/* 3APA3A simpliest proxy server (c) 2002-2008 by ZARAZA <3APA3A@security.nnov.ru> please read License Agreement */ #include "proxy.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #include #ifndef NOPLUGINS #include #endif #endif #ifndef DEFAULTCONFIG #define DEFAULTCONFIG conf.stringtable[25] #endif FILE * confopen(); extern unsigned char *strings[]; extern FILE *writable; extern struct counter_header cheader; extern struct counter_record crecord; time_t basetime = 0; void doschedule(void); #ifdef _WIN32 OSVERSIONINFO osv; int service = 0; void cyclestep(void); #ifndef _WINCE SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hSrv; DWORD dwCurrState; int SetStatus( DWORD dwState, DWORD dwExitCode, DWORD dwProgress ) { SERVICE_STATUS srvStatus; srvStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; srvStatus.dwCurrentState = dwCurrState = dwState; srvStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; srvStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = dwExitCode; srvStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; srvStatus.dwCheckPoint = dwProgress; srvStatus.dwWaitHint = 3000; return SetServiceStatus( hSrv, &srvStatus ); } void __stdcall CommandHandler( DWORD dwCommand ) { switch( dwCommand ) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: SetStatus( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, 0, 1 ); conf.paused++; conf.timetoexit = 1; Sleep(2000); SetStatus( SERVICE_STOPPED, 0, 0 ); #ifndef NOODBC pthread_mutex_lock(&log_mutex); close_sql(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&log_mutex); #endif break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: SetStatus( SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING, 0, 1 ); conf.paused++; SetStatus( SERVICE_PAUSED, 0, 0 ); break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: SetStatus( SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING, 0, 1 ); conf.needreload = 1; SetStatus( SERVICE_RUNNING, 0, 0 ); break; default: ; } } void __stdcall ServiceMain(int argc, unsigned char* argv[] ) { hSrv = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(conf.stringtable[1], (LPHANDLER_FUNCTION)CommandHandler); if( hSrv == 0 ) return; SetStatus( SERVICE_START_PENDING, 0, 1 ); SetStatus( SERVICE_RUNNING, 0, 0 ); cyclestep(); } #endif #else void mysigusr1 (int sig){ conf.needreload = 1; } int even = 0; void mysigpause (int sig){ conf.paused++; even = !even; if(!even){ conf.needreload = 1; } } void mysigterm (int sig){ conf.paused++; usleep(999*SLEEPTIME); usleep(999*SLEEPTIME); #ifndef NOODBC pthread_mutex_lock(&log_mutex); close_sql(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&log_mutex); #endif conf.timetoexit = 1; } #endif void dumpmem(void); struct schedule *schedule; int wday = 0; int timechanged (time_t oldtime, time_t newtime, ROTATION lt){ struct tm tmold; struct tm *tm; tm = localtime(&oldtime); memcpy(&tmold, tm, sizeof(tmold)); tm = localtime(&newtime); switch(lt){ case MINUTELY: if(tm->tm_min != tmold.tm_min)return 1; break; case HOURLY: if(tm->tm_hour != tmold.tm_hour)return 1; break; case DAILY: if(tm->tm_yday != tmold.tm_yday)return 1; break; case MONTHLY: if(tm->tm_mon != tmold.tm_mon)return 1; break; case ANNUALLY: if(tm->tm_year != tmold.tm_year)return 1; break; case WEEKLY: if(((newtime - oldtime) > (60*60*24*7)) || tm->tm_wday < tmold.tm_wday || (tm->tm_wday == tmold.tm_wday && (newtime - oldtime) > (60*60*24*6)) )return 1; break; default: break; } return 0; } void doschedule(void){ struct schedule *sched, *prevsched = NULL, *nextsched; int res; conf.time = time(0); for(sched=schedule; sched; sched=sched->next){ if(conf.needreload || conf.timetoexit || (conf.time > sched->start_time && timechanged(sched->start_time, conf.time, sched->type))){ sched->start_time = conf.time; nextsched = sched->next; res = (*sched->function)(sched->data); switch(res){ case 1: if(prevsched) prevsched->next = nextsched; else schedule = nextsched; break; } } prevsched = sched; } } void dumpcounters(struct trafcount *tlin, int counterd){ struct trafcount *tl; if(counterd >= 0 && tlin) { conf.time = time(0); if(cheader.updated && conf.countertype && timechanged(cheader.updated, conf.time, conf.countertype)){ FILE * cfp; cfp = fopen((char *)dologname(tmpbuf, (unsigned char *)conf.counterfile, NULL, conf.countertype, cheader.updated), "w"); if(cfp){ for(tl = tlin; cfp && tl; tl = tl->next){ if(tl->type >= conf.countertype) fprintf(cfp, "%05d %020"PRINTF_INT64_MODIFIER"u%s%s\n", tl->number, tl->traf64, tl->comment?" #" : "", tl->comment? tl->comment : ""); } fclose(cfp); } } cheader.updated = conf.time; lseek(counterd, 0, SEEK_SET); write(counterd, &cheader, sizeof(struct counter_header)); for(tl=tlin; tl; tl = tl->next){ if(tl->number){ lseek(counterd, sizeof(struct counter_header) + (tl->number - 1) * sizeof(struct counter_record), SEEK_SET); crecord.traf64 = tl->traf64; crecord.cleared = tl->cleared; crecord.updated = tl->updated; write(counterd, &crecord, sizeof(struct counter_record)); } if(tl->type!