# # 3 proxy Makefile for Open Watcom 2 # # You can try to remove -DWITH_STD_MALLOC to CFLAGS to use optimized malloc # libraries # # Add /DSAFESQL to CFLAGS if you are using poorely written/tested ODBC driver BUILDDIR = ../bin/ CC = cl CFLAGS = /nologo /Ox /MT /D "NOIPV6" /D "NODEBUG" /D "NOODBC" /D "NORADIUS" /D"WATCOM" /D "MSVC" /D "WITH_STD_MALLOC" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WIN32" /c $(VERSION) $(BUILDDATE) COUT = /Fo LN = link LDFLAGS = /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no DLFLAGS = /DLL DLSUFFICS = .dll LIBS = ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib kernel32.lib LIBSOLD = libeay32MT.lib ssleay32MT.lib LIBSPREFIX = LIBSSUFFIX = .lib LIBEXT = .lib LNOUT = /out: EXESUFFICS = .exe OBJSUFFICS = .obj DEFINEOPTION = /D COMPFILES = *.pch *.idb *.err REMOVECOMMAND = del 2>NUL >NUL TYPECOMMAND = type COMPATLIBS = MAKEFILE = Makefile.watcom PLUGINS = utf8tocp1251 WindowsAuthentication TrafficPlugin StringsPlugin PCREPlugin VERFILE = $(VERFILE) VERSION = $(VERSION) VERSIONDEP = 3proxy.res $(VERSIONDEP) BUILDDATE = $(BUILDDATE) include Makefile.inc 3proxy.res: rc 3proxy.rc allplugins: copy Makefile plugins\utf8tocp1251 copy Makefile.var plugins\utf8tocp1251 cd plugins\utf8tocp1251 nmake del *.obj *.idb cd ../../ copy Makefile plugins\WindowsAuthentication copy Makefile.var plugins\WindowsAuthentication cd plugins\WindowsAuthentication nmake del *.obj *.idb cd ../../ copy Makefile plugins\TrafficPlugin copy Makefile.var plugins\TrafficPlugin cd plugins\TrafficPlugin nmake del *.obj *.idb cd ../../ copy Makefile plugins\StringsPlugin copy Makefile.var plugins\StringsPlugin cd plugins\StringsPlugin nmake del *.obj *.idb cd ../../ copy Makefile plugins\PCREPlugin copy Makefile.var plugins\PCREPlugin cd plugins\PCREPlugin nmake del *.obj *.idb cd ../../