import { Binary } from "@coder/nbin" import * as cp from "child_process" import * as fs from "fs-extra" import * as os from "os" import Bundler from "parcel-bundler" import * as path from "path" import * as util from "util" enum Task { Binary = "binary", Package = "package", Build = "build", Watch = "watch", } class Builder { private readonly rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "..") private readonly vscodeSourcePath = path.join(this.rootPath, "lib/vscode") private readonly binariesPath = path.join(this.rootPath, "binaries") private readonly buildPath = path.join(this.rootPath, "build") private readonly codeServerVersion: string private _target?: "darwin" | "alpine" | "linux" private currentTask?: Task public constructor() { this.ensureArgument("rootPath", this.rootPath) this.codeServerVersion = this.ensureArgument( "codeServerVersion", process.env.VERSION || require(path.join(this.rootPath, "package.json")).version ) } public run(task: Task | undefined): void { this.currentTask = task this.doRun(task).catch((error) => { console.error(error.message) process.exit(1) }) } private async task(message: string, fn: () => Promise): Promise { const time = this.log(`${message}...`, true) try { const t = await fn() process.stdout.write(`took ${ - time}ms\n`) return t } catch (error) { process.stdout.write("failed\n") throw error } } /** * Writes to stdout with an optional newline. */ private log(message: string, skipNewline = false): void { process.stdout.write(`[${this.currentTask || "default"}] ${message}`) if (!skipNewline) { process.stdout.write("\n") } } private async doRun(task: Task | undefined): Promise { if (!task) { throw new Error("No task provided") } const arch = this.ensureArgument("arch", os.arch().replace(/^x/, "x86_")) const target = this.ensureArgument("target", await const binaryName = `code-server-${this.codeServerVersion}-${target}-${arch}` switch (task) { case Task.Watch: return case Task.Binary: return this.binary(binaryName) case Task.Package: return this.package(binaryName) case Task.Build: return default: throw new Error(`No task matching "${task}"`) } } /** * Get the target of the system. */ private async target(): Promise<"darwin" | "alpine" | "linux"> { if (!this._target) { if (os.platform() === "darwin" || (process.env.OSTYPE && /^darwin/.test(process.env.OSTYPE))) { this._target = "darwin" } else { // Alpine's ldd doesn't have a version flag but if you use an invalid flag // (like --version) it outputs the version to stderr and exits with 1. const result = await util .promisify(cp.exec)("ldd --version") .catch((error) => ({ stderr: error.message, stdout: "" })) if (/musl/.test(result.stderr) || /musl/.test(result.stdout)) { this._target = "alpine" } else { this._target = "linux" } } } return this._target } /** * Make sure the argument is set. Display the value if it is. */ private ensureArgument(name: string, arg?: string): string { if (!arg) { throw new Error(`${name} is missing`) } this.log(`${name} is "${arg}"`) return arg } /** * Build VS Code and code-server. */ private async build(): Promise { process.env.NODE_OPTIONS = "--max-old-space-size=32384 " + (process.env.NODE_OPTIONS || "") process.env.NODE_ENV = "production" await this.task("cleaning up old build", async () => { if (!process.env.SKIP_VSCODE) { return fs.remove(this.buildPath) } // If skipping VS Code, keep the existing build if any. try { const files = await fs.readdir(this.buildPath) return Promise.all(files.filter((f) => f !== "lib").map((f) => fs.remove(path.join(this.buildPath, f)))) } catch (error) { if (error.code !== "ENOENT") { throw error } } }) const commit = require(path.join(this.vscodeSourcePath, "build/lib/util")).getVersion(this.rootPath) as string if (!process.env.SKIP_VSCODE) { await this.buildVscode(commit) } else { this.log("skipping vs code build") } await this.buildCodeServer(commit) this.log(`final build: ${this.buildPath}`) } private async buildCodeServer(commit: string): Promise { await this.task("building code-server", async () => { return util.promisify(cp.exec)("tsc --outDir ./out-build --tsBuildInfoFile ./.prod.tsbuildinfo", { cwd: this.rootPath, }) }) await this.task("bundling code-server", async () => { return this.createBundler("dist-build", commit).bundle() }) await this.task("copying code-server into build directory", async () => { await