/* 3APA3A simpliest proxy server (c) 2002-2021 by Vladimir Dubrovin <3proxy@3proxy.org> please read License Agreement */ #include "proxy.h" #define MAXFAILATTEMPT 10 #ifdef WITHLOG #if WITHLOG > 1 char logbuf[1024]; #endif #define log(X) dolog(param,X) #else #define log(X) #endif #ifdef WITHSPLICE #include ssize_t splice(int fd_in, loff_t *off_in, int fd_out, loff_t *off_out, size_t len, unsigned int flags); #ifndef SPLICE_F_MOVE #define SPLICE_F_MOVE 0x01 #endif #ifndef SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK #define SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK 0x02 #endif #ifndef SPLICE_F_MORE #define SPLICE_F_MORE 0x04 #endif #ifndef SPLICE_F_GIFT #define SPLICE_F_GIFT 0x08 #endif #define MAXSPLICE 65536 #endif #define MIN(a,b) ((a>b)?b:a) #define RETURN(xxx) { res = xxx; goto CLEANRET; } int sockmap(struct clientparam * param, int timeo, int usesplice){ uint64_t fromclient=0x7fffffffffffffff, fromserver =0x7fffffffffffffff; uint64_t inclientbuf = 0, inserverbuf = 0; int FROMCLIENT = 1, TOCLIENTBUF = 1, FROMCLIENTBUF = 1, TOSERVER = 1, FROMSERVER = 1, TOSERVERBUF = 1, FROMSERVERBUF = 1, TOCLIENT = 1; int HASERROR=0; int CLIENTTERM = 0, SERVERTERM = 0; int after = 0; struct pollfd fds[6]; struct pollfd *fdsp = fds; int fdsc = 0; int sleeptime = 0; FILTER_ACTION action; int res; SASIZETYPE sasize; int needaction = 0; #ifdef WITHSPLICE uint64_t inclientpipe = 0, inserverpipe = 0; int TOCLIENTPIPE = 0, FROMCLIENTPIPE = 0, TOSERVERPIPE = 0, FROMSERVERPIPE = 0; int pipesrv[2] = {-1,-1}; int pipecli[2] = {-1,-1}; if(param->operation == UDPASSOC || (!param->nolongdatfilter && (param->ndatfilterscli > 0 || param->ndatfilterssrv))) usesplice = 0; if(usesplice){ TOCLIENTPIPE = FROMCLIENTPIPE = TOSERVERPIPE = FROMSERVERPIPE = 1; TOCLIENTBUF = TOSERVERBUF = 0; if(pipe2(pipecli, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) RETURN (21); if(pipe2(pipesrv, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) RETURN (21); } #endif inserverbuf = param->srvinbuf - param->srvoffset; inclientbuf = param->cliinbuf - param->clioffset; if(param->waitclient64) { fromclient = param->waitclient64; fromserver = 0; inserverbuf = 0; TOCLIENT = 0; FROMSERVER = 0; } if(param->waitserver64) { fromserver = param->waitserver64; fromclient = 0; inclientbuf = 0; TOSERVER = 0; FROMCLIENT = 0; } if(param->operation == UDPASSOC && param->srv->singlepacket){ fromclient = inclientbuf; FROMCLIENT = 0; } if(inserverbuf >= fromserver) FROMSERVER = 0; if(inclientbuf >= fromclient) FROMCLIENT = 0; #ifdef WITHSPLICE if(!usesplice) #endif { if(fromserver && !param->srvbuf && (!(param->srvbuf=myalloc(SRVBUFSIZE)) || !(param->srvbufsize = SRVBUFSIZE))){ RETURN (21); } if(fromclient && !param->clibuf && (!(param->clibuf=myalloc(SRVBUFSIZE)) || !(param->clibufsize = SRVBUFSIZE))){ RETURN (21); } } if(param->srvinbuf == param->srvoffset) param->srvinbuf =param->srvoffset = 0; if(param->cliinbuf == param->clioffset) param->cliinbuf =param->clioffset = 0; if(param->clibufsize == param->cliinbuf) TOCLIENTBUF = 0; if(param->srvbufsize == param->srvinbuf) TOSERVERBUF = 0; action = handlepredatflt(param); if(action == HANDLED){ RETURN(0); } if(action != PASS) RETURN(19); while( ((!CLIENTTERM) && fromserver && (inserverbuf #ifdef WITHSPLICE || inserverpipe #endif || (!SERVERTERM ))) || ((!SERVERTERM) && fromclient && (inclientbuf #ifdef WITHSPLICE || inclientpipe #endif || (!CLIENTTERM ))) ){ #if WITHLOG > 1 sprintf(logbuf, "int