> For iOS 14 please follow [this](https://github.com/flowerible/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy) you will need Windows, once you get ipa switch back to Mac preceed.
4. Grab pwnify_compiled from Fugu14 repo (https://github.com/LinusHenze/Fugu14/blob/master/tools/pwnify_compiled), sign it using codesign (`codesign -f -s - <path/to/pwnify_compiled>`) and put it at ~/TrollStore/_compile/pwnify_compiled
8. You can install that to a device using e.g. ideviceinstaller(do `brew install ideviceinstaller` then do `ideviceinstaller -i DeveloperInstaller.ipa`)
(Other methods may also work, but make sure you don't use a signing cert, you can also use an enterprise plist or something to install it via Safari as shown in Fugu15 demo, something like iFunBox may also work)