to false", async () => { expect(parse(["--cert=false"])).toEqual({}) }) it("should use last flag", async () => { expect(parse(["--port", "8081", "--port", "8082"])).toEqual({ port: 8082, }) }) }) describe("cli", () => { const testName = "cli" const vscodeIpcPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), "vscode-ipc") beforeAll(async () => { await clean(testName) }) beforeEach(async () => { delete process.env.VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI await fs.rmdir(vscodeIpcPath, { recursive: true }) }) it("should use existing if inside code-server", async () => { process.env.VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI = "test" const args: UserProvidedArgs = {} expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual("test") args.port = 8081 args._ = ["./file"] expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual("test") }) it("should use existing if --reuse-window is set", async () => { const args: UserProvidedArgs = {} args["reuse-window"] = true await expect(shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).resolves.toStrictEqual(undefined) await fs.writeFile(vscodeIpcPath, "test") await expect(shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).resolves.toStrictEqual("test") args.port = 8081 await expect(shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).resolves.toStrictEqual("test") }) it("should use existing if --new-window is set", async () => { const args: UserProvidedArgs = {} args["new-window"] = true expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual(undefined) await fs.writeFile(vscodeIpcPath, "test") expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual("test") args.port = 8081 expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual("test") }) it("should use existing if no unrelated flags are set, has positional, and socket is active", async () => { const args: UserProvidedArgs = {} expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual(undefined) args._ = ["./file"] expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual(undefined) const testDir = await tmpdir(testName) const socketPath = path.join(testDir, "socket") await fs.writeFile(vscodeIpcPath, socketPath) expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual(undefined) await new Promise((resolve) => { const server = net.createServer(() => { // Close after getting the first connection. server.close() }) server.once("listening", () => resolve(server)) server.listen(socketPath) }) expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual(socketPath) args.port = 8081 expect(await shouldOpenInExistingInstance(args)).toStrictEqual(undefined) }) }) describe("splitOnFirstEquals", () => { it("should split on the first equals", () => { const testStr = "enabled-proposed-api=test=value" const actual = splitOnFirstEquals(testStr) const expected = ["enabled-proposed-api", "test=value"] expect(actual).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) }) it("should split on first equals regardless of multiple equals signs", () => { const testStr = "hashed-password=$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$0qR/o+0t00hsbJFQCKSfdQ$oFcM4rL6o+B7oxpuA4qlXubypbBPsf+8L531U7P9HYY" const actual = splitOnFirstEquals(testStr) const expected = [ "hashed-password", "$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$0qR/o+0t00hsbJFQCKSfdQ$oFcM4rL6o+B7oxpuA4qlXubypbBPsf+8L531U7P9HYY", ] expect(actual).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) }) it("should always return the first element before an equals", () => { const testStr = "auth=" const actual = splitOnFirstEquals(testStr) const expected = ["auth"] expect(actual).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) }) }) describe("shouldSpawnCliProcess", () => { it("should return false if no 'extension' related args passed in", async () => { const args = {} const actual = await shouldSpawnCliProcess(args) const expected = false expect(actual).toBe(expected) }) it("should return true if 'list-extensions' passed in", async () => { const args = { ["list-extensions"]: true, } const actual = await shouldSpawnCliProcess(args) const expected = true expect(actual).toBe(expected) }) it("should return true if 'install-extension' passed in", async () => { const args = { ["install-extension"]: [""], } const actual = await shouldSpawnCliProcess(args) const