fs.mkdirp(this.buildPath) await Promise.all([ fs.copy(path.join(this.rootPath, "out-build"), path.join(this.buildPath, "out")), fs.copy(path.join(this.rootPath, "dist-build"), path.join(this.buildPath, "dist")), // For source maps and images. fs.copy(path.join(this.rootPath, "src"), path.join(this.buildPath, "src")), ]) }) await this.copyDependencies("code-server", this.rootPath, this.buildPath) } private async buildVscode(commit: string): Promise { await this.task("building vs code", () => { return util.promisify(cp.exec)("yarn gulp compile-build", { cwd: this.vscodeSourcePath }) }) await this.task("building builtin extensions", async () => { const exists = await fs.pathExists(path.join(this.vscodeSourcePath, ".build/extensions")) if (exists) { process.stdout.write("already built, skipping...") } else { await util.promisify(cp.exec)("yarn gulp compile-extensions-build", { cwd: this.vscodeSourcePath }) } }) await this.task("optimizing vs code", async () => { return util.promisify(cp.exec)("yarn gulp optimize --gulpfile ./coder.js", { cwd: this.vscodeSourcePath }) }) if (process.env.MINIFY) { await this.task("minifying vs code", () => { return util.promisify(cp.exec)("yarn gulp minify --gulpfile ./coder.js", { cwd: this.vscodeSourcePath }) }) } const { productJson, packageJson } = await this.task("generating vs code product configuration", async () => { const merge = async (name: string, json: { [key: string]: string } = {}): Promise<{ [key: string]: string }> => { return { ...JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.join(this.vscodeSourcePath, `${name}.json`), "utf8")), ...json, } } const date = new Date().toISOString() const [packageJson, productJson] = await Promise.all([merge("package", {}), merge("product", { commit, date })]) return { productJson, packageJson } }) await this.task("inserting vs code product configuration", async () => { const filePath = path.join(this.vscodeSourcePath, "out-build/vs/platform/product/common/product.js") return fs.writeFile( filePath, (await fs.readFile(filePath, "utf8")).replace( "{ /*BUILD->INSERT_PRODUCT_CONFIGURATION*/}", JSON.stringify({ version: packageJson.version, ...productJson, }) ) ) }) const vscodeBuildPath = path.join(this.buildPath, "lib/vscode") await this.task("copying vs code into build directory", async () => { await fs.mkdirp(vscodeBuildPath) await Promise.all([ (async (): Promise => { await fs.move( path.join(this.vscodeSourcePath, `out-vscode${process.env.MINIFY ? "-min" : ""}`), path.join(vscodeBuildPath, "out") ) await fs.remove(path.join(vscodeBuildPath, "out/vs/server/browser/workbench.html")) await fs.move( path.join(vscodeBuildPath, "out/vs/server/browser/workbench-build.html"), path.join(vscodeBuildPath, "out/vs/server/browser/workbench.html") ) })(), await fs.copy(path.join(this.vscodeSourcePath, ".build/extensions"), path.join(vscodeBuildPath, "extensions")), ]) }) await this.copyDependencies("vs code", this.vscodeSourcePath, vscodeBuildPath) await this.task("writing final vs code product.json", () => { return fs.writeFile(path.join(vscodeBuildPath, "product.json"), JSON.stringify(productJson, null, 2)) }) } private async copyDependencies(name: string, sourcePath: string, buildPath: string): Promise { await this.task(`copying ${name} dependencies`, async () => { return Promise.all( ["node_modules", "package.json", "yarn.lock"].map((fileName) => { return fs.copy(path.join(sourcePath, fileName), path.join(buildPath, fileName)) }) ) }) if (process.env.MINIFY) { await this.task(`restricting ${name} to production dependencies`, async () => { return util.promisify(cp.exec)("yarn --production --ignore-scripts", { cwd: buildPath }) }) } } /** * Bundles the built code into a binary. */ private async binary(binaryName: string): Promise { const bin = new Binary({ mainFile: path.join(this.buildPath, "out/node/entry.js"), target: await, }) bin.writeFiles(path.join(this.buildPath, "**")) await fs.mkdirp(this.binariesPath) const binaryPath = path.join(this.binariesPath, binaryName) await fs.writeFile(binaryPath, await await fs.chmod(binaryPath, "755") this.log(`binary: ${binaryPath}`) } /** * Package the binary into a release archive. */ private async package(binaryName: string): Promise { const releasePath = path.join(this.rootPath, "release") const archivePath = path.join(releasePath, binaryName) await