FROMCLIENT = %d, TOCLIENTBUF = %d, FROMCLIENTBUF = %d, TOSERVER = %d, " "FROMSERVER = %d, TOSERVERBUF = %d, FROMSERVERBUF = %d, TOCLIENT = %d; inclientbuf=%d; " "inserverbuf=%d, CLIENTTERM = %d, SERVERTERM =%d, fromserver=%u, fromclient=%u" #ifdef WITHSPLICE ", inserverpipe=%d, inclentpipe=%d " "TOCLIENTPIPE=%d FROMCLIENTPIPE==%d TOSERVERPIPE==%d FROMSERVERPIPE=%d" #endif , FROMCLIENT, TOCLIENTBUF, FROMCLIENTBUF, TOSERVER, FROMSERVER, TOSERVERBUF, FROMSERVERBUF, TOCLIENT, (int)inclientbuf, (int)inserverbuf, CLIENTTERM, SERVERTERM, (unsigned)fromserver, (unsigned)fromclient #ifdef WITHSPLICE ,(int)inserverpipe, (int)inclientpipe, TOCLIENTPIPE, FROMCLIENTPIPE, TOSERVERPIPE, FROMSERVERPIPE #endif ); log(logbuf); #endif if(needaction > 2 && !sleeptime){ if(needaction > (MAXFAILATTEMPT+1)){RETURN (93);} sleeptime = (1<<(needaction-2)); } if(sleeptime > 0) { if(sleeptime > (timeo * 1000)){RETURN (93);} memset(fds, 0, sizeof(fds)); fds[0].fd = param->clisock; fds[1].fd = param->remsock; so._poll(fds, 2, sleeptime); sleeptime = 0; } if((param->srv->logdumpsrv && (param->statssrv64 > param->srv->logdumpsrv)) || (param->srv->logdumpcli && (param->statscli64 > param->srv->logdumpcli))) dolog(param, NULL); if(param->version < conf.version){ if(!param->srv->noforce && (res = (*param->srv->authfunc)(param)) && res != 2) {RETURN(res);} param->paused = conf.paused; param->version = conf.version; } if((param->maxtrafin64 && param->statssrv64 >= param->maxtrafin64) || (param->maxtrafout64 && param->statscli64 >= param->maxtrafout64)){ RETURN (10); } if(inclientbuf && TOSERVER){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("send to server from buf"); #endif if(!param->nolongdatfilter){ action = handledatfltcli(param, ¶m->clibuf, (int *)¶m->clibufsize, param->cliinbuf - res, (int *)¶m->cliinbuf); if(action == HANDLED){ RETURN(0); } if(action != PASS) RETURN(19); inclientbuf=param->cliinbuf - param->clioffset; } if(!inclientbuf){ param->clioffset = param->cliinbuf = 0; if(fromclient) TOCLIENTBUF = 1; } sasize = sizeof(param->sinsr); res = so._sendto(param->remsock, (char *)param->clibuf + param->clioffset, (int)MIN(inclientbuf, fromclient), 0, (struct sockaddr*)¶m->sinsr, sasize); if(res <= 0) { TOSERVER = 0; if(errno && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR){ SERVERTERM = 1; HASERROR |= 2; } } else { #ifdef WITHLOG log("done send to server from buf"); #endif param->nwrites++; param->statscli64 += res; inclientbuf -= res; fromclient -= res; param->clioffset += res; if(param->clioffset == param->cliinbuf)param->clioffset = param->cliinbuf = 0; if(param->cliinbuf < param->clibufsize) TOCLIENTBUF = 1; if(param->bandlimfunc) { int sl1; sl1 = (*param->bandlimfunc)(param, 0, res); if(sl1 > sleeptime) sleeptime = sl1; } needaction = 0; continue; } } if(inserverbuf && TOCLIENT){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("send to client from buf"); #endif if(!param->nolongdatfilter){ action = handledatfltsrv(param, ¶m->srvbuf, (int *)¶m->srvbufsize, param->srvinbuf - res, (int *)¶m->srvinbuf); if(action == HANDLED){ RETURN(0); } if(action != PASS) RETURN(19); inserverbuf = param->srvinbuf - param->srvoffset; } if(!inserverbuf){ param->srvinbuf = param->srvoffset = 0; continue; } sasize = sizeof(param->sincr); res = so._sendto(param->clisock, (char *)param->srvbuf + param->srvoffset, (int)MIN(inserverbuf,fromserver), 0, (struct sockaddr*)¶m->sincr, sasize); if(res <= 0) { TOCLIENT = 