=NEVER && timechanged(tl->cleared, conf.time, tl->type)){ tl->cleared = conf.time; tl->traf64 = 0; } } } } void cyclestep(void){ struct tm *tm; time_t minutecounter; minutecounter = time(0); for(;;){ usleep(SLEEPTIME*999); conf.time = time(0); if(conf.needreload) { doschedule(); reload(); conf.needreload = 0; } doschedule(); if(conf.stdlog)fflush(conf.stdlog); if(timechanged(minutecounter, conf.time, MINUTELY)) { struct filemon *fm; struct stat sb; for(fm=conf.fmon; fm; fm=fm->next){ if(!stat(fm->path, &sb)){ if(fm->sb.st_mtime != sb.st_mtime || fm->sb.st_size != sb.st_size){ stat(fm->path, &fm->sb); conf.needreload = 1; } } } } if(timechanged(basetime, conf.time, DAILY)) { tm = localtime(&conf.time); wday = (1 << tm->tm_wday); tm->tm_hour = tm->tm_min = tm->tm_sec = 0; basetime = mktime(tm); } if(conf.logname) { if(timechanged(conf.logtime, conf.time, conf.logtype)) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen((char *)dologname (tmpbuf, conf.logname, NULL, conf.logtype, conf.time), "a"); if (fp) { pthread_mutex_lock(&log_mutex); fclose(conf.stdlog); conf.stdlog = fp; pthread_mutex_unlock(&log_mutex); } fseek(stdout, 0L, SEEK_END); usleep(SLEEPTIME); conf.logtime = conf.time; if(conf.logtype != NONE && conf.rotate) { int t; t = 1; switch(conf.logtype){ case ANNUALLY: t = t * 12; case MONTHLY: t = t * 4; case WEEKLY: t = t * 7; case DAILY: t = t * 24; case HOURLY: t = t * 60; case MINUTELY: t = t * 60; default: break; } dologname (tmpbuf, conf.logname, (conf.archiver)?conf.archiver[1]:NULL, conf.logtype, (conf.logtime - t * conf.rotate)); remove ((char *) tmpbuf); if(conf.archiver) { int i; *tmpbuf = 0; for(i = 2; i < conf.archiverc && strlen((char *)tmpbuf) < 512; i++){ strcat((char *)tmpbuf, " "); if(!strcmp((char *)conf.archiver[i], "%A")){ strcat((char *)tmpbuf, "\""); dologname (tmpbuf + strlen((char *)tmpbuf), conf.logname, conf.archiver[1], conf.logtype, (conf.logtime - t)); strcat((char *)tmpbuf, "\""); } else if(!strcmp((char *)conf.archiver[i], "%F")){ strcat((char *)tmpbuf, "\""); dologname (tmpbuf+strlen((char *)tmpbuf), conf.logname, NULL, conf.logtype, (conf.logtime-t)); strcat((char *)tmpbuf, "\""); } else strcat((char *)tmpbuf, (char *)conf.archiver[i]); } system((char *)tmpbuf+1); } } } } if(conf.counterd >= 0 && conf.trafcounter) { if(timechanged(cheader.updated, conf.time, MINUTELY)){ dumpcounters(conf.trafcounter, conf.counterd); } } if(conf.timetoexit){ conf.paused++; doschedule(); usleep(SLEEPTIME*999); usleep(SLEEPTIME*999); usleep(SLEEPTIME*999); return; } } } #define RETURN(x) {res = x; goto CLEARRETURN;} #ifndef _WINCE int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { #else int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow){ int argc; char ** argv; WNDCLASS wc; HWND hwnd = 0; #endif int res = 0; FILE * fp = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 unsigned char * arg; WSADATA wd; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ), &wd); osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osv); GetVersionEx(&osv); #endif #ifdef _WINCE argc = ceparseargs((char *)lpCmdLine); argv = ceargv; if(FindWindow(L"3proxy", L"3proxy")) return 0; ZeroMemory(&wc,sizeof(wc)); wc.hbrBackground=(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); wc.hInstance=hInstance; wc.hCursor=LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW); wc.lpfnWndProc=DefWindowProc; wc.style=CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpszClassName=L"3proxy"; RegisterClass(&wc); hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0,L"3proxy",L"3proxy",WS_VISIBLE|WS_POPUP,0,0,0,0,0,0,hInstance,0); #endif conf.stringtable = strings; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef _WINCE if((argc == 2 || argc == 3)&& !strcmp((char *)argv[1], "--install")) { sprintf((char *)tmpbuf, "%s will be installed and started.