fs.remove(archivePath) await fs.mkdirp(archivePath) await fs.copyFile(path.join(this.binariesPath, binaryName), path.join(archivePath, "code-server")) await fs.copyFile(path.join(this.rootPath, ""), path.join(archivePath, "")) await fs.copyFile(path.join(this.vscodeSourcePath, "LICENSE.txt"), path.join(archivePath, "LICENSE.txt")) await fs.copyFile( path.join(this.vscodeSourcePath, "ThirdPartyNotices.txt"), path.join(archivePath, "ThirdPartyNotices.txt") ) if ((await === "darwin") { await util.promisify(cp.exec)(`zip -r "${binaryName}.zip" "${binaryName}"`, { cwd: releasePath }) this.log(`archive: ${archivePath}.zip`) } else { await util.promisify(cp.exec)(`tar -czf "${binaryName}.tar.gz" "${binaryName}"`, { cwd: releasePath }) this.log(`archive: ${archivePath}.tar.gz`) } } private async watch(): Promise { let server: cp.ChildProcess | undefined const restartServer = (): void => { if (server) { server.kill() } const s = cp.fork(path.join(this.rootPath, "out/node/entry.js")) console.log(`[server] spawned process ${}`) s.on("exit", () => console.log(`[server] process ${} exited`)) server = s } const vscode = cp.spawn("yarn", ["watch"], { cwd: this.vscodeSourcePath }) const tsc = cp.spawn("tsc", ["--watch", "--pretty", "--preserveWatchOutput"], { cwd: this.rootPath }) const bundler = this.createBundler() const cleanup = (code?: number | null): void => { this.log("killing vs code watcher") vscode.removeAllListeners() vscode.kill() this.log("killing tsc") tsc.removeAllListeners() tsc.kill() if (server) { this.log("killing server") server.removeAllListeners() server.kill() } this.log("killing bundler") process.exit(code || 0) } process.on("SIGINT", () => cleanup()) process.on("SIGTERM", () => cleanup()) vscode.on("exit", (code) => { this.log("vs code watcher terminated unexpectedly") cleanup(code) }) tsc.on("exit", (code) => { this.log("tsc terminated unexpectedly") cleanup(code) }) const bundle = bundler.bundle().catch(() => { this.log("parcel watcher terminated unexpectedly") cleanup(1) }) bundler.on("buildEnd", () => { console.log("[parcel] bundled") }) vscode.stderr.on("data", (d) => process.stderr.write(d)) tsc.stderr.on("data", (d) => process.stderr.write(d)) // From const pattern = [ "[\\u001B\\u009B][[\\]()#;?]*(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\\d]*(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]*)*)?\\u0007)", "(?:(?:\\d{1,4}(?:;\\d{0,4})*)?[\\dA-PR-TZcf-ntqry=><~]))", ].join("|") const re = new RegExp(pattern, "g") /** * Split stdout on newlines and strip ANSI codes. */ const onLine = (proc: cp.ChildProcess, callback: (strippedLine: string, originalLine: string) => void): void => { let buffer = "" if (!proc.stdout) { throw new Error("no stdout") } proc.stdout.setEncoding("utf8") proc.stdout.on("data", (d) => { const data = buffer + d const split = data.split("\n") const last = split.length - 1 for (let i = 0; i < last; ++i) { callback(split[i].replace(re, ""), split[i]) } // The last item will either be an empty string (the data ended with a // newline) or a partial line (did not end with a newline) and we must // wait to parse it until we get a full line. buffer = split[last] }) } let startingVscode = false onLine(vscode, (line, original) => { console.log("[vscode]", original) // Wait for watch-client since "Finished compilation" will appear multiple // times before the client starts building. if (!startingVscode && line.includes("Starting watch-client")) { startingVscode = true } else if (startingVscode && line.includes("Finished compilation") && process.env.AUTO_PATCH) { cp.exec("yarn patch:generate", { cwd: this.rootPath }, (error, _, stderr) => { if (error || stderr) { console.error(error ? error.message : stderr) } }) } }) onLine(tsc, (line, original) => { // tsc outputs blank lines; skip them. if (line !== "") { console.log("[tsc]", original) } if (line.includes("Watching for file changes")) { bundle.then(restartServer) } }) } private createBundler(out = "dist", commit?: string): Bundler { return new Bundler(path.join(this.rootPath, "src/browser/index.tsx"), { cache: true, cacheDir: path.join(this.rootPath, ".cache"), detailedReport: true, minify: !!process.env.MINIFY, hmr: false, logLevel: 1, outDir: path.join(this.rootPath, out), publicUrl: `/static-${commit}/dist`, target: "browser", }) } } const builder = new Builder()[2] as Task)