0; if(errno && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR){ CLIENTTERM = 1; HASERROR |= 1; } } else { #ifdef WITHLOG log("done send to client from buf"); #endif inserverbuf -= res; fromserver -= res; param->srvoffset += res; if(param->srvoffset == param->srvinbuf)param->srvoffset = param->srvinbuf =0; if(param->srvinbuf < param->srvbufsize) TOSERVERBUF = 1; needaction = 0; continue; } } #ifdef WITHSPLICE if(usesplice){ if(inclientpipe && !inclientbuf && FROMCLIENTPIPE && TOSERVER){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("send to server from pipe"); #endif res = splice(pipecli[0], NULL, param->remsock, NULL, MIN(MAXSPLICE, inclientpipe), SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK|SPLICE_F_MOVE); #ifdef WITHLOG log("server from pipe splice finished\n"); #if WITHLOG > 1 #ifdef WITHSPLICE sprintf(logbuf, "res: %d, errno: %d", (int)res, (int)errno); log(logbuf); #endif #endif #endif if(res >0) { param->nwrites++; param->statscli64 += res; inclientpipe -= res; fromclient -= res; if(param->bandlimfunc) { int sl1; sl1 = (*param->bandlimfunc)(param, 0, res); if(sl1 > sleeptime) sleeptime = sl1; } needaction = 0; continue; } else { FROMCLIENTPIPE = TOSERVER = 0; } } if(inserverpipe && !inserverbuf && FROMSERVERPIPE && TOCLIENT){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("send to client from pipe"); #endif res = splice(pipesrv[0], NULL, param->clisock, NULL, MIN(MAXSPLICE, inserverpipe), SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK|SPLICE_F_MOVE); #ifdef WITHLOG log("client from pipe splice finished\n"); #if WITHLOG > 1 #ifdef WITHSPLICE sprintf(logbuf, "res: %d, errno: %d", (int)res, (int)errno); log(logbuf); #endif #endif #endif if(res > 0) { inserverpipe -= res; fromserver -= res; if(fromserver)TOSERVERPIPE = 1; needaction = 0; continue; } else { FROMSERVERPIPE = TOCLIENT = 0; } } if(fromclient>inclientpipe && FROMCLIENT && TOCLIENTPIPE){ int error; socklen_t len=sizeof(error); #ifdef WITHLOG log("read from client to pipe"); #endif errno = 0; res = splice(param->clisock, NULL, pipecli[1], NULL, (int)MIN((uint64_t)MAXSPLICE - inclientpipe, (uint64_t)fromclient-inclientpipe), SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK|SPLICE_F_MOVE); #ifdef WITHLOG log("client to pipe splice finished\n"); #if WITHLOG > 1 #ifdef WITHSPLICE sprintf(logbuf, "res: %d, errno: %d", (int)res, (int)errno); log(logbuf); #endif #endif #endif if(res <= 0) { FROMCLIENT = TOCLIENTPIPE = 0; if(res == 0 && !errno) { CLIENTTERM = 1; continue; } } else { #ifdef WITHLOG log("done read from client to pipe"); #endif inclientpipe += res; if(inclientpipe >= MAXSPLICE) TOCLIENTPIPE = 0; needaction = 0; continue; } } if(fromserver > inserverpipe && FROMSERVER && TOSERVERPIPE){ int error; socklen_t len=sizeof(error); errno = 0; #ifdef WITHLOG log("read from server to pipe\n"); #endif res = splice(param->remsock, NULL, pipesrv[1], NULL, MIN(MAXSPLICE - inclientpipe, fromserver - inserverpipe), SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK|SPLICE_F_MOVE); #ifdef WITHLOG log("server to pipe splice finished\n"); #if WITHLOG > 1 #ifdef WITHSPLICE sprintf(logbuf, "res: %d, errno: %d", (int)res, (int)errno); log(logbuf); #endif #endif #endif if(res <= 0) { FROMSERVER = TOSERVERPIPE = 0; if(res == 0 && !errno) { SERVERTERM = 1; continue; } } else { #ifdef WITHLOG log("done read from server to pipe\n"); #endif param->nreads++; param->statssrv64 += res; inserverpipe += res; if(inserverpipe >= MAXSPLICE) TOSERVERPIPE = 0; if(param->bandlimfunc) { int sl1; sl1 = (*param->bandlimfunc)(param, res, 0); if(sl1 > sleeptime) sleeptime = sl1; } if(param->operation == UDPASSOC && param->srv->singlepacket){ fromserver = inserverpipe; FROMSERVER = 0; } needaction = 0; continue; } } } else #endif { if(fromclient > inclientbuf && FROMCLIENT && TOCLIENTBUF){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("read from client to buf"); #endif sasize = sizeof(param->sincr); res = so._recvfrom(param->clisock, (char *)param->clibuf + param->cliinbuf, (int)MIN((uint64_t)param->clibufsize - param->cliinbuf, fromclient-inclientbuf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)¶m->sincr, &sasize); if(res <= 0) { FROMCLIENT = 0; if(res == 0 || (errno && errno != EINTR && errno !=EAGAIN)){ CLIENTTERM = 1; continue; } } else { #ifdef WITHLOG log("done read from client to buf"); #endif inclientbuf += res; param->cliinbuf += res; if(param->clibufsize == param->cliinbuf) TOCLIENTBUF = 0; needaction = 0; continue; } } if(fromserver > inserverbuf && FROMSERVER && TOSERVERBUF){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("read from server to buf"); #endif sasize = sizeof(param->sinsr); res = so._recvfrom(param->remsock, (char *)param->srvbuf + param->srvinbuf, (int)MIN((uint64_t)param->srvbufsize - param->srvinbuf, fromserver-inserverbuf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)¶m->sinsr, &sasize); if(res <= 0) { FROMSERVER = 0; if(res == 0 || (errno && errno != EINTR && errno !=EAGAIN)) { SERVERTERM = 1; continue; } } else { #ifdef WITHLOG log("done read from server to buf"); #endif param->nreads++; param->statssrv64 += res; inserverbuf += res; param->srvinbuf += res; if(param->bandlimfunc) { int sl1; sl1 = (*param->bandlimfunc)(param, res, 0); if(sl1 > sleeptime) sleeptime = sl1; } if(param->srvbufsize == param->srvinbuf) TOSERVERBUF = 0; if(param->operation == UDPASSOC && param->srv->singlepacket){ fromserver = inserverbuf; FROMSERVER = 0; } needaction = 0; continue; } } } for(after = 0; after < 2; after ++){ fdsc = 0; if(!after){ memset(fds, 0, sizeof(fds)); } if(!CLIENTTERM){ if(!after){ fds[fdsc].fd = param->clisock; if(fromclient && !FROMCLIENT && (( #ifdef WITHSPLICE !usesplice && #endif TOCLIENTBUF) #ifdef WITHSPLICE || (usesplice) #endif )){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("wait reading from client"); #endif fds[fdsc].events |= (POLLIN); } if(!TOCLIENT && (inserverbuf #ifdef WITHSPLICE || inserverpipe #endif )){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("wait writing to client"); #endif fds[fdsc].events |= POLLOUT; } } else{ if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL)) { CLIENTTERM = 1; HASERROR |= 1; } else { if(fds[fdsc].revents & POLLIN) { #ifdef WITHLOG log("ready to read from client"); #endif FROMCLIENT = 1; } if(fds[fdsc].revents & POLLOUT) { #ifdef WITHLOG log("ready to write to client"); #endif TOCLIENT = 1; } if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLHUP)) { if(fds[fdsc].events & POLLIN) FROMCLIENT = 1; if(fds[fdsc].events & POLLOUT) CLIENTTERM = 1; } } } fdsc++; } if(!SERVERTERM){ if(!after){ fds[fdsc].fd = param->remsock; if(fromserver && !FROMSERVER && (( #ifdef WITHSPLICE !usesplice && #endif TOSERVERBUF) #ifdef WITHSPLICE || (usesplice) #endif )){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("wait reading from server"); #endif fds[fdsc].events |= (POLLIN); } if(!TOSERVER && (inclientbuf #ifdef