expected = true expect(actual).toBe(expected) }) it("should return true if 'uninstall-extension' passed in", async () => { const args: UserProvidedArgs = { ["uninstall-extension"]: [""], } const actual = await shouldSpawnCliProcess(args) const expected = true expect(actual).toBe(expected) }) }) describe("bindAddrFromArgs", () => { it("should return the bind address", () => { const args: UserProvidedArgs = {} const addr = { host: "localhost", port: 8080, } const actual = bindAddrFromArgs(addr, args) const expected = addr expect(actual).toStrictEqual(expected) }) it("should use the bind-address if set in args", () => { const args: UserProvidedArgs = { ["bind-addr"]: "localhost:3000", } const addr = { host: "localhost", port: 8080, } const actual = bindAddrFromArgs(addr, args) const expected = { host: "localhost", port: 3000, } expect(actual).toStrictEqual(expected) }) it("should use the host if set in args", () => { const args: UserProvidedArgs = { ["host"]: "coder", } const addr = { host: "localhost", port: 8080, } const actual = bindAddrFromArgs(addr, args) const expected = { host: "coder", port: 8080, } expect(actual).toStrictEqual(expected) }) it("should use process.env.PORT if set", () => { const [setValue, resetValue] = useEnv("PORT") setValue("8000") const args: UserProvidedArgs = {} const addr = { host: "localhost", port: 8080, } const actual = bindAddrFromArgs(addr, args) const expected = { host: "localhost", port: 8000, } expect(actual).toStrictEqual(expected) resetValue() }) it("should set port if in args", () => { const args: UserProvidedArgs = { port: 3000, } const addr = { host: "localhost", port: 8080, } const actual = bindAddrFromArgs(addr, args) const expected = { host: "localhost", port: 3000, } expect(actual).toStrictEqual(expected) }) it("should use the args.port over process.env.PORT if both set", () => { const [setValue, resetValue] = useEnv("PORT") setValue("8000") const args: UserProvidedArgs = { port: 3000, } const addr = { host: "localhost", port: 8080, } const actual = bindAddrFromArgs(addr, args) const expected = { host: "localhost", port: 3000, } expect(actual).toStrictEqual(expected) resetValue() }) }) describe("defaultConfigFile", () => { it("should return the default config file as a string", async () => { const password = await generatePassword() const actual = defaultConfigFile(password) expect(actual).toMatch(`bind-addr: auth: password password: ${password} cert: false`) }) }) describe("readSocketPath", () => { const fileContents = "readSocketPath file contents" let tmpDirPath: string let tmpFilePath: string const testName = "readSocketPath" beforeAll(async () => { await clean(testName) }) beforeEach(async () => { tmpDirPath = await tmpdir(testName) tmpFilePath = path.join(tmpDirPath, "readSocketPath.txt") await fs.writeFile(tmpFilePath, fileContents) }) it("should throw an error if it can't read the file", async () => { // TODO@jsjoeio - implement // Test it on a directory.... ESDIR // TODO@jsjoeio - implement expect(() => readSocketPath(tmpDirPath)).rejects.toThrow("EISDIR") }) it("should return undefined if it can't read the file", async () => { // TODO@jsjoeio - implement const socketPath = await readSocketPath(path.join(tmpDirPath, "not-a-file")) expect(socketPath).toBeUndefined() }) it("should return the file contents", async () => { const contents = await readSocketPath(tmpFilePath) expect(contents).toBe(fileContents) }) it("should return the same file contents for two different calls", async () => { const contents1 = await readSocketPath(tmpFilePath) const contents2 = await readSocketPath(tmpFilePath) expect(contents2).toBe(contents1) }) }) describe("toVsCodeArgs", () => { const vscodeDefaults = { ...defaults, "connection-token": "0000", "accept-server-license-terms": true, help: false, port: "8080", version: false, } const testName = "vscode-args" beforeAll(async () => { // Clean up temporary directories from the previous run. await clean(testName) }) it("should convert empty args", async () => { expect(await toVsCodeArgs(await setDefaults(parse([])))).toStrictEqual({ ...vscodeDefaults, }) }) it("should ignore regular file", async () => { const file = path.join(await tmpdir(testName), "file") await fs.writeFile(file, "foobar") expect(await toVsCodeArgs(await setDefaults(parse([file])))).toStrictEqual({ ...vscodeDefaults, _: [file], }) }) })