#import #import "unarchive.h" @import Foundation; #import "uicache.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "devmode.h" #import "jit.h" #ifndef EMBEDDED_ROOT_HELPER #import "codesign.h" #import "coretrust_bug.h" #import "FAT.h" #import "MachO.h" #import "FileStream.h" #import "Host.h" #endif #import #import #import #ifdef EMBEDDED_ROOT_HELPER #define MAIN_NAME rootHelperMain #else #define MAIN_NAME main #endif void cleanRestrictions(void); extern mach_msg_return_t SBReloadIconForIdentifier(mach_port_t machport, const char* identifier); @interface SBSHomeScreenService : NSObject - (void)reloadIcons; @end extern NSString* BKSActivateForEventOptionTypeBackgroundContentFetching; extern NSString* BKSOpenApplicationOptionKeyActivateForEvent; extern void BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription(NSString *bundleID, int reasonID, bool report, NSString *description); #define kCFPreferencesNoContainer CFSTR("kCFPreferencesNoContainer") typedef CFPropertyListRef (*_CFPreferencesCopyValueWithContainerType)(CFStringRef key, CFStringRef applicationID, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, CFStringRef containerPath); typedef void (*_CFPreferencesSetValueWithContainerType)(CFStringRef key, CFPropertyListRef value, CFStringRef applicationID, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, CFStringRef containerPath); typedef Boolean (*_CFPreferencesSynchronizeWithContainerType)(CFStringRef applicationID, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, CFStringRef containerPath); typedef CFArrayRef (*_CFPreferencesCopyKeyListWithContainerType)(CFStringRef applicationID, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, CFStringRef containerPath); typedef CFDictionaryRef (*_CFPreferencesCopyMultipleWithContainerType)(CFArrayRef keysToFetch, CFStringRef applicationID, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, CFStringRef containerPath); BOOL _installPersistenceHelper(LSApplicationProxy* appProxy, NSString* sourcePersistenceHelper, NSString* sourceRootHelper); NSArray* applicationsWithGroupId(NSString* groupId) { LSEnumerator* enumerator = [LSEnumerator enumeratorForApplicationProxiesWithOptions:0]; enumerator.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"groupContainerURLs[%@] != nil", groupId]; return enumerator.allObjects; } NSSet* systemURLSchemes(void) { LSEnumerator* enumerator = [LSEnumerator enumeratorForApplicationProxiesWithOptions:0]; NSMutableSet* systemURLSchemesSet = [NSMutableSet new]; LSApplicationProxy* proxy; while(proxy = [enumerator nextObject]) { if(isRemovableSystemApp(proxy.bundleIdentifier) || ![proxy.bundleURL.path hasPrefix:@"/private/var/containers"]) { for(NSString* claimedURLScheme in proxy.claimedURLSchemes) { if([claimedURLScheme isKindOfClass:NSString.class]) { [systemURLSchemesSet addObject:claimedURLScheme.lowercaseString]; } } } } return systemURLSchemesSet.copy; } NSSet* immutableAppBundleIdentifiers(void) { NSMutableSet* systemAppIdentifiers = [NSMutableSet new]; LSEnumerator* enumerator = [LSEnumerator enumeratorForApplicationProxiesWithOptions:0]; LSApplicationProxy* appProxy; while(appProxy = [enumerator nextObject]) { if(appProxy.installed) { if(![appProxy.bundleURL.path hasPrefix:@"/private/var/containers"]) { [systemAppIdentifiers addObject:appProxy.bundleIdentifier.lowercaseString]; } } } return systemAppIdentifiers.copy; } NSDictionary* infoDictionaryForAppPath(NSString* appPath) { if(!appPath) return nil; NSString* infoPlistPath = [appPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Info.plist"]; return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:infoPlistPath]; } NSString* appIdForAppPath(NSString* appPath) { if(!appPath) return nil; return infoDictionaryForAppPath(appPath)[@"CFBundleIdentifier"]; } NSString* appMainExecutablePathForAppPath(NSString* appPath) { if(!appPath) return nil; return [appPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:infoDictionaryForAppPath(appPath)[@"CFBundleExecutable"]]; } NSString* appPathForAppId(NSString* appId) { if(!appId) return nil; for(NSString* appPath in trollStoreInstalledAppBundlePaths()) { if([appIdForAppPath(appPath) isEqualToString:appId]) { return appPath; } } return nil; } NSString* findAppNameInBundlePath(NSString* bundlePath) { NSArray* bundleItems = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:bundlePath error:nil]; for(NSString* bundleItem in bundleItems) { if([bundleItem.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"app"]) { return bundleItem; } } return nil; } NSString* findAppPathInBundlePath(NSString* bundlePath) { NSString* appName = findAppNameInBundlePath(bundlePath); if(!appName) return nil; return [bundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:appName]; } NSURL* findAppURLInBundleURL(NSURL* bundleURL) { NSString* appName = findAppNameInBundlePath(bundleURL.path); if(!appName) return nil; return [bundleURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:appName]; } BOOL isMachoFile(NSString* filePath) { FILE* file = fopen(filePath.fileSystemRepresentation, "r"); if(!file) return NO; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); uint32_t magic; fread(&magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, file); fclose(file); return magic == FAT_MAGIC || magic == FAT_CIGAM || magic == MH_MAGIC_64 || magic == MH_CIGAM_64; } void fixPermissionsOfAppBundle(NSString* appBundlePath) { // Apply correct permissions (First run, set everything to 644, owner 33) NSURL* fileURL; NSDirectoryEnumerator *enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appBundlePath] includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:0 errorHandler:nil]; while(fileURL = [enumerator nextObject]) { NSString* filePath = fileURL.path; chown(filePath.fileSystemRepresentation, 33, 33); chmod(filePath.fileSystemRepresentation, 0644); } // Apply correct permissions (Second run, set executables and directories to 0755) enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appBundlePath] includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:0 errorHandler:nil]; while(fileURL = [enumerator nextObject]) { NSString* filePath = fileURL.path; BOOL isDir; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:fileURL.path isDirectory:&isDir]; if(isDir || isMachoFile(filePath)) { chmod(filePath.fileSystemRepresentation, 0755); } } } NSArray* TSURLScheme(void) { return @[ @{ @"CFBundleURLName" : @"com.apple.Magnifier", @"CFBundleURLSchemes" : @[ @"apple-magnifier" ] } ]; } BOOL getTSURLSchemeState(NSString* customAppPath) { NSString* pathToUse = customAppPath ?: trollStoreAppPath(); NSDictionary* trollStoreInfoDict = infoDictionaryForAppPath(pathToUse); return (BOOL)trollStoreInfoDict[@"CFBundleURLTypes"]; } void setTSURLSchemeState(BOOL newState, NSString* customAppPath) { NSString* tsAppPath = trollStoreAppPath(); NSString* pathToUse = customAppPath ?: tsAppPath; if(newState != getTSURLSchemeState(pathToUse)) { NSDictionary* trollStoreInfoDict = infoDictionaryForAppPath(pathToUse); NSMutableDictionary* trollStoreInfoDictM = trollStoreInfoDict.mutableCopy; if(newState) { trollStoreInfoDictM[@"CFBundleURLTypes"] = TSURLScheme(); } else { [trollStoreInfoDictM removeObjectForKey:@"CFBundleURLTypes"]; } NSString* outPath = [pathToUse stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Info.plist"]; [trollStoreInfoDictM.copy writeToURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:outPath] error:nil]; } } void installLdid(NSString* ldidToCopyPath, NSString* ldidVersion) { if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:ldidToCopyPath]) return; NSString* ldidPath = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ldid"]; NSString* ldidVersionPath = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ldid.version"]; if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:ldidPath]) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:ldidPath error:nil]; } [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:ldidToCopyPath toPath:ldidPath error:nil]; NSData* ldidVersionData = [ldidVersion dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [ldidVersionData writeToFile:ldidVersionPath atomically:YES]; chmod(ldidPath.fileSystemRepresentation, 0755); chmod(ldidVersionPath.fileSystemRepresentation, 0644); } BOOL isLdidInstalled(void) { NSString* ldidPath = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ldid"]; return [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:ldidPath]; } int runLdid(NSArray* args, NSString** output, NSString** errorOutput) { NSString* ldidPath = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ldid"]; NSMutableArray* argsM = args.mutableCopy ?: [NSMutableArray new]; [argsM insertObject:ldidPath.lastPathComponent atIndex:0]; NSUInteger argCount = [argsM count]; char **argsC = (char **)malloc((argCount + 1) * sizeof(char*)); for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < argCount; i++) { argsC[i] = strdup([[argsM objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String]); } argsC[argCount] = NULL; posix_spawn_file_actions_t action; posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&action); int outErr[2]; pipe(outErr); posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&action, outErr[1], STDERR_FILENO); posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&action, outErr[0]); int out[2]; pipe(out); posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&action, out[1], STDOUT_FILENO); posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&action, out[0]); pid_t task_pid; int status = -200; int spawnError = posix_spawn(&task_pid, [ldidPath fileSystemRepresentation], &action, NULL, (char* const*)argsC, NULL); for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < argCount; i++) { free(argsC[i]); } free(argsC); if(spawnError != 0) { NSLog(@"posix_spawn error %d\n", spawnError); return spawnError; } do { if (waitpid(task_pid, &status, 0) != -1) { //printf("Child status %dn", WEXITSTATUS(status)); } else { perror("waitpid"); return -222; } } while (!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status)); close(outErr[1]); close(out[1]); NSString* ldidOutput = getNSStringFromFile(out[0]); if(output) { *output = ldidOutput; } NSString* ldidErrorOutput = getNSStringFromFile(outErr[0]); if(errorOutput) { *errorOutput = ldidErrorOutput; } return WEXITSTATUS(status); } BOOL certificateHasDataForExtensionOID(SecCertificateRef certificate, CFStringRef oidString) { if(certificate == NULL || oidString == NULL) { NSLog(@"[certificateHasDataForExtensionOID] attempted to check null certificate or OID"); return NO; } CFDataRef extensionData = SecCertificateCopyExtensionValue(certificate, oidString, NULL); if(extensionData != NULL) { CFRelease(extensionData); return YES; } return NO; } BOOL codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions(SecStaticCodeRef codeRef) { if(codeRef == NULL) { NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] attempted to check cert chain of null static code object"); return NO; } CFDictionaryRef signingInfo = NULL; OSStatus result; result = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(codeRef, kSecCSSigningInformation, &signingInfo); if(result != errSecSuccess) { NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] failed to copy signing info from static code"); return NO; } CFArrayRef certificates = CFDictionaryGetValue(signingInfo, kSecCodeInfoCertificates); if(certificates == NULL || CFArrayGetCount(certificates) == 0) { return NO; } // If we match the standard Apple policy, we are signed properly, but we haven't been deliberately signed with a custom root SecPolicyRef appleAppStorePolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneApplicationSigning, NULL); SecTrustRef trust = NULL; SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificates, appleAppStorePolicy, &trust); if(SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil)) { CFRelease(trust); CFRelease(appleAppStorePolicy); CFRelease(signingInfo); NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] found certificate extension, but was issued by Apple (App Store)"); return NO; } // We haven't matched Apple, so keep going. Is the app profile signed? CFRelease(appleAppStorePolicy); SecPolicyRef appleProfileSignedPolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleiPhoneProfileApplicationSigning, NULL); if(SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, appleProfileSignedPolicy) != errSecSuccess) { NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] error replacing trust policy to check for profile-signed app"); CFRelease(trust); CFRelease(signingInfo); return NO; } if(SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil)) { CFRelease(trust); CFRelease(appleProfileSignedPolicy); CFRelease(signingInfo); NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] found certificate extension, but was issued by Apple (profile-signed)"); return NO; } // Still haven't matched Apple. Are we using a custom root that would take the App Store fastpath? CFRelease(appleProfileSignedPolicy); // Cert chain should be of length 3 if(CFArrayGetCount(certificates) != 3) { CFRelease(signingInfo); NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] certificate chain length != 3"); return NO; } // AppleCodeSigning only checks for the codeSigning EKU by default SecPolicyRef customRootPolicy = SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(kSecPolicyAppleCodeSigning, NULL); SecPolicySetOptionsValue(customRootPolicy, CFSTR("LeafMarkerOid"), CFSTR("1.2.840.113635.")); if(SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, customRootPolicy) != errSecSuccess) { NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] error replacing trust policy to check for custom