# Install TrollStore with a SSH Ramdisk (Linux and macOS only) 1. download this tar and extract it https://github.com/opa334/TrollStore/releases/latest/download/TrollStore.tar 2. run `git clone https://github.com/verygenericname/SSHRD_Script --recursive && cd SSHRD_Script` 3. run `./sshrd.sh ` 4. run `./sshrd.sh boot` the device should start verbosing and say OK in ascii 5. in a new terminal window, run `iproxy 2222 22` 6. In the previous window, run `ssh -p2222 root@localhost`, the pass is alpine 7. Now, in the same window, run `mount_filesystems`, if a error occurs please make a issue in the SSHRD_Script repo 8. Run `cd /mnt2/containers/Bundle/Application` 9. For the app you would like to replace, run `grep -r "" .` - you can put something like Tips, must be a deletable system app 10. look for a filepath that looks like `.//.app` 11. run `cd /.app` 12. run `mv appname _TROLLSTORE_BACKUP` 13. Now, in another terminal window, cd into the folder of the tar you extracted earlier 14. Run `scp -P2222 PersistenceHelper root@localhost:/mnt2/containers/Bundle/Application//.app/` 15. Run `scp -P2222 trollstorehelper root@localhost:/mnt2/containers/Bundle/Application//.app/trollstorehelper` 16. In the window you sshed into the phone in, run `chown 33 & chmod 755 trollstorehelper`, `chown 0 trollstorehelper`, and run `reboot`, your phone will reboot into iOS 17. Open up the app you replaced, it should show some buttons like install trollstore, click install trollstore 18. TrollStore is installed!