# # 3 proxy Makefile for GCC/windows # # You can try to remove -DWITH_STD_MALLOC to CFLAGS to use optimized malloc # libraries # # remove -DNOODBC from CFLAGS and add -lodbc to LDFLAGS to compile with ODBC # library support BUILDDIR = ../bin/ CC = clang CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -c -pthread -static -DWITH_STD_MALLOC -DNOIPV6 COUT = -o LN = $(CC) LDFLAGS = -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -static -s DLFLAGS = -shared DLSUFFICS = .dll LIBS = -lws2_32 -lodbc32 -ladvapi32 LIBSPREFIX = -l LIBSSUFFIX = LNOUT = -o EXESUFFICS = .exe OBJSUFFICS = .o DEFINEOPTION = -D COMPFILES = *.tmp REMOVECOMMAND = rm -f AFTERCLEAN = find src/ -type f -name "*.o" -delete && find src/ -type f -name "Makefile.var" -delete && find bin/ -type f -executable -delete TYPECOMMAND = cat COMPATLIBS = MAKEFILE = Makefile.win PLUGINS = utf8tocp1251 WindowsAuthentication TrafficPlugin StringsPlugin PCREPlugin include Makefile.inc allplugins: for /D %%i in ($(PLUGINS)) do (copy Makefile plugins\%%i && copy Makefile.var plugins\%%i && cd plugins\%%i && nmake && del *.o &&cd ..\..)