root"); CFRelease(trust); CFRelease(signingInfo); return NO; } // Need to add our certificate chain to the anchor as it is expected to be a self-signed root SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust, certificates); BOOL evaluatesToCustomAnchor = SecTrustEvaluateWithError(trust, nil); NSLog(@"[codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions] app signed with non-Apple certificate %@ using valid custom certificates", evaluatesToCustomAnchor ? @"IS" : @"is NOT"); CFRelease(trust); CFRelease(customRootPolicy); CFRelease(signingInfo); return evaluatesToCustomAnchor; } BOOL isSameFile(NSString *path1, NSString *path2) { struct stat sb1; struct stat sb2; stat(path1.fileSystemRepresentation, &sb1); stat(path2.fileSystemRepresentation, &sb2); return sb1.st_ino == sb2.st_ino; } #ifdef EMBEDDED_ROOT_HELPER // The embedded root helper is not able to sign apps // But it does not need that functionality anyways int signApp(NSString* appPath) { return -1; } #else int signAdhoc(NSString *filePath, NSDictionary *entitlements) { //if (@available(iOS 16, *)) { // return codesign_sign_adhoc(filePath.fileSystemRepresentation, true, entitlements); //} // If iOS 14 is so great, how come there is no iOS 14 2????? //else { if(!isLdidInstalled()) return 173; NSString *entitlementsPath = nil; NSString *signArg = @"-s"; NSString* errorOutput; if(entitlements) { NSData *entitlementsXML = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataWithPropertyList:entitlements format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 options:0 error:nil]; if (entitlementsXML) { entitlementsPath = [[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSUUID UUID].UUIDString] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"plist"]; [entitlementsXML writeToFile:entitlementsPath atomically:NO]; signArg = [@"-S" stringByAppendingString:entitlementsPath]; } } int ldidRet = runLdid(@[signArg, filePath], nil, &errorOutput); if (entitlementsPath) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:entitlementsPath error:nil]; } NSLog(@"ldid exited with status %d", ldidRet); NSLog(@"- ldid error output start -"); printMultilineNSString(errorOutput); NSLog(@"- ldid error output end -"); if(ldidRet == 0) { return 0; } else { return 175; } //} } int signApp(NSString* appPath) { NSDictionary* appInfoDict = infoDictionaryForAppPath(appPath); if(!appInfoDict) return 172; NSString* mainExecutablePath = appMainExecutablePathForAppPath(appPath); if(!mainExecutablePath) return 176; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:mainExecutablePath]) return 174; // Check if the bundle has had a supported exploit pre-applied EXPLOIT_TYPE declaredPreAppliedExploitType = getDeclaredExploitTypeFromInfoDictionary(appInfoDict); if(isPlatformVulnerableToExploitType(declaredPreAppliedExploitType)) { NSLog(@"[signApp] taking fast path for app which declares use of a supported pre-applied exploit (%@)", mainExecutablePath); return 0; } else { NSLog(@"[signApp] app (%@) declares use of a pre-applied exploit that is not supported on this device. Proceeding to re-sign...", mainExecutablePath); } // If the app doesn't declare a pre-applied exploit, and the host supports fake custom root certs, // we can also skip doing any work here when that app is signed with fake roots // If not, with the new bypass, a previously modified binary should failed to be adhoc signed, and // reapplying the bypass should produce an identical binary if(isPlatformVulnerableToExploitType(EXPLOIT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ROOT_CERTIFICATE_V1)) { SecStaticCodeRef codeRef = getStaticCodeRef(mainExecutablePath); if(codeRef != NULL) { if(codeCertChainContainsFakeAppStoreExtensions(codeRef)) { NSLog(@"[signApp] taking fast path for app signed using a custom root certificate (%@)", mainExecutablePath); CFRelease(codeRef); return 0; } CFRelease(codeRef); } } // On iOS 16+, binaries with certain entitlements requires developer mode to be enabled, so we'll check // while we're fixing entitlements BOOL requiresDevMode = NO; // The majority of IPA decryption utilities only decrypt the main executable of the app bundle // As a result, we cannot bail on the entire app if an additional binary is encrypted (e.g. app extensions) // Instead, we will display a warning to the user, and warn them that the app may not work properly BOOL hasAdditionalEncryptedBinaries = NO; NSURL* fileURL; NSDirectoryEnumerator *enumerator; // Due to how the new CT bug works, in order for data containers to work properly we need to add the // com.apple.private.security.container-required= entitlement to every binary inside a bundle // For this we will want to first collect info about all the bundles in the app by seeking for Info.plist files and adding the ent to the main binary enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath] includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:0 errorHandler:nil]; while(fileURL = [enumerator nextObject]) { NSString *filePath = fileURL.path; if ([filePath.lastPathComponent isEqualToString:@"Info.plist"]) { NSDictionary *infoDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:filePath]; if (!infoDict) continue; NSString *bundleId = infoDict[@"CFBundleIdentifier"]; NSString *bundleExecutable = infoDict[@"CFBundleExecutable"]; if (!bundleId || !bundleExecutable) continue; NSString *bundleMainExecutablePath = [[filePath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByAppendingPathComponent:bundleExecutable]; if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:bundleMainExecutablePath]) continue; NSString *packageType = infoDict[@"CFBundlePackageType"]; // We don't care about frameworks (yet) if ([packageType isEqualToString:@"FMWK"]) continue; NSMutableDictionary *entitlementsToUse = dumpEntitlementsFromBinaryAtPath(bundleMainExecutablePath).mutableCopy; if (isSameFile(bundleMainExecutablePath, mainExecutablePath)) { // In the case where the main executable of the app currently has no entitlements at all // We want to ensure it gets signed with fallback entitlements // These mimic the entitlements that Xcodes gives every app it signs if (!entitlementsToUse) { entitlementsToUse = @{ @"application-identifier" : @"TROLLTROLL.*", @"com.apple.developer.team-identifier" : @"TROLLTROLL", @"get-task-allow" : (__bridge id)kCFBooleanTrue, @"keychain-access-groups" : @[ @"TROLLTROLL.