\n" "By clicking Yes you confirm you read and accepted License Agreement.\n" "You can use Administration/Services to control %s service.", conf.stringtable[1], conf.stringtable[2]); if(MessageBox(NULL, (char *)tmpbuf, conf.stringtable[2], MB_YESNO|MB_ICONASTERISK) != IDYES) return 1; *tmpbuf = '\"'; if (!(res = SearchPath(NULL, argv[0], ".exe", 256, (char *)tmpbuf+1, (LPTSTR*)&arg))) { perror("Failed to find executable filename"); RETURN(102); } strcat((char *)tmpbuf, "\" \""); if(!(res = GetFullPathName ((argc == 3)?argv[2]:(char*)DEFAULTCONFIG, 256, (char *)tmpbuf+res+4, (char **)&arg))){ perror("Failed to find config filename"); RETURN(103); } strcat((char *)tmpbuf, "\" --service"); if(osv.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT){ SC_HANDLE sch; if(!(sch = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_WRITE|SERVICE_START ))){ perror("Failed to open Service Manager"); RETURN(101); } if (!(sch = CreateService(sch, conf.stringtable[1], conf.stringtable[2], GENERIC_EXECUTE, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, (char *)tmpbuf, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))){ perror("Failed to create service"); RETURN(103); } if (!StartService(sch, 0, NULL)) { perror("Failed to start service"); RETURN(103); } } else { HKEY runsrv; if(RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunServices", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &runsrv) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ perror("Failed to open registry"); RETURN(104); } if(RegSetValueEx( runsrv, conf.stringtable[1], 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (char *)tmpbuf, (int)strlen((char *)tmpbuf)+1)!=ERROR_SUCCESS){ perror("Failed to set registry value"); RETURN(105); } } return 0; } if((argc == 2 || argc == 3)&& !strcmp((char *)argv[1], "--remove")) { if(osv.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT){ SC_HANDLE sch; if(!(sch = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_WRITE))){ perror("Failed to open Service Manager\n"); RETURN(106); } if (!(sch = OpenService(sch, conf.stringtable[1], DELETE))){ perror("Failed to open service"); RETURN(107); } if (!DeleteService(sch)){ perror("Failed to delete service"); RETURN(108); } } else { HKEY runsrv; if(RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunServices", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &runsrv) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ perror("Failed to open registry"); RETURN(109); } if(RegDeleteValue(runsrv, conf.stringtable[1]) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ perror("Failed to clear registry"); RETURN(110); } } RETURN(0); } if(argc==3 && !strcmp(argv[2], "--service")){ service = 1; argc = 2; } #endif #endif conf.conffile = mystrdup((argc==2)?argv[1]:(char*)DEFAULTCONFIG); if(conf.conffile && *conf.conffile != '-') { fp = confopen(); #ifndef _WIN32 if(!fp) fp = stdin; #endif } if(argc > 2 || !(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [conffile]\n", argv[0]); #ifdef _WIN32 fprintf(stderr, "\n\t%s --install [conffile]\n\tto install as service\n" "\n\t%s --remove\n\tto remove service\n", argv[0], argv[0]); #else fprintf(stderr, "\n if conffile is missing, configuration is expected from stdin\n"); #endif fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s\n%s\n", conf.stringtable[2], conf.stringtable[3], copyright); return 1; } pthread_mutex_init(&log_mutex, NULL); logmutexinit = 1; pthread_mutex_init(&config_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&bandlim_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&hash_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&tc_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&pwl_mutex, NULL); freeconf(&conf); res = readconfig(fp); if(res) RETURN(res); if(!writable)fclose(fp); #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef _WINCE if(service){ SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ste[] = { { conf.stringtable[1], (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION)ServiceMain}, { NULL, NULL } }; if(!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher( ste ))cyclestep(); } else #endif { cyclestep(); } #else signal(SIGCONT, mysigpause); signal(SIGTERM, mysigterm); signal(SIGUSR1, mysigusr1); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); cyclestep(); #endif CLEARRETURN: return 0; }