WITHSPLICE || inclientpipe #endif )){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("wait writing from server"); #endif fds[fdsc].events |= POLLOUT; } } else{ if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL)) { #ifdef WITHLOG log("poll from server failed"); #endif SERVERTERM = 1; HASERROR |=2; } else { if(fds[fdsc].revents & POLLIN) { #ifdef WITHLOG log("ready to read from server"); #endif FROMSERVER = 1; } if(fds[fdsc].revents & POLLOUT) { #ifdef WITHLOG log("ready to write to server"); #endif TOSERVER = 1; } if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLHUP)) { #ifdef WITHLOG log("server terminated connection"); #endif if(fds[fdsc].events & POLLIN) FROMSERVER = 1; if(fds[fdsc].events & POLLOUT) SERVERTERM = 1; } } } fdsc++; } #ifdef WITHSPLICE if(usesplice){ if(fromclient>inclientpipe && !TOCLIENTPIPE && inclientpipe < MAXSPLICE){ if(!after){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("wait writing to client pipe"); #endif fds[fdsc].fd = pipecli[1]; fds[fdsc].events |= POLLOUT; } else { if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLHUP|POLLERR|POLLNVAL)){ RETURN(90); } if(fds[fdsc].revents & POLLOUT) { #ifdef WITHLOG log("ready to write to client pipe"); #endif TOCLIENTPIPE = 1; } } fdsc++; } if(inclientpipe && !FROMCLIENTPIPE){ if(!after){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("wait reading from client pipe"); #endif fds[fdsc].fd = pipecli[0]; fds[fdsc].events |= (POLLIN); } else { if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLHUP|POLLERR|POLLNVAL)){ RETURN(90); } #ifdef WITHLOG log("ready reading from client pipe"); #endif if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLIN)) FROMCLIENTPIPE = 1; } fdsc++; } if(fromserver>inserverpipe && !TOSERVERPIPE && inserverpipe < MAXSPLICE){ if(!after){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("wait writing to server pipe"); #endif fds[fdsc].fd = pipesrv[1]; fds[fdsc].events |= POLLOUT; } else { if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLHUP|POLLERR|POLLNVAL)){ RETURN(90); } #ifdef WITHLOG log("ready writing to server pipe"); #endif if(fds[fdsc].revents & POLLOUT) TOSERVERPIPE = 1; } fdsc++; } if(inserverpipe && !FROMSERVERPIPE){ if(!after){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("wait reading from server pipe"); #endif fds[fdsc].fd = pipesrv[0]; fds[fdsc].events |= (POLLIN); } else { if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLHUP|POLLERR|POLLNVAL)){ RETURN(90); } #ifdef WITHLOG log("ready reading from server pipe"); #endif if(fds[fdsc].revents & (POLLIN)) FROMSERVERPIPE = 1; } fdsc++; } } #endif if(!after){ if(!fdsc) RETURN(90); #ifdef WITHLOG log("entering poll"); #endif res = so._poll(fds, fdsc, timeo*1000); #ifdef WITHLOG log("leaving poll"); #endif if(res < 0){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("poll error"); #endif if(errno != EINTR) RETURN(91); break; } if(res < 1){ #ifdef WITHLOG log("timeout"); #endif RETURN (92); } } } needaction++; } res = 0; if(!fromserver && param->waitserver64) res = 98; else if(!fromclient && param->waitclient64) res = 99; else if(HASERROR) res = 94+HASERROR; else if((inclientbuf || inserverbuf)) res = 94; #ifdef WITHSPLICE else if(inclientpipe || inserverpipe) res = 94; #endif CLEANRET: #ifdef WITHSPLICE if(pipecli[0] >= 0) close(pipecli[0]); if(pipecli[1] >= 0) close(pipecli[1]); if(pipesrv[0] >= 0) close(pipesrv[0]); if(pipesrv[1] >= 0) close(pipesrv[1]); #endif return res; }