*", @"com.apple.token" ], }.mutableCopy; } } if (!entitlementsToUse) entitlementsToUse = [NSMutableDictionary new]; // Developer mode does not exist before iOS 16 if (@available(iOS 16, *)){ if (!requiresDevMode) { for (NSString* restrictedEntitlementKey in @[ @"get-task-allow", @"task_for_pid-allow", @"com.apple.system-task-ports", @"com.apple.system-task-ports.control", @"com.apple.system-task-ports.token.control", @"com.apple.private.cs.debugger" ]) { NSObject *restrictedEntitlement = entitlementsToUse[restrictedEntitlementKey]; if (restrictedEntitlement && [restrictedEntitlement isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] && [(NSNumber *)restrictedEntitlement boolValue]) { requiresDevMode = YES; } } } } NSObject *containerRequiredO = entitlementsToUse[@"com.apple.private.security.container-required"]; BOOL containerRequired = YES; if (containerRequiredO && [containerRequiredO isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { containerRequired = [(NSNumber *)containerRequiredO boolValue]; } else if (containerRequiredO && [containerRequiredO isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { // Keep whatever is in it if it's a string... containerRequired = NO; } if (containerRequired) { NSObject *noContainerO = entitlementsToUse[@"com.apple.private.security.no-container"]; BOOL noContainer = NO; if (noContainerO && [noContainerO isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { noContainer = [(NSNumber *)noContainerO boolValue]; } NSObject *noSandboxO = entitlementsToUse[@"com.apple.private.security.no-sandbox"]; BOOL noSandbox = NO; if (noSandboxO && [noSandboxO isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { noSandbox = [(NSNumber *)noSandboxO boolValue]; } if (!noContainer && !noSandbox) { entitlementsToUse[@"com.apple.private.security.container-required"] = bundleId; } } signAdhoc(bundleMainExecutablePath, entitlementsToUse); } } // All entitlement related issues should be fixed at this point, so all we need to do is sign the entire bundle // And then apply the CoreTrust bypass to all executables // XXX: This only works because we're using ldid at the moment and that recursively signs everything signAdhoc(appPath, nil); enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath] includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:0 errorHandler:nil]; while(fileURL = [enumerator nextObject]) { NSString *filePath = fileURL.path; FAT *fat = fat_init_from_path(filePath.fileSystemRepresentation); if (fat) { NSLog(@"%@ is binary", filePath); MachO *machoForExtraction = fat_find_preferred_slice(fat); if (machoForExtraction) { // Extract best slice NSString *tmpPath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSUUID UUID].UUIDString]; MemoryStream *sliceStream = macho_get_stream(machoForExtraction); MemoryStream *sliceOutStream = file_stream_init_from_path(tmpPath.fileSystemRepresentation, 0, 0, FILE_STREAM_FLAG_WRITABLE | FILE_STREAM_FLAG_AUTO_EXPAND); if (sliceOutStream) { memory_stream_copy_data(sliceStream, 0, sliceOutStream, 0, memory_stream_get_size(sliceStream)); memory_stream_free(sliceOutStream); // Now we have the best slice at tmpPath, which we will apply the bypass to, then copy it over the original file // We loose all other slices doing that but they aren't a loss as they wouldn't run either way NSLog(@"[%@] Applying CoreTrust bypass...", filePath); int r = apply_coretrust_bypass(tmpPath.fileSystemRepresentation); if (r == 0) { NSLog(@"[%@] Applied CoreTrust bypass!", filePath); } else if (r == 2) { NSLog(@"[%@] Cannot apply CoreTrust bypass on an encrypted binary!", filePath); if (isSameFile(filePath, mainExecutablePath)) { // If this is the main binary, this error is fatal NSLog(@"[%@] Main binary is encrypted, cannot continue!", filePath); fat_free(fat); return 180; } else { // If not, we can continue but want to show a warning after the app is installed hasAdditionalEncryptedBinaries = YES; } } else if (r == 3) { // Non-fatal - unsupported MachO type NSLog(@"[%@] Cannot apply CoreTrust bypass on an unsupported MachO type!", filePath); } else { NSLog(@"[%@] CoreTrust bypass failed!!! :(", filePath); fat_free(fat); return 175; } // tempFile is now signed, overwrite original file at filePath with it [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:filePath error:nil]; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:tmpPath toPath:filePath error:nil]; } } fat_free(fat); } } if (requiresDevMode) { // Postpone trying to enable dev mode until after the app is (successfully) installed return 182; } if (hasAdditionalEncryptedBinaries) { return 184; } return 0; } #endif void applyPatchesToInfoDictionary(NSString* appPath) { NSURL* appURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath]; NSURL* infoPlistURL = [appURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Info.plist"]; NSMutableDictionary* infoDictM = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:infoPlistURL error:nil] mutableCopy]; if(!infoDictM) return; // Enable Notifications infoDictM[@"SBAppUsesLocalNotifications"] = @1; // Remove system claimed URL schemes if existant NSSet* appleSchemes = systemURLSchemes(); NSArray* CFBundleURLTypes = infoDictM[@"CFBundleURLTypes"]; if([CFBundleURLTypes isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { NSMutableArray* CFBundleURLTypesM = [NSMutableArray new]; for(NSDictionary* URLType in CFBundleURLTypes) { if(![URLType isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) continue; NSMutableDictionary* modifiedURLType = URLType.mutableCopy; NSArray* URLSchemes = URLType[@"CFBundleURLSchemes"]; if(URLSchemes) { NSMutableSet* URLSchemesSet = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:URLSchemes]; for(NSString* existingURLScheme in [URLSchemesSet copy]) { if(![existingURLScheme isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { [URLSchemesSet removeObject:existingURLScheme]; continue; } if([appleSchemes containsObject:existingURLScheme.lowercaseString]) { [URLSchemesSet removeObject:existingURLScheme]; } } modifiedURLType[@"CFBundleURLSchemes"] = [URLSchemesSet allObjects]; } [CFBundleURLTypesM addObject:modifiedURLType.copy]; } infoDictM[@"CFBundleURLTypes"] = CFBundleURLTypesM.copy; } [infoDictM writeToURL:infoPlistURL error:nil]; } // 170: failed to create container for app bundle // 171: a non trollstore app with the same identifier is already installled // 172: no info.plist found in app // 173: app is not signed and cannot be signed because ldid not installed or didn't work // 174: // 180: tried to sign app where the main binary is encrypted // 184: tried to sign app where an additional binary is encrypted int installApp(NSString* appPackagePath, BOOL sign, BOOL force, BOOL isTSUpdate, BOOL useInstalldMethod) { NSLog(@"[installApp force = %d]", force); NSString* appPayloadPath = [appPackagePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Payload"]; NSString* appBundleToInstallPath = findAppPathInBundlePath(appPayloadPath); if(!appBundleToInstallPath) return 167; NSString* appId = appIdForAppPath(appBundleToInstallPath); if(!appId) return 176; if(([appId.lowercaseString isEqualToString:@"com.opa334.trollstore"] && !isTSUpdate) || [immutableAppBundleIdentifiers() containsObject:appId.lowercaseString]) { return 179; } if(!infoDictionaryForAppPath(appBundleToInstallPath)) return 172; if(!isTSUpdate) { applyPatchesToInfoDictionary(appBundleToInstallPath); } BOOL requiresDevMode = NO; BOOL hasAdditionalEncryptedBinaries = NO; if(sign) { int signRet = signApp(appBundleToInstallPath); // 182: app requires developer mode; non-fatal // 184: app has additional encrypted binaries; non-fatal if(signRet != 0) { if (signRet == 182) { requiresDevMode = YES; } else if (signRet == 184) { hasAdditionalEncryptedBinaries = YES; } else { return signRet; } }; } MCMAppContainer* appContainer = [MCMAppContainer containerWithIdentifier:appId createIfNecessary:NO existed:nil error:nil]; if(appContainer) { // App update // Replace existing bundle with new version // Check if the existing app bundle is empty NSURL* bundleContainerURL = appContainer.url; NSURL* appBundleURL = findAppURLInBundleURL(bundleContainerURL); // Make sure the installed app is a TrollStore app or the container is empty (or the force flag is set) NSURL* trollStoreMarkURL = [bundleContainerURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"_TrollStore"]; if(appBundleURL && ![trollStoreMarkURL checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:nil] && !force) { NSLog(@"[installApp] already installed and not a TrollStore app... bailing out"); return 171; } // Terminate app if it's still running if(!isTSUpdate) { BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription(appId, 5, false, @"TrollStore - App updated"); } NSLog(@"[installApp] replacing existing app with new version"); // Delete existing .app directory if it exists if(appBundleURL) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:appBundleURL error:nil]; } NSString* newAppBundlePath = [bundleContainerURL.path stringByAppendingPathComponent:appBundleToInstallPath.lastPathComponent]; NSLog(@"[installApp] new app path: %@", newAppBundlePath); // Install new version into existing app bundle NSError* copyError; BOOL suc = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:appBundleToInstallPath toPath:newAppBundlePath error:©Error]; if(!suc) { NSLog(@"[installApp] Error copying new version during update: %@", copyError); return 178; } } else { // Initial app install BOOL systemMethodSuccessful = NO; if(useInstalldMethod) { // System method // Do initial placeholder installation using LSApplicationWorkspace NSLog(@"[installApp] doing placeholder installation using LSApplicationWorkspace"); // The installApplication API (re)moves the app bundle, so in order to be able to later // fall back to the custom method, we need to make a temporary copy just for using it on this API once // Yeah this sucks, but there is no better solution unfortunately NSError* tmpCopyError; NSString* lsAppPackageTmpCopy = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSUUID UUID].UUIDString]; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:appPackagePath toPath:lsAppPackageTmpCopy error:&tmpCopyError]) { NSLog(@"failed to make temporary copy of app packge: %@", tmpCopyError); return 170; } NSError* installError; @try { systemMethodSuccessful = [[LSApplicationWorkspace defaultWorkspace] installApplication:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:lsAppPackageTmpCopy] withOptions:@{ LSInstallTypeKey : @1, @"PackageType" : @"Placeholder" } error:&installError]; } @catch(NSException* e) { NSLog(@"[installApp] encountered expection %@ while trying to do placeholder install", e); systemMethodSuccessful = NO; } if(!systemMethodSuccessful) { NSLog(@"[installApp] encountered error %@ while trying to do placeholder install", installError); } [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:lsAppPackageTmpCopy error:nil]; } if(!systemMethodSuccessful) { // Custom method // Manually create app bundle via MCM apis and move app there NSLog(@"[installApp] doing custom installation using MCMAppContainer"); NSError* mcmError; appContainer = [MCMAppContainer containerWithIdentifier:appId createIfNecessary:YES existed:nil error:&mcmError]; if(!appContainer || mcmError) { NSLog(@"[installApp] failed to create app container for %@: %@", appId, mcmError); return 170; } else { NSLog(@"[installApp] created app container: %@", appContainer); } NSString* newAppBundlePath = [appContainer.url.path stringByAppendingPathComponent:appBundleToInstallPath.lastPathComponent]; NSLog(@"[installApp] new app path: %@", newAppBundlePath); NSError* copyError; BOOL suc = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:appBundleToInstallPath toPath:newAppBundlePath error:©Error]; if(!suc) { NSLog(@"[installApp] Failed to copy app bundle for app %@, error: %@", appId, copyError); return 178; } } } appContainer = [MCMAppContainer containerWithIdentifier:appId createIfNecessary:NO existed:nil error:nil]; // Mark app as TrollStore app NSURL* trollStoreMarkURL = [appContainer.url URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"_TrollStore"]; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:trollStoreMarkURL.path]) { NSError* creationError; NSData* emptyData = [NSData data]; BOOL marked = [emptyData writeToURL:trollStoreMarkURL options:0 error:&creationError]; if(!marked) { NSLog(@"[installApp] failed to mark %@ as TrollStore app by creating %@, error: %@", appId, trollStoreMarkURL.path, creationError); return 177; } } // At this point the (new version of the) app is installed but still needs to be registered // Also permissions need to be fixed NSURL* updatedAppURL = findAppURLInBundleURL(appContainer.url); fixPermissionsOfAppBundle(updatedAppURL.path); if (!registerPath(updatedAppURL.path, 0, YES)) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:appContainer.url error:nil]; return 181; } // Handle developer mode after installing and registering the app, to ensure that we // don't arm developer mode but then fail to install the app if (requiresDevMode) { BOOL alreadyEnabled = NO; if (armDeveloperMode(&alreadyEnabled)) { if (!alreadyEnabled) { NSLog(@"[installApp] app requires developer mode and we have successfully armed it"); // non-fatal return 182; } } else { NSLog(@"[installApp] failed to arm developer mode"); // fatal return 183; } } if (hasAdditionalEncryptedBinaries) { NSLog(@"[installApp] app has additional encrypted binaries"); // non-fatal return 184; } return 0; } int uninstallApp(NSString* appPath, NSString* appId, BOOL useCustomMethod) { BOOL deleteSuc = NO; if(!appId && appPath) { // Special case, something is wrong about this app // Most likely the Info.plist is missing // (Hopefully this never happens) deleteSuc = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[appPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] error:nil]; registerPath(appPath, YES, YES); return 0; } if(appId) { LSApplicationProxy* appProxy = [LSApplicationProxy applicationProxyForIdentifier:appId]; // delete data container if (appProxy.dataContainerURL) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:appProxy.dataContainerURL error:nil]; } // delete group container paths [[appProxy groupContainerURLs] enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString* groupId, NSURL* groupURL, BOOL* stop) { // If another app still has this group, don't delete it NSArray* appsWithGroup = applicationsWithGroupId(groupId); if(appsWithGroup.count > 1) { NSLog(@"[uninstallApp] not deleting %@, appsWithGroup.count:%lu", groupURL, appsWithGroup.count); return; } NSLog(@"[uninstallApp] deleting %@", groupURL); [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:groupURL error:nil]; }]; // delete app plugin paths for(LSPlugInKitProxy* pluginProxy in appProxy.plugInKitPlugins) { NSURL* pluginURL = pluginProxy.dataContainerURL; if(pluginURL) { NSLog(@"[uninstallApp] deleting %@", pluginURL); [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:pluginURL error:nil]; } } BOOL systemMethodSuccessful = NO; if(!useCustomMethod) { systemMethodSuccessful = [[LSApplicationWorkspace defaultWorkspace] uninstallApplication:appId withOptions:nil]; } if(!systemMethodSuccessful) { deleteSuc = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[appPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] error:nil]; registerPath(appPath, YES, YES); } else { deleteSuc = systemMethodSuccessful; } } if(deleteSuc) { cleanRestrictions(); return 0; } else { return 1; } } int uninstallAppByPath(NSString* appPath, BOOL useCustomMethod) { if(!appPath) return 1; NSString* standardizedAppPath = appPath.stringByStandardizingPath; if(![standardizedAppPath hasPrefix:@"/var/containers/Bundle/Application/"] && standardizedAppPath.pathComponents.count == 5) { return 1; } NSString* appId = appIdForAppPath(standardizedAppPath); return uninstallApp(appPath, appId, useCustomMethod); } int uninstallAppById(NSString* appId, BOOL useCustomMethod) { if(!appId) return 1; NSString* appPath = appPathForAppId(appId); if(!appPath) return 1; return uninstallApp(appPath, appId, useCustomMethod); } // 166: IPA does not exist or is not accessible // 167: IPA does not appear to contain an app // 180: IPA's main binary is encrypted // 184: IPA contains additional encrypted binaries int installIpa(NSString* ipaPath, BOOL force, BOOL useInstalldMethod) { cleanRestrictions(); if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:ipaPath]) return 166; BOOL suc = NO; NSString* tmpPackagePath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSUUID UUID].UUIDString]; suc = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:tmpPackagePath withIntermediateDirectories:NO attributes:nil error:nil]; if(!suc) return 1; int extractRet = extract(ipaPath, tmpPackagePath); if(extractRet != 0) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:tmpPackagePath error:nil]; return 168; } int ret = installApp(tmpPackagePath, YES, force, NO, useInstalldMethod); [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:tmpPackagePath error:nil]; return ret; } void uninstallAllApps(BOOL useCustomMethod) { for(NSString* appPath in trollStoreInstalledAppBundlePaths()) { uninstallAppById(appIdForAppPath(appPath), useCustomMethod); } } int uninstallTrollStore(BOOL unregister) { NSString* trollStore = trollStorePath(); if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:trollStore]) return NO; if(unregister) { registerPath(trollStoreAppPath(), YES, YES); } return [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:trollStore error:nil]; } int installTrollStore(NSString* pathToTar) { _CFPreferencesSetValueWithContainerType _CFPreferencesSetValueWithContainer = (_CFPreferencesSetValueWithContainerType)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "_CFPreferencesSetValueWithContainer"); _CFPreferencesSynchronizeWithContainerType _CFPreferencesSynchronizeWithContainer = (_CFPreferencesSynchronizeWithContainerType)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "_CFPreferencesSynchronizeWithContainer"); _CFPreferencesSetValueWithContainer(CFSTR("SBShowNonDefaultSystemApps"), kCFBooleanTrue, CFSTR("com.apple.springboard"), CFSTR("mobile"), kCFPreferencesAnyHost, kCFPreferencesNoContainer); _CFPreferencesSynchronizeWithContainer(CFSTR("com.apple.springboard"), CFSTR("mobile"), kCFPreferencesAnyHost, kCFPreferencesNoContainer); if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:pathToTar]) return 1; if(![pathToTar.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"tar"]) return 1; NSString* tmpPackagePath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSUUID UUID].UUIDString]; NSString* tmpPayloadPath = [tmpPackagePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Payload"]; BOOL suc = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:tmpPayloadPath withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:nil]; if(!suc) return 1; int extractRet = extract(pathToTar, tmpPayloadPath); if(extractRet != 0) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:tmpPackagePath error:nil]; return 169; } NSString* tmpTrollStorePath = [tmpPayloadPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"TrollStore.app"]; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:tmpTrollStorePath]) return 1; //if (@available(iOS 16, *)) {} else { // Transfer existing ldid installation if it exists // But only if the to-be-installed version of TrollStore is 1.5.0 or above // This is to make it possible to downgrade to older versions still NSString* toInstallInfoPlistPath = [tmpTrollStorePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Info.plist"]; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:toInstallInfoPlistPath]) return 1; NSDictionary* toInstallInfoDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:toInstallInfoPlistPath]; NSString* toInstallVersion = toInstallInfoDict[@"CFBundleVersion"]; NSComparisonResult result = [@"1.5.0" compare:toInstallVersion options:NSNumericSearch]; if(result != NSOrderedDescending) { NSString* existingLdidPath = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ldid"]; NSString* existingLdidVersionPath = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ldid.version"]; if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:existingLdidPath]) { NSString* tmpLdidPath = [tmpTrollStorePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ldid"]; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:tmpLdidPath]) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:existingLdidPath toPath:tmpLdidPath error:nil]; } } if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:existingLdidVersionPath]) { NSString* tmpLdidVersionPath = [tmpTrollStorePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"ldid.version"]; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:tmpLdidVersionPath]) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:existingLdidVersionPath toPath:tmpLdidVersionPath error:nil]; } } } //} // Merge existing URL scheme settings value if(!getTSURLSchemeState(nil)) { setTSURLSchemeState(NO, tmpTrollStorePath); } // Update system app persistence helper if used LSApplicationProxy* persistenceHelperApp = findPersistenceHelperApp(PERSISTENCE_HELPER_TYPE_SYSTEM); if(persistenceHelperApp) { NSString* trollStorePersistenceHelper = [tmpTrollStorePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"PersistenceHelper"]; NSString* trollStoreRootHelper = [tmpTrollStorePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"trollstorehelper"]; _installPersistenceHelper(persistenceHelperApp, trollStorePersistenceHelper, trollStoreRootHelper); } int ret = installApp(tmpPackagePath, NO, YES, YES, YES); NSLog(@"[installTrollStore] installApp => %d", ret); [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:tmpPackagePath error:nil]; return ret; } void refreshAppRegistrations(BOOL system) { registerPath(trollStoreAppPath(), NO, system); // the reason why there is even an option to register everything as user // is because it fixes an issue where app permissions would reset during an icon cache reload for(NSString* appPath in trollStoreInstalledAppBundlePaths()) { registerPath(appPath, NO, system); } } BOOL _installPersistenceHelper(LSApplicationProxy* appProxy, NSString* sourcePersistenceHelper, NSString* sourceRootHelper) { NSLog(@"_installPersistenceHelper(%@, %@, %@)", appProxy, sourcePersistenceHelper, sourceRootHelper); NSString* executablePath = appProxy.canonicalExecutablePath; NSString* bundlePath = appProxy.bundleURL.path; if(!executablePath) { NSBundle* appBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:bundlePath]; executablePath = [bundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[appBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleExecutable"]]; } NSString* markPath = [bundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".TrollStorePersistenceHelper"]; NSString* rootHelperPath = [bundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"trollstorehelper"]; // remove existing persistence helper binary if exists if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:markPath] && [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:executablePath]) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:executablePath error:nil]; } // remove existing root helper binary if exists if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:rootHelperPath]) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:rootHelperPath error:nil]; } // install new persistence helper binary if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:sourcePersistenceHelper toPath:executablePath error:nil]) { return NO; } chmod(executablePath.fileSystemRepresentation, 0755); chown(executablePath.fileSystemRepresentation, 33, 33); NSError* error; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:sourceRootHelper toPath:rootHelperPath error:&error]) { NSLog(@"error copying root helper: %@", error); } chmod(rootHelperPath.fileSystemRepresentation, 0755); chown(rootHelperPath.fileSystemRepresentation, 0, 0); // mark system app as persistence helper if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:markPath]) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:markPath contents:[NSData data] attributes:nil]; } return YES; } void installPersistenceHelper(NSString* systemAppId) { if(findPersistenceHelperApp(PERSISTENCE_HELPER_TYPE_ALL)) return; NSString* persistenceHelperBinary = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"PersistenceHelper"]; NSString* rootHelperBinary = [trollStoreAppPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"trollstorehelper"]; LSApplicationProxy* appProxy = [LSApplicationProxy applicationProxyForIdentifier:systemAppId]; if(!appProxy || ![appProxy.bundleType isEqualToString:@"System"]) return; NSString* executablePath = appProxy.canonicalExecutablePath; NSString* bundlePath = appProxy.bundleURL.path; NSString* backupPath = [bundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[[executablePath lastPathComponent] stringByAppendingString:@"_TROLLSTORE_BACKUP"]]; if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:backupPath]) return; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:executablePath toPath:backupPath error:nil]) return; if(!_installPersistenceHelper(appProxy, persistenceHelperBinary, rootHelperBinary)) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:backupPath toPath:executablePath error:nil]; return; } BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription(systemAppId, 5, false, @"TrollStore - Reload persistence helper"); } void unregisterUserPersistenceHelper() { LSApplicationProxy* userAppProxy = findPersistenceHelperApp(PERSISTENCE_HELPER_TYPE_USER); if(userAppProxy) { NSString* markPath = [userAppProxy.bundleURL.path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".TrollStorePersistenceHelper"]; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:markPath error:nil]; } } void uninstallPersistenceHelper(void) { LSApplicationProxy* systemAppProxy = findPersistenceHelperApp(PERSISTENCE_HELPER_TYPE_SYSTEM); if(systemAppProxy) { NSString* executablePath = systemAppProxy.canonicalExecutablePath; NSString* bundlePath = systemAppProxy.bundleURL.path; NSString* backupPath = [bundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[[executablePath lastPathComponent] stringByAppendingString:@"_TROLLSTORE_BACKUP"]]; if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:backupPath]) return; NSString* helperPath = [bundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"trollstorehelper"]; NSString* markPath = [bundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".TrollStorePersistenceHelper"]; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:executablePath error:nil]; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:markPath error:nil]; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:helperPath error:nil]; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:backupPath toPath:executablePath error:nil]; BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription(systemAppProxy.bundleIdentifier, 5, false, @"TrollStore - Reload persistence helper"); } LSApplicationProxy* userAppProxy = findPersistenceHelperApp(PERSISTENCE_HELPER_TYPE_USER); if(userAppProxy) { unregisterUserPersistenceHelper(); } } void registerUserPersistenceHelper(NSString* userAppId) { if(findPersistenceHelperApp(PERSISTENCE_HELPER_TYPE_ALL)) return; LSApplicationProxy* appProxy = [LSApplicationProxy applicationProxyForIdentifier:userAppId]; if(!appProxy || ![appProxy.bundleType isEqualToString:@"User"]) return; NSString* markPath = [appProxy.bundleURL.path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".TrollStorePersistenceHelper"]; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:markPath contents:[NSData data] attributes:nil]; } // Apparently there is some odd behaviour where TrollStore installed apps sometimes get restricted // This works around that issue at least and is triggered when rebuilding icon cache void cleanRestrictions(void) { NSString* clientTruthPath = @"/private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/systemgroup.com.apple.configurationprofiles/Library/ConfigurationProfiles/ClientTruth.plist"; NSURL* clientTruthURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:clientTruthPath]; NSDictionary* clientTruthDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:clientTruthURL]; if(!clientTruthDictionary) return; NSArray* valuesArr; NSDictionary* lsdAppRemoval = clientTruthDictionary[@"com.apple.lsd.appremoval"]; if(lsdAppRemoval && [lsdAppRemoval isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) { NSDictionary* clientRestrictions = lsdAppRemoval[@"clientRestrictions"]; if(clientRestrictions && [clientRestrictions isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) { NSDictionary* unionDict = clientRestrictions[@"union"]; if(unionDict && [unionDict isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) { NSDictionary* removedSystemAppBundleIDs = unionDict[@"removedSystemAppBundleIDs"]; if(removedSystemAppBundleIDs && [removedSystemAppBundleIDs isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) { valuesArr = removedSystemAppBundleIDs[@"values"]; } } } } if(!valuesArr || !valuesArr.count) return; NSMutableArray* valuesArrM = valuesArr.mutableCopy; __block BOOL changed = NO; [valuesArrM enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationReverse usingBlock:^(NSString* value, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { if(!isRemovableSystemApp(value)) { [valuesArrM removeObjectAtIndex:idx]; changed = YES; } }]; if(!changed) return; NSMutableDictionary* clientTruthDictionaryM = (__bridge_transfer NSMutableDictionary*)CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)clientTruthDictionary, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves); clientTruthDictionaryM[@"com.apple.lsd.appremoval"][@"clientRestrictions"][@"union"][@"removedSystemAppBundleIDs"][@"values"] = valuesArrM; [clientTruthDictionaryM writeToURL:clientTruthURL error:nil]; killall(@"profiled", NO); // profiled needs to restart for the changes to apply } int MAIN_NAME(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { @autoreleasepool { if(argc <= 1) return -1; if(getuid() != 0) { NSLog(@"ERROR: trollstorehelper has to be run as root."); return -1; } NSMutableArray* args = [NSMutableArray new]; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { [args addObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[i]]]; } NSLog(@"trollstorehelper invoked with arguments: %@", args); int ret = 0; NSString* cmd = args.firstObject; if([cmd isEqualToString:@"install"]) { if(args.count < 2) return -3; // use system method when specified, otherwise use custom method BOOL useInstalldMethod = [args containsObject:@"installd"]; BOOL force = [args containsObject:@"force"]; NSString* ipaPath = args.lastObject; ret = installIpa(ipaPath, force, useInstalldMethod); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"uninstall"]) { if(args.count < 2) return -3; // use custom method when specified, otherwise use system method BOOL useCustomMethod = [args containsObject:@"custom"]; NSString* appId = args.lastObject; ret = uninstallAppById(appId, useCustomMethod); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"uninstall-path"]) { if(args.count < 2) return -3; // use custom method when specified, otherwise use system method BOOL useCustomMethod = [args containsObject:@"custom"]; NSString* appPath = args.lastObject; ret = uninstallAppByPath(appPath, useCustomMethod); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"install-trollstore"]) { if(args.count < 2) return -3; NSString* tsTar = args.lastObject; ret = installTrollStore(tsTar); NSLog(@"installed troll store? %d", ret==0); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"uninstall-trollstore"]) { if(![args containsObject:@"preserve-apps"]) { uninstallAllApps([args containsObject:@"custom"]); } uninstallTrollStore(YES); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"install-ldid"]) { //if (@available(iOS 16, *)) {} else { if(args.count < 3) return -3; NSString* ldidPath = args[1]; NSString* ldidVersion = args[2]; installLdid(ldidPath, ldidVersion); //} } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"refresh"]) { refreshAppRegistrations(YES); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"refresh-all"]) { cleanRestrictions(); //refreshAppRegistrations(NO); // <- fixes app permissions resetting, causes apps to move around on home screen, so I had to disable it [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:@"/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/systemgroup.com.apple.lsd.iconscache/Library/Caches/com.apple.IconsCache" error:nil]; [[LSApplicationWorkspace defaultWorkspace] _LSPrivateRebuildApplicationDatabasesForSystemApps:YES internal:YES user:YES]; refreshAppRegistrations(YES); killall(@"backboardd", YES); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"install-persistence-helper"]) { if(args.count < 2) return -3; NSString* systemAppId = args.lastObject; installPersistenceHelper(systemAppId); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"uninstall-persistence-helper"]) { uninstallPersistenceHelper(); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"register-user-persistence-helper"]) { if(args.count < 2) return -3; NSString* userAppId = args.lastObject; registerUserPersistenceHelper(userAppId); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"modify-registration"]) { if(args.count < 3) return -3; NSString* appPath = args[1]; NSString* newRegistration = args[2]; NSString* trollStoreMark = [[appPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"_TrollStore"]; if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:trollStoreMark]) { registerPath(appPath, NO, [newRegistration isEqualToString:@"System"]); } } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"url-scheme"]) { if(args.count < 2) return -3; NSString* modifyArg = args.lastObject; BOOL newState = [modifyArg isEqualToString:@"enable"]; if(newState == YES || [modifyArg isEqualToString:@"disable"]) { setTSURLSchemeState(newState, nil); } } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"check-dev-mode"]) { // switch the result, so 0 is enabled, and 1 is disabled/error ret = !checkDeveloperMode(); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"arm-dev-mode"]) { // assumes that checkDeveloperMode() has already been called ret = !armDeveloperMode(NULL); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"reboot"]) { [[FBSSystemService sharedService] reboot]; // Give the system some time to reboot sleep(1); } else if([cmd isEqualToString:@"enable-jit"]) { if(args.count < 2) return -3; NSString* userAppId = args.lastObject; ret = enableJIT(userAppId); } NSLog(@"trollstorehelper returning %d", ret); return ret; } }